Hopeful: A Meaningful Visit

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Harumi's decision to have her be sent to prison was a bittersweet act of maturity from her. However, during the trial, it was fruitless in development as she had chosen to be more reserved about her case, barely confiding much of her problems to anyone. Lloyd was respectful and understanding of her situation but he wasn't giving up on her either. He knew he needed to talk to her, to see how she was doing. He couldn't leave things be.

It had been a while since she was sent to Kryptarium Prison and Lloyd was visibly upset about her voluntary imprisonment. He attempted to visit her multiple times already. However, each time he formally requested a visit from her, she denied seeing him or anyone who wanted to speak to her. Time had passed since they last saw each other and their last conversation after the trial was quite gloomy and disheartening.

He worried for her constantly, hoping that she'd be alright and that she wasn't struggling in her confinement. Eventually he personally asked the Commissioner to allow him to enter her cell room so he could speak with her. He was hesitant at first, but he saw the desperation and determination in Lloyd's eyes.

The Commissioner led him to where she was imprisoned. He gave Lloyd a quick nod before letting him enter the large prison room. The door closed behind Lloyd and he took a deep breath and started walking. The air in the dark void room of Harumi's prison was heavy with silence and a palpable sense of confinement. He stared at the dome prison across the path. She was there, sitting silently with her back to him. Lloyd couldn't help but feel sorry for her, she looked miserable in that state.

When he finally reached the dome, he stood outside the transparent barrier gazing at Harumi who sat alone in her cell. She didn't even seem to even notice his arrival as she kept staring into the dark void of the room. He couldn't help but feel a mixture of sadness and guilt wash over him as he observed her.

Lloyd took a deep breath and approached the barrier, his voice filled with a mix of regret and pity. "Harumi... it's me... Lloyd..."

Harumi sat up straighter but she didn't turn back to him. She sadly looked down and rested her hands in her lap. "You shouldn't have come..." She said with a hint of sadness in her voice. "You shouldn't have wasted your time seeing me..."

Lloyd's heart ached at her reply. She sounded so pained and hurt. "I know you think you're not worthy of my time, Harumi. But I couldn't stay away. I needed to see you, to talk to you."

She sighed and her eyes glistened with unshed tears, her voice barely above a whisper. "There's nothing left to say, Lloyd. I made my choices, and now I have to face the consequences."

Lloyd leaned closer to the barrier, his voice filled with determination. "Harumi, I can't just let you give up like this. There's still a chance for redemption, for you to make amends."

Still facing away from him, tears finally streamed down her cheeks as she struggled to maintain her composure. "I... I don't deserve redemption, Lloyd. I've done too many terrible things. I can never undo the pain I've caused. I deserve this punishment..."

Lloyd's voice softened as he reached out a hand, his fingers grazing the barrier that separated them. "Harumi, I know you feel incredibly guilty of everything and everyone you have hurt. I know you've been through so much pain ever since what happened to you. And although that may not have justified your actions, it made me understand why you became the way you were..."

Harumi stood up and didn't utter a single word, she just tried her best to stop her crying but it was no use her tears kept pouring out. Lloyd's heart ached even more seeing her so devastated.

"Harumi... please look at me..." He pleaded. "We've all made mistakes. But that doesn't mean we should give up on ourselves. We have the power to change, to become better."

Harumi wiped her tears and she slowly turned to Lloyd, looking at him over her shoulder. "You've always had such faith in me, Lloyd. Even when I don't deserve it..." She started sobbing again as she tried to finish her reply.

"You've been lenient to me even back when I was your enemy. You were annoyed by my constant deception and I tainted so much of your trust but despite all that you still tried to talk me out of evil... You saved me from drowning and you helped me get off the Oni island... You kindly accepted me when I finally switched sides... and I... I truly have done nothing to deserve any of that..." She tightly gripped her arms as her breath hitched.

Lloyd's voice filled with meekness as he spoke. "I admit, at some point I despised you, at some point I hated you... but I still did all that because I believe in the person you can become, Harumi. There is always good in everyone."

"What good could there be in me? What good could I have done when all I have caused was pain... and suffering..." Harumi asked with doubt weighing heavily on her. Lloyd let out a deep breath and thought for a moment.

He observed her. She was slightly shaking in her sobs. She was clearly too blinded in her guilt to even think of even just the smallest moments of goodness she had. Lloyd felt more determined than ever as he spoke.

"Have you forgotten what you did for that family you saved? Or the times you chose to keep me alive and worried for my safety despite the many times you were supposed to kill me? I know there's good in you, Rumi... Don't allow your guilt to blind you..."

Harumi's eyes welled up in tears as she completely faced Lloyd. "H-how would you be so sure of my intentions if they were good or not? What if I did all that just to deceive you again?"

