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3rd POV:

 As the summer passed, Voldemort's domination of the Wizarding World continues. His power and control were only growing, and now, it's time to plan his attack against the Boy Who Lived who would soon be moved from the Dursley's home as they left themselves. 

Lord Voldemort and his most trusted Death Eaters all gathered at Malfoy Mansion for a meeting on when to strike and how to get around their biggest obstacle. Hope Mikaelson. The werewolf, witch hybrid. Severus Snape is the last one to arrive. 

When he walks in there is a muggle born witch in very poor health hovering over the table in a full body bind. "Severus. I was beginning to worry you had lost your way. Come, we've saved you a seat." Voldemort calls to servant.

Without a word, Severus makes his way over to the unoccupied seat at the table, near Voldemort himself. "You bring news, I trust?" Voldemort asks. "It will happen Saturday next at nightfall." He tells the Dark Lord. At his words, Yaxley speaks up. 

"I've heard differently, my Lord. Dawlish, the Auror, has leet slip that the Potter boy will not be moved until the 30th of this month. The day before he turns 17." "This is a false trail. The Auror office no longer plays any part in the protection of Harry Potter." Severus automatically rejects. 

He then turns to Voldemort. "Those closest to him believe we have infiltrated the Ministry." Another Death Eater scoffs out a laugh. "Well, they got that right, haven't they?" The rest of the table laughs. "What say you, Pius?" Voldemort asks the man on the other end of the table. 

Voldemort's companion, Nigini slithers threateningly towards the man. "One hears many things, my Lord. Whether the truth is among them is not clear." Voldemort lets out a laugh. "Spoken like a true politician. You will, I think, prove most useful, Pius." Voldemort turns back to Severus. 

"Where will he be taken, the boy?" "To a safe house. Most likely the home of someone in the Order. I'm told it's been given every manner of protection possible. Once there, it will be impractical to attack him. Especially since Miss Mikaelson will be with him every second." 

"Ah, yes. Hope Mikaelson. The one thing truly standing in my way of the boy." "Surely some little witch isn't what's stopping you from going after the Potter boy." Yaxley says, a scoff in his voice as he has never had the honor of being defeated by Hope Mikaelson. 

"She is not just any little witch, though, is she, Severus?" Voldemort asks. Everyone turns to Severus. Only a few had ever encounter the great Hope Mikaelson. Harry Potter's girlfriend and fiercest protector and the many who haven't fought against her very much dismissed the stories.

"No, my Lord. Hope Mikaelson is a sine witch. A very powerful one. From all I've seen, even with the amazing things she has done to protect the boy, she has not yet truly unleashed her full power on us. If she were to, I fear not many of us would survive her." 

"Hmm, and what of her wolf side?" Voldemort asks. Bellatrix flinches at the mention of the wolf that tore into her that night outside of the Game Keeper's hut and nearly killed her that night in the ministry after she murdered Sirius Black. "Wolf?" Rowle asks. 

"Yes. Miss Mikaelson is also a werewolf. A hybrid. Though, she isn't the same type of wolf as Greyback. She can shift at will into an actual wolf and she has total control of her shift. Her wolf is extremely fast and her human abilities such as her hearing, strength, and sight are enhanced."

"So why haven't we killed her already?" Dolohov asks. "We have tried and none of us have been successful. She heals insanely quick and her magical ability with and without her wand are impressive. No one has even come close to landing a hit on her. She nearly ripped Bella apart."

Bellatrix shrinks away at this. "Do you have an idea to end this pests existence Dolohov?" Voldemort asks. He shakes his head, shrinking back. "Potter is her weakness, correct?" Yaxley speaks up again. All eyes turn to him. "Yes Yaxley." 

"We get our hands on him, hurt him, she'll be distracted enough for us to-" Voldemort laughs. "My dear Yaxley, do you not see that if we were able to get our hands on Harry Potter, this whole thing would not be an issue." The Death Eaters around him chuckle nervously with him. 

"I say we deal with the Mikaelson girl as we deal with Potter. Find him, we find her. She won't be too far away from him at any time. Attack them from all sides." Severus says. "You are right Severus. Now, onto other matters. My wand." 

With that the meeting shifts away from the Mikaelson girl. Though, a new fear of the hybrid had latched itself to those who had yet to encounter her. Who was this girl? Where did she come from? And what lengths would she go to in order to protect the boy they are trying the kill?

All of them coming to an agreement in their heads. Kill the Mikaelson girl first, as she is now a bigger threat than the Boy Who Lived. 

A/N: A lovely reader, @EmpressSectonia gave me this idea and I loved it so much I decided to add it in! Hope you all enjoy!

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