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If you had a wish, what would it be? Is it ever going to come true? Or is it only a new beginning? It can be difficult to actually make your wish come true. In fact, it can also be difficult to keep your wish a secret when your most trusted friends ask you.

I don't know who I am. I wish to be who I am. To know what my name is. I never knew what my name was so my parents called me Hope. Now, you all may think it would be funny to have a name come from your own parents but it's true. Your parents do choose the best names for you. They called me 'Hope' because of my ray of sunshine kind of personality I have.

But do you all want to hear my story and find out my biggest wishes and secrets? You, my friend are in luck because I know it all off by heart and I can't wait to share with you guys. Prepare to cry all your tears out soon since this will probably break your heart. Without further-ado, let's begin.

This is my story.

It all started on the day I was returning to my high school, 'Sunflower Magicia Academy' for classes, of course. It was at least eight fifty something when I finally reached the building that looked like a theme park's entrance. It did indeed look like a theme park's entrance except it wasn't exactly a theme park. You all know that by now.

Anyways, I didn't want to be late so I immediately did nothing but prepare for class one. On the way, I accidentally bumped into Lena, the most popular girl at school.

"Oui! Watch it, will you? You don't wanna mess with a girl as popular as me again, Hopeless 'Hope'!"

"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to accidentally bump into you!"

"And why did you bump into me, brat? Thinking about the transfer of a new student at school, Dante? Hahahaha! Just look at him! He's so hot! Hot like me! You'll never be as hot as us, Hope! You'll just be a useless, hopeless girl! And the day he transfers to our school, which is tomorrow, you won't even stand a chance because you're too kind! In fact, he won't even like you! He doesn't like useless brats like you, you know? So, good luck with that, Little Miss Loser! Bye bye!"

Hearing these words come out of Lena's mouth really started to hit me in the chest. I felt heartbroken. She's right. I'm just plain. And fragile. Too ordinary to be Dante's girlfriend. But who cares anyway? I don't care about love anymore since my boyfriend already broke up with me a year ago. What's more important is school right now - and I'm late!

I rushed to maths class, only to hear some ranting from my classmates about Dante! Ooh! They're definitely excited! And I'm not since I've already broken up with my other boyfriend like I told you guys. Lots of people love to go ranting about hot guys and girls coming to school. I was not one of them. What can I possibly be excited about? Having to date millions of guys and have them break up with me a week later? That's definitely not exciting at all.

Exciting. More like boring.

People just gossiping makes me wanna vomit. I never get the chance to gossip about anyone. And Dante might just be the one who can help me. But wait! Why would I get Dante to help me? Lena warned me that Dante never wants to speak to ugly people - like myself. So there's no point. I won't be able to talk to him. Never in my life. All I could hear was gossip about Dante that made my heart completely shatter.

"Ooh! I can't wait that Dante's transferring to our school!"

"Yeah, I know right! I heard that his IQ is spot on, indeed! 100% my type of person I want to go on a date with!"

"I also heard that he comes from a really rich family! He is like so rich! Like - omg! I wanna date him for sure! He is like at the top of my to-date list right now!"

"Yes! He's finally transferring to this school! I can't wait for it! So anticipating, right Alicia?"

"Of course, Rosy! Except I wanna date him too!"

"We can both date him, Alicia!"

"OMG yes, Rosy! Sounds marvellous!"

All the gossip about Dante. I feel so heartbroken right now. Everyone can stand a chance for him, except nerds. I really want to kill myself and stab myself with a knife. But then, I won't have life and I'll commit suicide.

I really hate myself.

"Everyone, shut up! Class is about to commence!"

Yes! The teacher is on my side! Yea! Listen to him, everyone! I'm not the boss, which is stupid of me because I never learn.

Fuck me.

School ended right away and my friend Lola invited me to the cake shop that her father works at for tea. I got a slice of strawberry cake while Lola got a super premium chocolate cake. Trust me on these three words. It. Was. Giant.

We just spent the rest of the day chatting. She didn't need to bring up the topic that I really wanted it to piss off.

"Hey, Hope. Are you excited for Dante's transfer to our school?"

"Yeah, yeah. Excited as I can be."

I'm a nobody.

"Don't say that so dull-fully, Hope. It is disrespectful for Dante. Even the teacher will think you're being so rude to Dante."

"Yeah, right. Ugh. I hate being stood up!"

"Hope, don't worry! I'm here for you!"

"Okay? I need to go. Can't talk right now. Bye!"

"Cya, lady Holly!"

I couldn't talk to her anymore today. I had to leave to check on my mum. She was feeling so ill. Plus, my dad is not back from work yet. He comes back at six. And it's only five thirty. What I suddenly heard was not a lovely feeling, at all.

Thump. Thump.

It was coming from my mother's bedroom.

Thump. Thump.

Any minute now, the heartbeats will stop.

Thump. Thump.

I was right. The heartbeats did stop. But my mother will soon die. I just knew it.

"My child, come here."

Oh no! It was my mother! Her voice sounded like a croak of a frog. I needed to find out what was with her! I had to. And I must.

"Mother, I'm here. It's me, Hope. I'm right here. Stay with me, please. I'm right here beside you! Please, don't die."

"My child. I'm sorry. I must now go to heaven. But before I do, I must wish you a gift. It would make me very happy if I see my own daughter fall in love again with a boy so smart."

Dante. It had to be him. She must be referring to him!

"And why say that, mother?"

"So you can fall in love again. Unfortunately, I have to die now. But no matter what happens, I'll always love you, sweetie. Forever."

"Mother, but -,"

It was too late. Her chest stopped moving. Her heart stopped beating. It was as if she stopped breathing or something. She was dead.


Tears fell down my eyes as I started crying beside the death of my ill mother. There was no way to cure her now. I screamed as loud as I could, remembering the good old days we had together. I was only six years old when we last went to Disneyland. I remember her buying me a present for my birthday. Some Disney themed clothes. Sadly, they didn't even fit anymore.

My dad was heartbroken too when he came back home. We hugged each other tightly with tears in our eyes, smiling at each other. This was such a sad feeling. A feeling that would never be forgotten in my life.


It was past midnight now and I was standing next to my dad at a graveyard. This emotional moment felt like it never ended. My dad asked me if I was going to come home with him. But I wanted to stay with my mother. So I told him that I wanted to stay for a bit with my mum to relax in peace.

"Mother. I'm so sorry. There was no way to save you. You were the only one who ever cares for me. The world feels so empty without you. And now-,"

I started to cry again. But this time, I really did break down into tears. But not because I was sad. I was happy for my mother, for she was able to go to heaven, because she respected god's will. I also hoped I do the same thing.

I wiped my tears, giving myself a smirk. Things will be better soon, just you wait, mother. Your daughter is going to make you so proud. I believed in myself. I had to. I won't give up ever on my dreams. I can't. Otherwise I won't be able to earn money for myself and my dad.

From now on, I finally knew what my wish was. To find a boyfriend and fall in love again.

Subscribe to Hope's Wish on Tapas to show off your support! Here's the link that will come out on Tapas on the 13th of August 2020! Anyways, hope you enjoyed this chapter and I will see you all in the next one! Until next time, peace out! <3

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