He gave her a gentle smile. "Call me assuming for what I have said and for what I am going to say. Although I am definitely unsure myself of your truest nature, I got the hint that you didn't hate me as much as you claimed from all the times you kept trying to bargain with me to join you."

Harumi fought back her dismay and forced herself to sound cold and distant. "I only thought of you as a useful asset, nothing more." She lied, then looked away to avoid his eyes.

"You wouldn't gain much by keeping me alive knowing well I would never join you or become evil, yet that never stopped you from trying. That was your only choice, since you had nothing else to offer me that would spare my life from the Overlord... and even back then from my father." His gaze never wavered from her.

Harumi didn't protest, she didn't answer back. Although she was blinded by her rage and the Overlord's promises, what he said wasn't untrue. It was evident she did care about him to some extent, going as far as to have the Overlord himself expose her true sentiments for Lloyd. Those of which she herself didn't even acknowledge until as of late. She fell on her knees and started sobbing uncontrollably.

Lloyd looked at her sadly, wishing he could comfort her properly, but the thick glass dome was between them, all he could do was talk to her from behind it. "I know you hate yourself for what you've done, that's why you chose to have yourself be put in this extreme confinement, but Rumi..." He says her nickname with slight affection. "I am willing to give you a second chance, and the others do feel the same. You can change for the better..."

Harumi's tears flowing freely now as she pressed her hand against the barrier, mirroring Lloyd's. "Lloyd... I want to change... I desperately do... I don't want to be who I was anymore, I want to make up for my mistakes and help those I have hurt... but I don't know if I can do it. I don't know if I'll ever become a good person at this point... it's too late... I've done too much..."

Lloyd's voice grew firm as he refused to accept her defeat. "No, Harumi. It's never too late. You can change and you have the strength to do it, and if you struggle, we'll be there to help you... I'll be there to help you... please... just trust that you can do it... believe you can do it..."

Harumi's gaze softened, and for a moment, a glimmer of hope shone through her despair. "I wish I could believe that, Lloyd. I wish I could believe in myself..."

Lloyd's grip tightened on the barrier, his voice filled with determination. "Then let me believe in you, Harumi. Let me be your beacon of hope, your reminder that there is still goodness within you."

She was now looking straight into his green eyes, she saw his determination and stubbornness to not give up on her. It made her feel at ease for the first time, her negative thoughts slowly clearing away as she leaned her head towards the glass dome.

"I still don't understand why you treat me so well even after all this time... but for you... for what you've done for me... for your kind compassion and understanding..." Her voice slightly broke into a sob. "I'll try Lloyd... I'll try..."

Lloyd's eyes were filled with a glimmer of hope and relief as he happily chuckled and leaned his head to the dome mirroring her. "I know you can do it, Rumi."

They both look up and Harumi smiles at him for the first time. He smiles back at her as she wipes away her tears. The commissioner outside gave out a signal that it was time for Lloyd to leave. This saddened them both as they wished they had more time.

"Lloyd..." Harumi called out to him and he turned back to her. "Let me serve my time here until it's over... I am to be released soon enough since the Commissioner had lessened my term for good behavior... but by then may I be so bold to ask of you to wait for me?"

Lloyd gave her a reassuring smile and nodded. "Of course. I'll come visit you often, just don't deny me the next time I request to see you."

Harumi chuckled a bit. "I won't anymore."

"See you, Rumi." Lloyd says as he starts walking back to the door. When he finally reached the door he looked back at Harumi. She mouthed the words 'thank you' to him and he smiled before the door closed.

Harumi was once again left alone. Lloyd's presence still lingered and she silently wished they had talked more. At the very least, her negative thoughts have now slowly started easing out as she remembers his words. She sits down on her bed and stares at the door that had just closed.

"I won't let you down, Lloyd..." She says with a tint of hope and determination, but a sudden surge of purple light pulsed within her and she fell back. She lays on her bed writhing in pain. He eyes glowed purple and the light left a sharp pain in her chest that took a few moments to ease. She panted heavily as tears started falling down her eyes.

"I promise..." She says with a sob, a vow. "I'll persevere... I can do this..." As the pain finally disappears, her body slowly tires out as she surrenders to her state and drifts off to sleep.

• • • • •

Hello! So I suddenly appeared out of nowhere and now here we are with a Llorumi Oneshot that happened Post-Crystallized!

Honestly it's been such a long time since I went back to the Ninjago fandom and sure enough it took Harumi's return in the series finale for me to actually go back to this fandom. I have used AO3 for the last few years but this one shot is the very first fic I posted in years, and yes I first posted this one there: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47330914

When I finally checked out this account after years, I realized a fair amount of people actually enjoyed my fanfiction despite it being discontinued and I really understand the pain of reading unfinished fics so for a peace offering for those who liked my book, I posted this one here. :)

Thanks so much for being amazing! God bless you guys!! <3

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