TS - 3

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Hey guys,🙋

I am here with the next part.

Hope you guys like it.


" Ahaan...!!! It's pleasure to meet you again, Ms. Siddiqui " Samay squeezed her hand little more and she gave him a fake smile.

Aditya's eyes were burning to see his perverted act but he was composing himself. He already denied her to join her this meeting but Mr. Raheja called specially to mention that both partner should be present to the meeting.

They took their seat in his office and started going through the contract details. Zoya was squirming in her seat to feel his intense stare on her body. He was looking at her with pure lust and she was shivering without her knowledge.

The peon came with their coffee and Samay gestured him something. He nodded and put the coffee near the contract papers. He pretended to give Zoya her coffee by standing on Adi's side and the cup fell down from his hand.

" What the hell...!!! " Adi exclaimed with the burning sensation. Whole cup of coffee fell on his suit.

" I am sorry...I am so sorry Sir...!!! " peon pleaded and he gestured him to go. He asked for the washroom and peon took him with him.

Before Zoya could understand what's happening, Samay came and sat in front of her.

" So, Zoya " She gulped as he mentioned her first name. " As I can see that you are such a ambitious women, Then why are you in partnership with Mr. Hooda's company "

She looked at him confused and he continued " I mean, He started this company about 4-5 years before, and still it is not established fully. Then why don't you leave the partnership with him and joined me."

She looked at him blankly and he hold her hand in his. "We can make a better team, You and me " he said pointing at the two of them and caressed her back of the hand with his thumb.

She tried to snatched her hand back but he clutched it tightly.

" Mr. Raheja. I am happy that you offer me this opportunity, but I am satisfied with the company I am working with " she said tried to make calm face still struggling to remove her hand from his hold. She was looking at the door of the cabin again and again waiting fro him to come back.

" Think about it again, Zoya " he placed his hand on his shoulder and started caressing her arm slowly.

She stood up immediately. " What are you doing, Mr. Raheja? "

" Nothing, that you don't like Ms. Siddqui. " he grabbed her wrist and she struggled in his hold. " O come on, Zoya. Don't pretend someone's touching you first time, I am sure Mr. Hooda already had his share of you "

Her eyes watered as she looked at him disgustingly. She snatched her hand back and tried to slap him but he hold her wrist tightly. He made her turn swiftly and clutched her wrist behind her back. She yelped in pain and he whispered in her ear dangerously. " I like wild women more "

He was about to placed his lips in the crook of her neck when Zoya felt his weight pushed away from her. She rubbed her now red wrist painfully and turned only to find his face red with blood. She looked at him horror when Aditya's fist again hit his face fiercely.

" Mr. Hooda...Listen-" before he could complete his sentence a tight punch cracked his jaw. Aditya was looking at the man with burning eyes. He wasn't saying anything but his growl, his anger, his punches and his actions were telling what he felt that moment when he saw her harassing her.

A loud shriek escaped from her lips when he grabbed his head and smashed it in the glass table making it to break into pieces. Security guards came as soon as the listened the sound. They tried to took away Adi from him but he was grabbing him so tightly, punching on his face again and again that no one was able to control him.

" Adi..Aditya...leave him"

Zoya said brokenly but he wasn't listening anyone.

" Leave him Aditya, He will die " she said again with little loud voice.  He kept punching him while he became unconscious.

Zoya placed her hand on his shoulder and he stilled. " He will die, Adi. Leave him. " she said with the mixture of pleading and authoritative tone and his loosen on him. Guards make Samay settled on the couch immediately and Aditya grabbed her hand and stormed out of the office furiously.


" Hadn't I told you to not to come in this meeting? But no, Who listen to me? Who am I? No one!! Ms. Zoya Siddqui has to do do everything herself. She can handle everything then what were you-" he stopped his continuous shouting as soon as he listened her sobs. He turned abruptly towards her seeing her sobbing hiding her face in her palms.

" Zoya-" he removed her hand from her face and she looked at him with teary red eyes. He looked at her earnestly and wrapped his hands around her taking her in his tight embrace. She froze for a moment but calmed immediately as he caressed her hair tenderly. " Sorry Zoya. I wasn't thinking. I was just so angry on him and myself that after knowing that man's intentions I left you with him alone. I am so sorry. "

She sobbed more as he kept patting her head and kept mumbling the soothing words to her.She encircled her arm around his waist clutching his suit from the back and he tighten his grip around her. They stayed like this for few minutes until her sobs died down.

" Let me take you home " he said parting her from himself. She nodded sniffing. He chuckled looking at her face and she looked at him confused.

" You look cute with this red nose " he said tapping her nose with his index finger and she glared at him.

" Aap humara mazak bna rhe hai? (Are you making fun of me?) "

" Aww... you always caught me, Zoya. " he pouted his lips cutely and a small smile crept on her lips.

Aditya too smile genuinely to see her smile. They headed towards his car and left from there.

At night

Aditya kept thinking about the moment when he hugged Zoya and she hugged him back.

