TS - 1

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Heya guys 🙋

I am here with a AdiYa TS, Hope you guys like it 😊😅

Read story description before you read this 😊


" I can't believe you are that stupid to come back in front of me again. " Aditya scoffed with gritted teeth looking at Zoya standing in front of him.

" I am here to settle the things which I left two years ago. " her voice came stern and he looked at her shocked.

The girl he saw before two years was broken, broken by the betrayal of her so called loyal husband. But the girl standing in front of him held the fire in her eyes, to make someone burn just by looking in them.

He smirked and took a step towards her. " Then I am glad that you are her Mrs. Zoya Yash Arora " she flinched at the mention of his name with hers and he smiled devilishly.

" I am glad too " she spit the word and stormed out of his office.

His phone ringed and he picked the phone immediately.

" She is here, Chote. That girl can't let me live in peace. First her sweetheart husband did the deed and now she is here to rub the salt on my wounds. I am going to destroy her life before she destroy mine " By the time he completed his threat he was breathing hard, his hands were clutching in tight fists and his face was burning in pure rage.

" Calm down Bhai. Calm Down. Let's meet, I am coming there, Okay? " Arjun cut the call when he agreed with him and headed towards his car to reach his office.

As soon as Arjun entered into his office he saw his whole office messy. It's like there's some storm passed by few minutes ago. " Bhai " he took few long strides and grabbed his hand who was about to broke a glass vase on the floor.

He looked at his brother with concern " What happened, Bhai. I told you to calm down. I was coming right " He looked at the liquor bottle in one of the corner of his cabin scattered in pieces.

" She is back to destroy me Arjun. Destroy your Bhai..!! Look what she gave me " He pointed at some papers and Arjun looked at the papers.

He looked at him shocked." How did she brought 51% share of your company Bhai? And you didn't knew about it ? " he mumbled the last part and looked at his brother who was gulping another bottle of liquor. He rushed towards him and snatched it from him.

" Her husband took my best friend and now she is here to take my dream too." His eyes were burning red from emotions. He wiped his face furiously " But I am not going to let her succeed. I am going to make her regret the decision of coming here back in my life "

And before Arjun can stop him he was out of the cabin with a lightening speed. He stormed into her cabin only to find her sitting with a smirk.

" I was waiting for you to come here, Mr. Hooda. So let me tell you my conditions for this office " she said arrogantly.

He chuckled humorlessly and in two long strides he came in front of her. He grabbed her from arm making her to jolt out from her chair and to stand in front of him. She pressed her palm on her nose after the smell of liquor hit her. " I am not going to let you rule here, Mrs. Arora. " he whispered menacingly.

" Ms. Zoya Siddiqui. " she said with gritted teeth then pushed him " And We will talk when you will be in your senses Mr. Hooda, not like this in disgustingly drunken state "

He grabbed her from her shoulders this time and she struggled in his hold. " I will make your life hell, Ms. Siddiqui." leaned towards her face  "Hell"

" Bhai..!! " Arjun dragged him back and she looked at him furiously. He took her from there in spite of his protesting. She looked at the cabin door and a tear tripped down from her cheek.

She wiped it furiously " No one can make your life hell, Zoya. Because you already living in the hell " she chuckled dryly and looked at the picture of Yash and Pooja with rage and heartbroken.


A month passed by, There's always a tension in the office. Silence, A silence before storm, was spread there. Cold stares, snapping at each others were their daily routine. Its like their day starts with the hate glare and end with the hurting each other with their spiteful words.

Zoya was sitting in her cabin going through some files when Aditya barged into her cabin.

" How dare you ..!! " She raised her eyebrow in confusion as he looked at her furiously. " How can you reject the project I was working on from long time, Ms. siddiqui. " he barked and she chuckled dryly.

" The investors were fraud, Mr. Hooda. And if you were be in your right mind rather than drinking all the time, Then you will suspect it before only. " She glared at him and then scoffed " And secondly, I don't need your permission to take a decision in this company's project. "

He raked his hand in his hair frustrated " And how do you know, He was fraud? We were working with them from the last year " he spat back vehemently.

She grunted in disbelief and threw a file towards him. " Concentrate on work, rather than threatening me all the time, Mr. Hooda" He picked the file and go through the pages.


He cursed out loud. " How could I not aware of all this. He was investing his black money in my project "

Zoya gave rolled her eyes " You got it, Finally. WoW " Sarcasm was drooling over her words. He glared at her one last time and left her cabin.

'Ungrateful jerk'

She sat down on her seat and started going through the files again.


" Woah..!! Bhai...!! Why did I find your cabin this clean, whenever I entered in your office " Arjun picked the files laying on the floor and headed towards him carefully preventing his legs from the scattered glass pieces on the floor.

" I was going to put my project in garbage, Chote. She...She saved it " he uttered frustrated and slightly in disbelief. " How can I be this ignorant about that investing company "

Arjun looked at the file in his hand and then shook his head.

" Then you should Thank Zoya, Bhai " Arjun said seriously and Aditya chuckled dryly.

