Chapter 8: First a Broom now a Bludger?

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Hope's POV:

A few days after Hermione and I start making the potion it's our first Quidditch match against Slytherin. I hate playing them. Last time I did Harry got his broom jinxed and almost died. That plus the fact that I ended up playing keeper and chaser. Not fun, let me tell you. 

The game sees to be going pretty well so far Oliver is already out for the count and guess who's playing keeper again, me! I grumble as Slytherin scores when I can't reach the goal in time. We're still winning, but still, they're annoying. 

"Slytherin scores! Gryffindor leads them 130 to 50." Lee Jordan yells out. Yeah and it would be a lot more or we would have a lot less than we do now if I wasn't playing two positions. Seriously Fred or George needs to guard Oliver when we play them. 

I have to admit, with those brooms, a lot of my teammates are having trouble keeping up with the Slytherin team. It's been exhausting. I continue to zoom around, scoring more points and blocking Slytherin's shots as I go. I suddenly see Katie fall off her broom. Yikes. 

Well, it's just me and Angelina now for chasers. We're pretty good together. All of us chasers know how to read each other's plans well. I glimpse Harry and Malfoy speeding side by side and I know they see the snitch. I then see Angelina go down. Seriously! 

I groan as I speed towards the Slytherin with the quaffle. I then see Harry getting chased by a bludger. That's not good. I can't focus on that right now. Both Oliver and Harry would murder me if I lost us the game when ever it's just me and the twins left. 

I reach the goal right in time to catch the quaffle and speed off. "WHY IS SHE STILL ON HER BROOM?" I hear Flint yell at the beaters and other Slytherin chasers. Uh oh, now they're after me. I speed towards the goals. 

I fake Flint out and score easily before heading back towards our end to avoid confrontation with the other team, hoping to stay in this game as long as I can. I wonder if Harry's alright though. I haven't heard of him falling yet so that's good. 

The chasers try to score and I intercept again, racing and maneuvering towards the goal. Suddenly the other bludger comes into my line of sight. I have not time to move out of the way so I do something extremely stupid, yet cool at the same time. 

I let go of my broom and push off, causing the bludger to sail between me and my broom. When I fall I land back on my broom, quaffle still in hand before scoring. "HOPE MIKAELSON WITH ANOTHER TEN POINTS FOR GRYFFINDOR!" Lee yells. 

I smirk when I see how furious the other team is. That's right, focus on me and make mistakes meatheads. I'm on an adrenaline high now from the stunt I just pulled. I'm in autopilot and I have to say, that's a very good thing. Suddenly I hear Lee's voice call out. 

"POTTER HAs CAUGHT THE SNITCH. A HUNDRED AND FIFTY POINTS TO GRYFFINDOR!" "GRYFFINDORE WINS!" Madam Hooch yells out. I sigh and in relief and then look around to see Harry laying on the ground, clutching his arm. Oh no. 

I quickly fly down to him and race to his side. I skid to a stop on my knees. "Harry, what happened?" I ask as he groans. I wish I could give him my blood, but then I could expose myself. I suddenly hear a bludger coming, but I don't see it. 

I am suddenly engulfed in Harry's arms and we are rolling out of the way of the on coming bludger. It comes back our way, but Hermione is there to stop it. "Finite Incatartum." She says, waving her wand. The bludger explodes into tiny specks which rains down around us. 

I sigh in relief until I realize the position Harry and I are in. My breath catches in my throat. I'm laying underneath him. "Uh, Harry, you can let me up now." I tell him. His eyes widen. "Right." He says. Why is my heart beating so frantically? 

He lifts himself off of me with one hand and before anything else can happen Hermione, Ron, and Hagrid are there with us. Other teachers are arriving as well. "Are  you ok?" Hermione asks. "No, I think my arm's broken." He says. "We have to get you to Madam Pomfrey." I say. 

"Not to worry Harry, I will fix that arm of yours straight away." Lockhart says, kneeling next to him. My eyes widen. "Uh, no." I snap. "No, no, not you." Harry says, horrified. "Poor boy, doesn't know what he's saying." Lockhart says. He holds up Harry's arm. "Brakium Emendo." He says. 

A flash of light emits from Lockhart's wand. That couldn't have possibly worked. Suddenly Lockhart bends Harry's arm back in a sickening way. Harry doesn't even wince. "Great, now his arm is a wet noodle I say, glaring at Lockhart. Hermione elbows me in the stomach. 

"Well, at least the bone is no longer broken. "No longer broke? There's no bone there to be broken." I snap. I've had enough of this guy. Hermione sees this and grabs mine and Harry's arm. His good one. You know, the one with bones still in it. 

"Come on Hope, let's get Harry to the Hospital Wing." She says. I nod and help Harry still. Once he's upright Hermione and I walk him to the Hospital Wing. Ron follows behind holding mine and Harry's brooms. 

Once he's in there Madam Pomfrey kicks us out, saying not to come back till tomorrow. Glaring at the nurse we head back towards the Common Room. It's late by then and I'm tired and in need of a shower. Once I've cleaned up I climb in bed and curl up under my comforter. 

Soon enough I am fast asleep. 

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