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9 Years Ago

As Hayley Marshall drives away from Seattle, Washington towards La Push she looks in her rearview mirror to see her daughter asleep in the back seat. A soft smile flits across her face as she looks back at the road. The poor girl has been through so much and she's only seven.

Hayley grins as she sees the two houses sitting next to each other. Usually the houses in La Push are a bit further apart from each other, but Billy and Sarah Black insisted that Hayley build right next to them as they have a son Hope's age and it would be good if she had someone close by.

The hybrid pulls into the drive way of the second house and puts the car in park. Next door Sarah Black is waiting on the porch with a smile for the two to arrive. When Hayley gets out and picks a sleeping Hope up she sees the woman and smiles at her.

"Sarah, thank you so much for doing this. You have no idea." The hybrid tells the woman as she gets closer. "Of course sweetie, you're like family, it's the least we could do. Billy wanted to be here to greet you as well, but he is currently getting the kids to bed." She explains.

"No, I understand. I have to get this one in bed before I can unload the car. Now, I know you aren't accustom to having people like me here, but I really appreciate you allowing me to stay here. Well, the council that is."

"Honey, you're part wolf and we knew you before you died. We know you won't hurt anyone. Now, there is a clan of Cold Ones that takes up residence in Forks every few decades so you'll need to be on the look out for that, but as long as you don't hurt anyone you'll be fine."

Hayley nods. "How are you going to feed anyways?" She asks. "Well Freya has a donor in New Orleans and they're going to ship out blood bags for me. I should be fine. It does hurt anyone and no one dies. Besides, I have good control so nothing will happen to any of the humans."

"That's good, Billy was just wondering about it the other day. Making sure, you know you can't be too careful." Hayley nods at this. "Of course, and if there's evert any problem with me staying here, just let me know."

"Oh nonsense, you're perfectly fine. We wouldn't have suggested that you built right next door if it wasn't." Hope starts to stir in the hybrid's arms. "I better get her in bed, but we'll talk later when Billy is able to." Hayley says. "Ok dear, remember, call if you need us."

The younger woman nods and walks towards the front door, the little girl still sleeping peacefully in her arms. This is a new start. A good one.

8 Years Ago

"JAKE! Stop it!" Eight year old Hope Mikaelson calls to her best friend of a year. The boy is currently trying to rub mud in her hair as pay back for throwing some at him not even a minute before.

Bella Swan, daughter of the police chief in Forks, is sitting on a log near by along with Embry Call and Quill Atera. Hayley Marshall and Billy Black are watching the kids play together from the sidelines.

Sarah Black is currently in Seattle with Rachel and Rebecca, having a girls day. Hope never joins them even though they always ask her. "They're getting growing so fast." Hayley smiles as she looks at the three kids.

"Indeed they are. Hope's powers are growing, I assume you senes them as well." Billy tells the hybrid. The young woman nods. "I do. I've talked with Freya about it and she says that as long as I keep teaching her restraint, her powers will remain hidden." Billy nods in satisfaction at this.

"It's her father's temper that I'm worried about. She has it and some times it gets the best of her. The amount of times I've had the replace the light bulbs and vases in the house when she throws a fit is insane." Billy laughs.

"She's a smart girl, she knows when to keep her powers hidden. Honestly I'm proud that she hasn't shown Jacob them yet." "Me too. Those two don't keep anything from each other." "They're good for each other Hayley." "They are."

Suddenly an older boy walks towards the six friends. "Who's that? I don't recognize him." Hayley asks. "That's Paul Lahote. Good kid, but he definitely has a temper on him." They watch as the boy interacts with the three friends. "Hi."

"Hi!" Hope grins, standing up and shoving Jacob back into the mud and shooting Paul an innocent grin. Bella just laughs at her two friends and stays quiet. "What are you doing?" He asks her, curious to know what the blue eyed girl was doing.

"We were about to play soccer, but they were saying that I couldn't play because I'm a girl and that it would be odd numbers since Bella doesn't want to play." She pouts. Paul smiles down at the little girl in front of him.

"I'll play then you can cause the teams will be even." Her face brightens and she rushes forward, hugging his around the middle. "Thank you! Come on guys!" She cheers, racing towards the soccer field. The boys all laugh and race after her.

