Chapter 4: The Drinking Game

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This chapter is dedicated to: Wholockian221c Thank you for the support! Also, she has an amazing book, A Forgotten Friendship: A Middle Earth Fanfiction! It is so amazing and you guys should totally check it out!!! :)

Estelwen (Alastegiel) POV

We all gather in the Golden hall to celebrate the victory at Helm's Deep, but also to honor those who died. Éowyn brings King Thèoden his cup. He holds it out and everyone stands up, a cup in their hand.

Then king Thèoden begins his speech, “Tonight we remember those who gave their blood to defend this country. Hail the victorious dead." He says, lifting up his cup.

“Hail!" We all say and hold up our cups. Then we all take a sip. The party now begins.

“Alastegiel, come over here." Gimli calls.

When I get over to where he is, Éomer is handing Gimli and Legolas a cup of ale. “No pauses. No spills." Éomer informs them.

“And no regurgitation." Gimli adds.

“So it's a drinking game?" Legolas asks.

“Last one standing wins." Gimli tells him.

Gimli starts to drink his first cup. I look over to Legolas and he looks at his drink suspiciously. Then smells it, and starts to drink it. Gimli gulps it down, while Legolas drinks it carefully.

After more then twenty drinks, Gimli start to laugh. “Here, here. It's the Dwarves that go swimming... with little, hairy women." Gimli says, obviously drunk.

When Legolas sets down the cup he had just finnised, he looks at his hands. “I feel something. A slight tingling in my fingers." Legolas says, then looks up, horrified, “I think it's affecting me."

“What did I say?" Gimli slurs, “He can't hold his liquor." His eyes cross and he falls out of his chair and blacks out.

“Game over." Legolas says with a smile.

I start to walk around and look over to see Merry and Pippin dancing and singing. “Oh, you can search far and wide. You can drink the whole town dry. But you'll never find a beer so brown. But you'll never find a beer so brown. As the one we drink in our hometown. As the one we drink in our hometown. You can drink your fancy ales. You can drink 'em by the flagon. But the only brew for the brave and true, comes from the Green Dragon."

After their song, I decide to get some fresh air. I head outside and look up at all the bright, shining, stars against the dark sky. I get lost in thought. After a few moments I feel a presence behind me. I turn around to see Aragorn then turn back to look at the stars.

“It's so beautiful out, don't you think, Aragorn." I ask as he stands next to me.

“Yes, the stars are amazing. But that is not why I came out here. I wanted to know how you're doing."

“To tell you the truth, I am not doing good at all. I feel so bad for having to lie to my friends. They do not know who I truly am and it just is eating me up inside. It is all I can think about. I just hope they can forgive me when the time comes to tell them."

“I am sure they will forgive you. After all, they are your friends."


I am working on the next chapter, so be watching for it later today or tomorrow! :)

                            ~Ellethwen <3

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