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A/N to my Indonesian wattpad readers, I post my original story @suhaa_alhasnah it's all in Indonesian. Please read and follow me.
Luther crept into his room, his arse giving off the oh-so-familiar painful sensation. How many times has this been going on, since everyone moved out? That's what- a year ago? He doesn't know- he barely keeps track anyway. He couldn't even remember the specific date Ben was killed- only that it was winter and he witnessed it.

Luther opens his room window, letting the fresh snow enter his room. Ben hated the cold- he always did, whilst Five loved it. They always feel cold to him, in some way. Luther sighed as he turned on his phone, immediately seeing news on Allison who's playing in a musical about Adam and Eve. Good for her, Luther thought. Her voice is always powerful and he knew this is always her dream. Luther stared at Allison's picture, how her ombré curly hair frames her face so beautifully. How's life treating her?

Luther scrolled down, hoping to hear other news. He sees an ad for a violin class with Vanya's pale face and her violin on the cover. Good for her, Luther thought. Vanya had always been passionate about the violin, she wouldn't be anything else but a violinist. Of course. Luther sighed as he sees a picture of his 'little' sister, Allison must've helped her with her transition fees. She looks so beautiful holding her old violin, how's life treating her?

Luther dropped his phone as he stood up, bolting into the bathroom as he crouched down the toilet seat, letting last night's food along with some acid leave his mouth. Curse Reginald forcing him to take so much whiskey, honestly. This has been going on for what now- three months-ish? Luther doesn't know- not that he keeps track of time nowadays.

After flushing the toilet, Luther closed the door of the bathroom and stripped away his clothes, letting himself step into the shower. He can feel his head feeling a little bit dizzy like the room is spinning around him. He needs to eat, he decided. Right after this, he needs to fill his stomach with food. He just expelled a hell lot of them.

After he was done with his necessities and wore his clothes, he descended from his room straight to the dining table, where sits Reginald on the left of his designated chair, a plate of British muffins in front of him along with a glass of water, on top of his seat lays a plate of maple syrup-covered pancakons and a glass of milk, waiting for him. Luther swallowed his saliva before sitting on the designated chair, exchanging no words with his father.

"Eat," Reginald commanded, and Luther wasted no time as he shoved pieces of pancakon in his mouth. He was so hungry, why shouldn't he be? He just threw up all of last night's food.

Breakfast couldn't be more disturbingly quiet as Reginald played some Bach, no other words exchanged. Luther doesn't dare to open his mouth, his father wouldn't bother listening to what's on his mind. He didn't even bother asking him how he feels when he just used him as a tool just a few hours ago. But yet again, that's the only thing Luther ever is to him, a tool. Not a child, not his child.

"You may be dismissed, Number One-" Luther immediately stood up and gave a curt bow to Reginald, bolting out to his room and locking the door behind him.

He went to the nearest shelf, opening it, where his book of poems lie. He opened the book, opening the pages to reveal the money he hid there, shoving it in his back pocket. Usually, he is given a three-hour break between breakfast and training, so he has to act quick. Luther left his room, closing the door behind him as he descended the stairs.

"Where are you going, Luther?" Luther hears the angelic voice of Grace calling him from behind, yet all he can think of is 'shit'.

"I'm just having a walk, I have three hours of free time," Luther simply answered, not even turning back. Not now. Luther wasted no time as he continued on his journey and left the Academy, turning right as he goes.

Luther looked around, he thinks he's far enough from the Academy to not be recognised. Luther entered the drug store in front of him, directing himself to get a litre bottle of water and two of the most expensive pregnancy test he can see present, which is 20 dollars. So around 42 dollars. Since he's holding 50 dollars, he'll manage.

Luther placed the tests and the water bottle to the counter, the clerk barely awake as they just scan the barcodes and put them in a plastic bag.

"42 dollars and 5 cents," the clerk reads, not caring what he's buying. Luther hands them the money, and the person gave him the change. "Have a good day."

"Thanks," Luther squeaks as he left, opening the bottle of water to chug down the contents. He'll be finished with it when he arrives at the Academy, just take a piss on the stick and see, and try again tomorrow for another. Luther finished with the bottle and kept the bottle in the plastic bag, he might need it.

"Where have you been, Master Luther?" Pogo greets him as soon as he steps in the Academy.

"It's still free time, I can go wherever I like," Luther answered. Pogo didn't say anything more as Luther steps into the nearest bathroom, taking out a test from the plastic bag and reads the instructions. So, he needs to piss at the designated place and wait for five minutes flat, that seemed easy. If it's negative, there's one red line. If it's positive, there's two. Doesn't seem so hard.

After laying the test flat near the flush button, he wore his pants and trousers again and closed the toilet seat, sitting on the toilet cap and sets the timer on his phone. What if it says positive? Should he tell Reginald? He didn't even want to be fucked by his father, why do his siblings have to leave? Should he tell Grace? Should he tell Pogo? What should he do?

No matter, he should keep planning the complete mechanism for the second test. This one might not even display positive, it might just be his paranoia. Luther's phone beeped, noting that the time has ended and the test would display the answer. Luther turned to take it, holding with both hands to keep it steady.

The test displays two red lines.

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