7 Years Ago

"Paulie?" Nine year old Hope Mikaelson asks. It was the day after Sarah Black's funeral and it was Hope's first big loss. She spent the past few days with Jake, comforting him. "Yes Princess?" "Do you promise to never leave me?"

The boy smiles lovingly at the girl he's grown to care for over the past year. "Of course Hope. You'll never have to worry about me leaving you Princess. I'll always be here for you. Promise." He whispers to her as he holds the sad girl in his arms. She nods, accepting his answer.

He was her Paulie and she was his Princess. Ever since that day on the beach if Hope wasn't with Jacob, Quill, or Embry, she was with Paul. The two did nearly everything together. Their relationship would only grow stronger over the years.

1 Year Ago

"He's never been there for me Paul! All I've ever wanted was for just to tell me he's ok and that he loves me and instead, I get nothing. I'm asking for the bare minimum." Fifteen year old Hope complains.

"Look, I don't know why he can't be here with you, but you said it was for your protection. Maybe this is for your protection as well. He has to have a reason Princess." He reassures her, pulling her down to sit beside him on her bed.

It is currently Hope's fifteenth birthday and Paul is distracting her while her mother and their friends set up her surprise downstairs. She just sighs. "I know, but I would give anything for him just to call or write. I miss him." She mumbles as he hugs her from the side.

"Hey now, no more tears. We're not doing that, not today. Today is a happy day." He reminds her. She gives him a small smile. "You're right." "I'm always right." He grins cockily. She rolls her eyes, but laughs all the same.

"Very humble as well. Come on, let's go see what you've been distracting me from since you got here." He grins sheepishly. "Never could fool you, could I Princess?" He asks. Her grins widens. "Never. Now come on." He laughs and takes her outstretched out.

4 Months Ago:

"Make sure to call every day, I don't know how I'm gonna survive these idiots.' Jacob grins down at his best friend of nine years. Hope smiles up at him. "Make sure not to kill them, I happen to like these idiots." "HEY!" Quill and Embry call to her.

She just laughs and hugs Jacob before hugging the other two. "Have you talked to Bella recently? Do you know how she's doing? She won't answer my calls." She tells him. "She's not good H. What Cullen did to her, it's cruel and I don't know how to help her." He explains to her.

She nods. The girl is worried about her childhood friend that she only recently reconnected with. She dated one of the Cold Ones that lives in Forks for a while before he left her in the middle of the woods for hours while him and his family skipped town.

She's been in a depressive state ever since. Jake snaps her out of her thoughts. "Hey, today's about you. I can deal with Bella while you're away." He reminds the girl. Hope nods and Jacob continues on about her leaving.

He hasn't stopped complaining since she told him about the trip a month ago. "I can't believe you're going to bed gone for your months. You haven't left La Push since you moved here." He says, wrapping an arm around her. Hope leans into her friend's comforting touch.

"Yeah, well, my Aunt Freya decided that it would be a good idea to go home for a little bit to be with family. Well, family who can be there." "Hey, don't start thing about all that stuff with your dad. We all know how that ends every time."

'Yeah, with me in tears and Paul comforting me for hours'. The tribrid thinks to herself. She just shakes it off, looking around for the Lahote boy. "Where is Paul? He should be here? He would never miss my send off." She frowns. "You didn't hear?" Jake asks. She shakes her head.

"He got sick, mono I think. He'd be here if he could H, know that." He tells her softly. She nods. "No, your right. I'm upset that he didn't tell me though. He usually tells me when he's sick or if he can't be here for things like this." "Don't worry about it."

Just as the boy says this Hayley Marshall comes out of the house. "Ready to go?" She asks her daughter. Hope nods excitedly, thought her worry for Paul never leaves her mind. "Yeah! I'm so excited to see Aunt Freya and Vincent. Is Keelin going to be there?" Hope asks.

"I don't know, maybe at some point. She's still away for work I think." Hope nods at the answer. "Now, come on. We have to go if we don't want to miss our flight." The teenager nods and hugs her friends one more time before getting into the passenger seat of her mom's car.

Once they're both in the hybrid/tribrid women take off down the road. If only they knew how much can change in four months. The trip ended with not only the loss of her mother, but her father and uncle as well.

Hope Mikaelson was officially an orphan and when she needed Paul the most, he left her alone, breaking his promise that he made to her seven years earlier. He lied and Hope no longer tolerated liars.

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