Chapter 3: Bella Tries to Kill Herself Via Motorcycle

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Hope's POV:

A few more weeks pass and my hated for Sam Uley only grows. One night Embry was running a fever so he left Quill and I to do our own thing for that day. A few days later he's cut off his hair and has a new tattoo. He hasn't talked to any of us since. Sam got to him.

I cried to Jacob that night. I haven't cried since my dad died. I had been so good about keeping it in, but now that I've lost someone else I couldn't hold it in any longer. The people around me are dropping like flies. Either they die or they leave me and it's taking a toll on me.

I've stopped hanging out with Bella and Jake in the garage. I sometimes spend time with Jake in his free time, but not much. I've found myself helping Billy around the house more and more. I still make time for Quill.

After all, Em was his best friend and he just dropped him to become on of Sam's followers. I'm looking for someone to blame and I think I've found it. Sam Uley. Without him Jared, Paul, and Embry would still be here for me. It may sound selfish, but that's what I am. I'm selfish.

I do things out of selfishness. I kidnapped my mom and got her killed out of selfishness. Right now I'm in the Black family's kitchen cooking dinner for Billy and Jacob. I'm not all here there. "Hey darlin'." Billy says, rolling up beside me. I look down and smile at him.

"Hey Billy. Do you need something?" I ask. "No, I just was wondering how you're doing?" I just sigh and look down at the knife and half chopped carrot in my hands. They're shaking so I drop both and wipe my hands on a towel, turning so I'm leaning on the counter, facing him.

"If I'm being honest, I'm not doing good. I thought being here would help because this is where my friends are and I just need my friends right now, but it's like I'm cursed. First Jared, then Paul, and now Embry." He sighs and looks down, but I continue.

"I'm losing people left and right and I don't know if I have the strength in me to lose more. I'm so sick and tired of losing people." I explains. He pats my hand gently in comfort. He's done this since I was a kid and pouted about not being able to spend enough time with Jake.

"Don't worry sweetheart, everything will make sense in time. You're not cursed Hope, you just don't understand yet, but you will." "What don't I understand?" "Patience is a virtue Hope. Remember that." With that he wheels himself way. What does he mean by that?

I know he knows about me. There's no way he doesn't know about me. He's the one who told my mom and I about the Cold Ones moving back to town. He's the one who told my mom the shifters on the reservation were about to start shifting.

I think about to what Keelin said about meeting with that Alpha. Thing it, I don't know who they could be. There are so many different groups of people on the reservation. At first I suspected the council members, but quickly pushed that aside.

My mom would have told me if Billy was a shifter. My leads fall short after that. Taking a deep breath I pick up my knife and begin chopping the carrots again. I guess I'll just figure this all out later. The next day I go out with Jake and Bella to see how the bikes run.

I grin as I watch Bella climb onto the back of one. "Be careful Bells, you're not the most coordinated person and accidents just love you." I tease. She laughs lightly at this while Jacob goes on to instruct her on how to ride it.

"Easy. Now slowly, release the clutch." He instructs, backing away a bit. She hesitates for a second before releasing the clutch too quickly. Jake and I both go to steady her. I'm actually worried about her now. She looks spaced out.

I wonder what she could possible be thinking about. "Whoa, you alright?" Jake asks, just as concerned as I am. "I wanna go again." She tells us. She revs the engine before taking off down the road. "Are you as scared for her as I am?" I ask. "Maybe more so."

I nod, glad we're in agreement. Suddenly she loses control. "HIT THE BREAK!" Jake yells to her. She does so and goes flying off the bike. "BELLA!" I call. Jake gets on the other motorcycle and I climb on behind him. We race towards our friends with worries. We soon reach her.

She hit a rock with her head. I jump off the back as soon as Jake slows down. I rush to her side. "Hey, are you ok? What the hell was that?"I ask, worried. "I wanna go again." She tells us. My eyes widen. "You trying to get yourself killed?" Jake asks.

"I wanna go again." She mumbles like it's the only thing she can think about. "No." Jake and I state firmly. "Forget it, no more bikes." He tells her. I look at her, concerned. "Your head." I mumble. She places a hand right over where the blood is. "Ow."

When she pulls her hand away she sees it. "Oh my God, I'm sorry." She apologizes. "You're apologizing for bleeding?" Jake asks. Then it clicks. She's not used to someone to having restrain themselves from killing her when she bleeds. "Yeah, I guess I am."

"Well, it's just blood, Bella. No big deal." He tells her as we both stand. He takes off his shirt and starts dabbing away at the cut on her forehead. I realize how awkward it is for me to be here right now. They're having a moment.

"I'm gonna take one of the bikes back. Meet me over there when she's cleaned up." I tell him. He nods. I go over to the motorcycle that Jake and I rode and climb on, riding back to Bella's truck and my car. Something happened while she was riding that made her lose control. What was it?

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