'Why am I thinking about that again and again, I was just consoling her. She is my partner and she was crying. '

He was repeating the sentence constantly.

She is my partner.

She is my partner.

She is just my partner.

"Agggrhhh" he scratched his hair frustratedly and headed to the bed.


It's been three months after that uneventful day. So many things changed after that in the office but the biggest one was the feelings between AdiYa. They were not just partner anymore. they were friends if one can say. They still fight, argue over silly issue, gave each other nasty glares but all it converted in a friendly way. their fights weren't loud anymore, in fact the staff would find it funny to see them bickering all the time.

" They fight like husband and wife " the eldest employee of their office said looking at them.

Arjun who just came to see Adi, halted to see them quibbling on each other's words and smile. Someone patt on his shoulder and he turned. His smile widen to see the person. He pointed towards Adiya and Noor smiled too.

" Let them enjoy. Wanna have coffee with me Maharani Chocomati Devi " he said teasingly.

" O, I have a boyfriend. But, I can cheat on him for you RJ AJ " she said winking and he looked at him agape.

" You are going to cheat on me ? " he asked in disbelief and she hit her palm on her forehead. 

" You are my boyfriend only, Arjun. " she rolled her eyes and grabbed her from collar and dragged him outside.

Here on AdiYa side,

"It's my project and I already decided, the theme colour will be red " Adi glared at her.

" No, It will be white " Zoya glared back.

" No, Red "

" White "

" Red"


" God, guys. You aren't planning the colour for your wedding night, that you are arguing this much " Mahi said frustrated and they looked at her jaw dropped. She gave them a glare and they looked here and there embarrassed.

" Now, I need the two of you to settle this before night because we have an early morning meeting with them. They nodded like the kids after get scolded by their Mom and headed inside the cabin with the files.

Everybody chuckled to see them and Mahi shook her head and left from there.


" Shit Zoya. What did you do? " he rushed towards her and grabbed her hand as soon as he saw her hurt. She was placing the files in the cupboard when the iron nail scratched her wrist making it bleed.

He took her hand in his hand and cursed. He grabbed the first-aid box from the drawer and helped her. She hissed in pain when he cleaned it with the antiseptic.

" Can't you took care of yourself ? All the time hurting yourself, Sometimes here, sometimes there " he said pointing at her other small injuries which she got from the last week.

She herself doesn't know why she kept thinking other things while working. Why her mind wander about one single person all the time that she didn't pay attention to anything and got her accidentally.

She was again lost in her thoughts when he jerked her from shoulders.

" Are you even listening, What am I saying ? " he asked and she nodded in no still in trance. He looked at her in disbelief.

" Zoya, Are you okay?"

She again nodded in no and he frowned.

" Zoya ? What happened ? "

" You"  she said absentmindedly and he looked at her startled.

" Me? " his voice came out loud more than he expected making her out of her thinking state.

" What? Why are you looking at me like this ? " She looked at him weirdly.

" You were saying- "

" What was I saying ? " She cut him abruptly. " And you listened what I said? " she gave him  a mocking look. " Wow...!!! That's one "

He gave her an  incredulous look. " When do I not listen you? I listened you every single time. " he said.

" O hello, you don't listen to me. I made you listen to me everytime forcibly"

" See, You are accepting, That you force me everytime" he smirked and she glared at him.

" I need not to force you if you agreed to my wishes in the beginning only " she said with twisted lips.

" Why do I find your every arguing session like a bedroom conversation, guys " came Mahi's exasperated voice and they turned in her direction with a guilty face.

" She always starts arguing with me " he pointed at Zoya and her jaw dropped.

" O hello, Janab Aditya Hooda. You were the one who started this " she glared at him.

" I ? " he looked at her in disbelief. " You accused me first. "

" You were looking at me like a creep. What should I do to you then? "

" Creep ??? " He gave her a horror look " You were day dreaming about me sitting here, And I am the who is creep ?" he mocked her.

" Yaa Allah..!!! Taubaa..!! Why will I day dream about​ you " she spat the word you weirdly and he scoffed.

" Because I am charming, handsome, hot, sexy, per- "

" Sexy and you ? O please ..!! " she said showing her palm.

" O so you agree, that I am everything other than sexy huh..!! " he grabbed her palm and dragged her close to him and gave her a sexy smirk.

She rolled her eyes and about to revert back, when Mahi's voice boomed.

"  I wonder what will your kids say when they saw you fighting like this "

Their head turned towards her in a speed of light to make her startled a little.

" Our kids? " they asked in terror.

" Yaa, your kids.Because I know, You two are going to tie the knot sooner or later "  she said rolling her eyes and left their cabin.

Their head turned towards each other with wide eyes. They jerked away immediately horrified.

" Tie the knot with you. Hell , NO....!!!!"


So, This is the Last Part.

Epilogue will be updated on Sunday.

Please tap on the star button and give your views.

Till then

Be happy and keep smiling

#Love #Ragika💕

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