Chapter 7: The Three-Headed Dog and Harry and Hope Learn Quidditch

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Hope's POV:

As Harry, Hermione, Ron, and I are headed back to the Common Room, the staircase we are on move slightly. "What's happening?" Harry asks. "The staircases change, remember?" Hermione asks him. Finally it stops. "Come on, before the staircase moves again." I say.

They all nod and we quickly get off. We walk through a door and come to a creepy hallway. "Does anyone get the feeling that we're not supposed to be here?" Ron asks. "We're not supposed to be here, this is the third floor, it's forbidden." Hermione whispers.

As we take another step forward and pillar light up with fire. "Let's go." Harry says. We nod, but when we turn around I look down when I hear a loud meow. Mrs. Norris, Filch's cat is standing in front of us with her blood red eyes. "It's Filch's cat." Hermione whispers. "Run." Harry instructs.

We all turn and take off in the opposite direction. We run a little ways before I hear Harry say something. "Quick, let's hide through this door." We all run, but when Ron pulls on the door handle, it appears locked. "It's locked!" Harry says, exasperated. Hermione and I roll our eyes.

"Oh move over." Hermione says, pushing the boys out of the way. "Alohamora." With that the door unlocks and we run inside, closing the door securely behind us. "Alohamora?" Ron asks. "Standard Book of Spells, Chapter 7." She informs him.

Hermione cracks the door a little bit before closing it. "Filch is gone." She informs. I block out the rest of what is said from there because when I turn around I come face to face with a THREE-HEADED DOG. "AHHHHHHHHHH!" We all yell. It starts barking at us as we race back to the door.

We just barely get out. Once we are out, however; we run all the way back to the Gryffindor Common Room. Ron is the first one to speak. "What do they think they're doing? Keeping a thing like that, locked up in a school?" He asks.

"You don't use your eyes, do you? Didn't you see what it was standing on?" Hermione asks. "I wasn't looking at its feet, I was a bit preoccupied with its heads, in case you didn't know, it had three." Ron snaps.

"It was standing on a trap door, which means it wasn't there on accident. It was guarding something." She says. "Guarding something?" Ron asks. "That's right, now, I'm going to bed before either of you come up with another clever idea to get us killed, or worse, expelled."

With that Hermione drags me into the girls dormitory. "Honestly that Ronald is so daft." She says, once the door is closed. "Give him a break Hermione, not everyone can be as clever as you and I." I say, smirking. She just rolls her eyes and we get ready for bed. 

Once we are, I quickly fall asleep. The following day, after the whole, three-headed dog incident, I wake up to a letter falling onto my chest. I look up to see a pure white owl. The owl nods to me and takes off. Sighing I quickly open the letter.


Wood says that our introduction to Quidditch lesson will be today are 11:00 AM. He said to meet him in the Great Hall and we'll go from there.


Smiling I quickly hope out of bed, all thoughts of the dog, gone, and go over to my trunk. Since it is a weekend and there are no classes, I opt for something a bit more comfortable than my robes. Once I have everything I head into the bathroom and change into the outfit I chose. 

Once I'm done I quickly braid my hair off to the side. After I'm finished with that I slip a beanie over my head and wash my face and brush up hair. After that I apply mascara and lip balm. Once that is all finished I exit the bathroom and go back to my trunk. 

I pull out my combat boots and slip them on my feet before looking at the time. 9:30. Great, just enough time to eat breakfast. I grab my wand and slip it into my waist band before exiting the dormitory. When I reach the Common Room I see Harry just exiting out the portrait hole. 

Smirking I quickly follow behind him and once we're on a safe level I jump onto his back. "Ah!" He yells, and almost drops me. I laugh. "Not funny Hope." He says, adjusting his grip on me. "Well I though it was very funny." I say. "Oh, I"m sure you did." He says. 

We walk like this till we reach the entrance to the Great Hall. When we get there I gracefully hop off of Harry's back. And by gracefully I mean I fall on my butt. Harry is the one laughing this time as he helps me up. "Ok, ok. Shut up." I grumble as we take our usual seats at the table. 

There is little talking as we pile our plates high with food and stuff our faces. By the time we finish our food it is 10:55. Getting up we go to the entrance of the hall and wait there for Wood. "Ah, good to know that you two are punctual." He says. We turn around and smile at him. 

"Ready to go?" He asks us. We nod and follow him through the hallways. We first go to a closet where Harry helps Wood with a trunk and I grab two small bats. Then we head out to the empty courtyard. 

"Quidditch is easy enough to understand. Each team has seven players. "Three chasers, that's your Hope, two beaters, one keeper, and the seeker, that's you Harry." He explains. Once we are in the middle of the yard Harry and Wood set the the trunk down and Wood starts opening it. 

Once it is open, Wood takes out the giant one and passes it to me. I catch it with ease. "There are three kinds of balls. This one's called the Quaffle. Now the chasers handle the Quaffle and try to put it through one of those three hoops. The Keeper, that's me, defends the hoops." He explains.

I stare at the hoops. They're bigger than the ones at home. Should be easy enough. "With me so far?" He asks us. I nod, through the ball back to him. "I think so, what are those?" Harry asks, pointing to the struggling falls that are latched down. 

Wood puts the Quaffle back and hands Harry and I each a bat. "You better take these." He tells us. We hesitantly grab them. Wood reaches down and presses a button, unleashing one of the balls. it soars high into the sky before coming back towards us. "Watch it now, here it comes."

The ball comes towards me and I rear back and give it a hard smack away from us. "Nice one Hope, you'd make a fair beater." Wood compliments. I smile a little bit. "Uh oh." He says as it comes back. Harry and I duck as Wood tackles it to the ground. 

He struggles with it until it is securely back in the trunk. "What was that?" Harry asks. "A Bludger, nasty little buggers. But you, Harry, are a seeker." He says, opening two small doors in the lid and pulling out a small gold ball. "The only thing I want you to worry about is this." Wood says.

He holds it in front of Harry's face before handing to him. "The Golden Snitch." "I like this ball." Harry says. "Ah, you like it now. But it's wicked fast and damn near impossible to see." Wood explains. "What do I do with it?" Harry asks. 

"You catch it, before the other team's seeker, you catch this Potter, the game is over. You catch this, and we win." On 'win' two small wings come out from the sides of the snitch. Harry lets go and it flutters in front of his eyes for a moment. 

After a second Wood grabs it again and places it back in its original place. We spend the next two hours going over the rules of Quidditch. After we but the trunk and the bats away Wood explains that he'll let us know when practice is and then lets us go. 

As we walk back to the Common Room Harry and I can't stop talking about how excited we are to play. I was never really a team player at the Salvatore School. I kinda just kept to myself and let the others have their fun, but I think that this school is really changing me. 

Maybe for the better. All I can say is, this school year if going to be fun. I have a feeling and my instincts are usually spot on. Bring it on Wizarding World, bring it on. 

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