Author's Note: Contest!

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I want to add a few new characters to some of my books. But I want them to be based off of you guys! ^~^ So, here's what you need to do:

1. Come up with a name for your character.
2. Give your character a description. (What they look like, what weapons they use, what they like to wear, etc.)
3. Say what your characters likes and dislikes are, their interests, their hobbies, etc.
4. This is one of the most important. Your characters personality. Are they shy and don't trust others easily, or are they outgoing and friendly? Or something else?

Your character can be based off of you, or you can just completely make it up. There will be three winners. Now, for the prizes:

1st Place-

1. I will follow you if I am not already.
2. Your character will be put into any of my books, you get to choose which.
3. You can choose a character that you want your character to fall in love with.
4. I will give you a shout out in all of my books.
5. I will read, vote, and comment on any one of your books, you may choose which.

2nd Place-

1. I will follow you if I am not already.
2. Your character will be put into any of my books, you get to choose which.
3. You can choose a character that you want your character to fall in love with.
4. You have the choice to either have me give you a shout out in all of my books, or I will read, vote, and comment on any one of your books, you may choose which.

3rd Place-

1. I will follow you if I am not already.
2. Your character will be put into any of my books, you get to choose which.
3. You have the choice to either have me give you a shout out in all of my books, or I will read, vote, and comment on any one of your books, you may choose which.

When you are done coming up with your character, please PM me. Make sure you send me all of the details. :) The deadline is: January 28th. I will be anoucimg the winners on: January 30th! :D

Good luck and thank you to everyone who participates! ^~^ If you have any questions, don't be afraid to ask!

~Ellethwen <3

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