Author's Note: Winners!

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It's finally time to announce the winners of my contest. The past two days, I wrote everyone's entry down on a piece of paper and read each of them over and over again until I finally got it down to five people. And, let me tell you, it was SO HARD! You guys are soooo good and I had so much trouble narrowing it down to five people. I just couldn't choose between those five, who I should take out. So, I showed them to family and friends until I finally got it down to three people and chose who should be in 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place. One person, everyone, every single person I asked, said that was their favorite character. So I had 1st place...but I had the hardest time choosing who should get 2nd and who should get 3rd. Now, for the winners, in order from 3rd to 1st place:

3rd Place: Valinora
Character's name: Amyriellë
I love your character, especially the description of her. I had such a hard time choosing whether you should get 2nd or 3rd Place. You did a wonderful job! :D Make sure to check your PM's, because I will be messaging you about your prizes!

2nd Place: ImryllC
Character's Name: Imryll
I absolutely love your character's personality! I also love how you added that she always wears a heart shaped necklace. Amazing job! :~) Make sure to check your PM's, because I will be messaging you about your prizes!

And now for the 1st Place winner...

1st Place: FandomsUnite123
Character's Name: Mallory
Congrats! You got 1st Place!!! Everyone I showed, they always said that yours was their favorite. And, I must admit, your is one of my favorite too. :) You did an outstanding job with your character! ^~^ Make sure to check your PM's, because I will be messaging you about your prizes.

Congrats to the winners!

Also, I want to say thank you to everyone who entered my contest! You all did an awesome job!!! <3

I hope to update all of my books this week! I love you guys!!!

~Ellethwen <3

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