Chapter 9: The Rise of the High Inquisitor

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Hope's POV:

It's a Saturday and Harry and I escaped the castle for a little while so that I could shift. Being around Umbridge had made my anger worsen. It's been hard for me to keep my shifting under control so that's what we're doing right now. 

When we enter the forest I quickly go behind a tree and shift. Harry's only seen me in wolf form once. I bark to let him know that I'm done and he turns to watch me step out. "I'll wait here, you go on and run. I'll call to you if something happens." 

I nod before taking off deep into the forest. Most of the creatures here leave me along since I don't appear human. In fact a few creatures even avoid me. I run around for a solid hour before catching Harry's scent and following it. I find him and Luna talking while she feeds the Thestrals. 

I trot up to them. Luna smiles at me. "Hello there." She grins at me. She reaches into her pouch and produces and apple. She tosses it at me and I quickly eat it. I get close and allow her to pet my head. 

"Not all wolves are this gentle. There's something different about this one." She tells Harry. The boy grins. "Yeah, there is." With that Luna gets up and leaves. When she's gone I go over to my tree to shift back, forming my clothes around me with magic. 

"Was your run good?" He asks me as we make our way back to the castle. I nod, smiling. "My mom always told me that while that shifting might hurt, being able to just run and be free would become the best feeling in the world." I smile at this.

"Since I'm in control I feel everything as a wolf. It's a way to take out my anger and aggression rather than just destroying things with magic." He smiles at this. "You mother seems like an amazing woman." "She was." 

After that we walk in comfortable silence towards the castle for breakfast. When we get there we head to the Great Hall and walk up to Ron and Hermione. Before we can sit down however, I hear yelling in the corridor. My friends hear it as well and we all speed walk to the entrance hall. 

When we get there there's a scene of Professor Umbridge and Professor McGonagall arguing on the stairs. "So silly of me, but it sounds that you're questioning my authority in my own classroom. Minerva." Umbridge says, taking a step up. 

"Not at all Delores. Merely your medieval methods." She snaps back, taking the step Umbridge gained away from her. " sorry dear. But to question my practices is to question the Ministry, and by extension, the Minister himself." She snaps back. I hold back a scoff and lean into Harry. 

"Wouldn't mind questioning the Minister's methods myself." He holds back a laugh at this. "I am a tolerant woman, but the one thing I will not stand for is disloyalty." McGonagall takes a step down, appalled. "Disloyalty." Umbridge takes another step up and turns to face us. 

"Things at Hogwarts are far worse than I feared. Cornelius will want to take immediate action." I turn to my friends. This can't be good. Days roll by and Umbridge has been named High Inquisitor of Hogwarts. "What even is that position?" I grumble as I eat lunch with my friends. 

Day after day she has Filch putting up new signs on the wall, explaining the new rules. Starting with any disrespect to a teacher shall be prohibited in all forms. "Honestly, if she thinks she can out-will me then she has another thing coming." 

"Please, Hope, next she's going to ban your excuse of using healing potions and she'll find out exactly what you are." Hermione explains. "Kinda want her too." Ron says. I smile at this while Hermione hits the back of his head. "Sorry." He grumbles. 

"Just be careful Hope." Harry reminds me. I give him a tight lipped smile and nod, gently grabbing his hand a squeezing it comfortingly. "I'll be fine. We all will be." He nods, smiling back. Days go by and Umbridge has infiltrated all of our classes. 

Even going so far as to measure Flitwick. In Divination she asks Trelawney to give her a prophesy, but she can't. One day while we're walking to class Harry and I are surrounded by a crowd of students rushing to get to the courtyard. Cho passes us and Harry stops her. 

"Cho, what's going on?" He asks. "It's Professor Trewlawney." Is all she says. When we get there we see Filch bringing out her bags. She's hysterical. She's begging Umbridge to let her stay. The heartless woman is just smiling at her. 

"Six...sixteen years I have lived and talked here. Hogwarts is my home. can't do this." Trelawney sobs. Umbridge raises up a piece of paper. "Actually, I can." McGonagall suddenly pushes past us and rushes to Trelawney's side, hugging her. 

"Something you'd like to say dear?" Umbridge asks. "Oh, there are several things I would like to say." McGonagall snaps. Suddenly the main doors to the school burst open and Dumbledore walks towards the three woman with a powerful stride. 

"Professor McGonagall, might I ask you to escort Sybil back inside?" He says. Comforting the woman McGonagall ushers the sobbing woman back towards the castle. As they pass him Trelawney thanks him profusely. 

"Dumbledore, may I remind you that, under the terms of educational decree number 23, as enacted by the Minister-" "You have the right to dismiss my teachers. You do not, however, have the authority to banish them from the grounds. That power remains with the Headmaster." 

"For now." "Can I slap her?" I whisper to Harry. He just shakes his head as Dumbledore rushes back towards the doors. "Don't you all have studying to do?" He asks. "I'll be back." Harry tells me before rushing after Dumbledore, calling out to him. 

When he can't catch his attention he defeatedly walks back towards me. "Why is he avoiding me?" "I don't know Harry, but it's Dumbledore. There has to be a good reason." I remind him. He nods and wraps an arm around my shoulders, leading me back inside. 

Things at Hogwarts are going downhill, quickly. 

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