" Thank her for what, For destroying my life or should I thank her to not to make her husband enough happy that he need to find his happiness with my so called innocent wife " he spat angrily and Arjun put his hand on his shoulder.

"She and you are on the same boat ,Bhai. She is too going through the same pain which you are going since 2 years. She wasn't the reason of what they did. What happened in past is past, you should forget about it and move on from your pain Bhai. "

Aditya stared at him for a minute then stormed out of the office.

" Till when you will leave in the past, Bhai. " thought Arjun distraught.


" Am I doing wrong by blaming her for what they did? "

Yes, his heart said.

No, his mind said.

He ran his hand through his hair and gulped more bear from the bottle.

He emptied the bottle in no time and called bartender again.

" One more " he slurred and bartender shook his head.

" I think you should not be drinking this much, Sir" the bartender said and he smashed the bottle on the ground angrily.

He glared at him and he shivered slightly. "And who are you to tell me this? My wife?" he asked completely drunk.

"O no.. no..correction. My cheater wife" he said vehemently. "Now give me more"

The bartender nodded and put another bottle in front of him. He took a swig from it and looked at it dreamily "Only you are the one, who never left me" He kissed on the bottle "That's why you are my besttttt frienddd from now"

His phone ringed and he smile widely to see the caller.

"Chotaeeeeeeeeeeeee " he sang giddily.

" Gosh Bhai!!! You are drunk again..!! Tell me where are you, I am coming "

" I am... Where I am chote? " he looked around confused.

" God Bhai, You just wait there, I'll find you, Don't worry..!! " Arjun grabbed the car keys and rushed from the radio centre.

Aditya looked at the phone screen pouted then scroll through the contacts. He grinned widely to see the contact number and dialed immediately.

" Zoyaaaaaaaaaaaa" he cheered happily as soon as she picked the call.

"Mr. Hooda,What-"

" Zoyaaaa Siddiquiii, A stubborn, arrogant, selfish wom.....woman. " he cut her in middle and rant  " But I don't want to see you like this, I want to see you broken, like I am. I want to see you in pain as I am in. I want to see you cry, as I do every night. "

She was silent all the time as he kept slurring and ranting about how he wants to see her unhappy.

" You are drunk Mr. Hooda " she said without emotions.

" No, I am not..!! " he pouted.

" Yes, you are..!! " she pointed.

He pat his forefinger at his chin thinking something then uttered" Then, let me prove you that I am not drunk. I am coming over there, Zoyaaaa" he said smirking.

"No,  Mr. Hooda. You - "

But before she could complete her sentence he cut the call and headed outside. He stumbled on his steps but reached towards his car. He kissed his car happily.

" Babyyyyyy, I am backkk " he kissed it again and sat inside of it, driving away from there.


" Zoyaaaaaaaaaaa"

"Ms.  Siddiquiiiii"

"Where are you?  See I am here. "

Zoya rushed outside from her house to see him shouting loudly.

" Yaa Allah. Mr. Hooda. What are you doing here? " she spat angrily.

He came towards her but stumbled. He maintained himself to stand straight and gave her a cheeky smile." See.. I am nottt drunk. I came here by my.. myselfff" he pointed behind him at his car and stumbled again. Zoya held him from his shoulders to prevent him to land on his face to ground.

"I can see that, Mr. Hooda "she glared at him." What are you doing here? "she made him stand straight with force and pressed the back of her palm on her nose." How much you drink, Mr. Hooda!! "

He put his thumb and forefinger together and showed her" Little, only.. thisss little " she glared and he continued." And I came here to say, Thank youuuuu to youuuuu " he slurred and she looked at him surprised.

" Thank you? "

" For saving myyy project. " he leaned and then said in conspiracy voice" It's mine and Pooja's dream project, you know! But don't tell this to anyone "

She looked at him shocked and he continued " We were really happy, she was my bestttttttt friendddd." he pouted "Don't know whyyyy she left me to be with yourrr husband"

"She left me..!! She left meeee alone.. Broken-hearted " a tear escaped from his eyes." Why?  Why she left me? "he cried, cried loudly in front of her.

" Me and Yash were together from college. Our family were against our love but we ran away to be married. He took me with him to his family after the wedding and they accepted me after so much of resistance. We were really happy. Yash lov...loved me so much. But-" she looked at him and he was listening to her patiently.

"How can he do this to me? Why? Why did he do this to me? "Again after two years she mourned at the betrayal of her husband whom she loved more than anything. Tears were rolling down from her eyes as she mumbled again and again"Why? Why?"

He looked at her with sympathy. The emotions on her face matching the emotions which he was feeling right now. Pain, Anger, rage, distortion and a heart break.

He grabbed her wrist, dragged her to him, making her fall in his embrace. He hugged her tightly and cried his heart out. She grabbed his shirt in her fists as she sobbed in his embrace.

"Why did they do this to us? Why? "

Both collapsed on the ground hugging each other crying in each other embrace to find the comfort to sooth their paining heart.


My first AdiYa story. Loved their on screen chemistry and off-screen fun.

I was planning to write it as an OS, but it got lengthy. So I am making it as a TS.

Please tap on the star button and tell me, how was it??

Will update the next part tomorrow.

With love

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