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"Hey, Klaus."

"What?" Klaus turned their back to face Luther in the eyes. "Want me to contact Dad again? I just did, it's not a pleasant experience. I hate it, you know."

"No, just-" Luther sighed, looking down his hands. "I know you hate it so much, but can you contact someone for me?"

"Depends, have they moved onto the next stage of death?" Klaus shrugged, slumped over their seat. "How recently deceased are they?"

"2008," Luther quickly answered. "She died in 2008."

"She?" Klaus raised their brows, smirking at their brother who's looking like someone's lost puppy. "Aww, who's this girl to you, Big Guy? Is she like Allison or like that girl you brought from the rave?"

Luther flinched as he closed his eyes, moving the memories there barely is out of his eyes. "No, she's someone else."

"Tell me her full name."

"Katrina Luisa Hargreeves," Luther answered. Klaus widened their eyes as they hear her last two names, Luisa Hargreeves. This Katrina girl has Hargreeves as her last name, yet their father didn't adopt a new child. She carries Luther's deadname as her middle name, like how children often carry their parent's name as their middle name. Katrina Luisa Hargreeves. Oh shit.

"Is she yours?" Klaus gasped, their hand over their mouth. "Luther-"

"Was-" Luther cuts, his hand absentmindedly over his belly. "She was mine. She died when she was still in my uterus. She would've been eleven by now."

"Eleven? We were nineteen, then!" Klaus slapped a hand over their face. Luther looked away from them. "I can't help you," Klaus shook their head, standing up to pat the bigger man's back.

"Why not?" Luther asked, looking at Klaus. Klaus pressed their lips to a thin line. "She was at her eleventh week, she was alive! Your power is to commune with the dead!"

"Sit down with me, come on," Klaus sits down their bed, patting the space beside them. Luther sits down too, Klaus patting his shoulder. "She hasn't fully developed a brain yet, she's never considered alive."

"I-" Luther breaks down crying. Klaus rubbed circles to their brother's back. "I loved her. I loved her."

"Who knows about this?" Klaus asked, looking at their crying brother.

"Mum was the first to know," Luther took a deep breath in. "Then Diego. Then Dad, and lastly Pogo."

"How did they react?"

"Mum was the only one who reacted positively," Luther smiled through his tears. "She offered a USG reading and an abortion, and she performed CVS when Katrina was taken out of my body so I can get to know more about her," Luther recalled. "Diego reacted horribly, mocking me and belittling me. Dad-" Luther inhaled deeply. "Dad was the one who killed her."

"What do you mean?"

"He's the one who injected me with the serum to mutate me, killing her in the process," Luther explained. "It's not that she would've lived either way-" Luther shrugged. "I was already dead. I just miss her, isn't it funny?" Luther laughed pitifully. Klaus only smiled awkwardly. "I never really met her, yet I miss her. So much."

"Does her other father-"

"Knows? Hell yeah-" Luther nodded, swallowing his saliva. "It's Dad. He raped me- and was her sperm donor."

Klaus closed their eyes, damn it. Reginald steps lower and lower each day, even when the man's dead. "He administered the serum in me, knowing full well that she's going to be dead. She'll be dead either way, with or without me. Dad decided that he couldn't lose me, for whatever reason." Klaus remembered what Diego said just a few days ago, 'He used you as his toy, he made you bake his bun in your oven.'. This must be what happened.

"Is there a memorial for her?" Klaus asked. Luther nods. "Maybe we can go there? Pay respects to little Katrina? Nibling Klaus would love to meet her, and I bet Aunt Allison, Uncle Diego, Nibling Five, and Aunt Vanya would love it too."

"I don't think Diego would-"

"As cold-hearted Diego seems, Diego isn't so," Klaus interrupted. "Diego only said so at Dad's memorial service because he hates Dad and hates that we have the decency to act neutral."

"Her plaque is here, beside Ben's plaque."

"Awesome! We wouldn't have to go far to pay respects!" Klaus claps. Luther smiled softly. "There's my big brother! Don't fight the urge to smile, I'm sure Katrina would hate to see her father in a foul mood!"

"Klaus-" Luther smiled wider at his sibling's weird antiques. "You're making me feel silly."

"I'll go and find our other siblings, you just go to where she was buried, yeah?" Luther nods as Klaus stood up, Luther following. Klaus held their brother's hand, rubbing circles with their thumb. "We just ended the impending apocalypse, just as Five said. We'll be fine."

"We'll be fine," Luther repeated. Oh, he missed this. He missed the nice interaction between him and his siblings. Luther walked away, Klaus holding his hand as they reach to the courtyard.

"Just go to the spot, ok?" Klaus asked. "We'll all be there, I need to get them."

At that, Klaus left. Luther sighed as he walked to Katrina's plaque, which is a few metres beside Ben's. Luther crouched down, his hairy hand touching the plaque.

Katrina Luisa Hargreeves
A pure soul who'll always brighten her father's days

He'll never have a chance to have another Katrina, not as long as he lives. Reginald has applied a complete hysterectomy on him, he doesn't have a uterus anymore. As much as he loved the idea of never having a uterus again, he always imagined himself as a father. Yet, it'll never happen again.

"Luther-" Luther heard Diego behind him, calling his name. "I-Is it tr-true, what Klaus s-said?"

"Klaus told you, Di?"

"Klaus told all of us," Luther turned around to see Five, standing along with Diego, Allison, Klaus, and Grace. "We couldn't reach Vanya. Mum also verified."

Luther nodded, clenching his teeth. Allison held her brother's shoulders softly. "I'm sorry."

"She would've been eleven by now." Luther shook his head, looking at the plaque.

"Claire would've loved to play with Katrina."

"Yeah-" Luther sniffed. Allison rubbed circles on his back. "She would've. Katrina would act like a big sister to Claire. At least you'll get to see yours again, in the future."

"I'm so sorry."

"Yeah, thanks," Luther very quickly answered, but something in his tone makes it sound insincere to her.

"Luther-" Five held his arm. "I'm so sorry for your loss."

"Yeah, thanks."

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