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"Stop right there!"

Damn it, he's been caught. Luther looked around to see eight people, all guns directed at him. Luther knew he can take down all of them at once, but not with guns. Luther looks around for anything to help him escape. Damn it, nothing as far as his eyes can see. Luther puts his hands on his head, surrendering. Will he survive this? Will his baby survive this? Hopefully. Hopefully, they both will.

"Bring him to the Big Boss!" One of them who caught Luther yelled. Luther didn't say anything, knowing better than to attack eight armed people when he's unarmed. No, he needs to carefully craft this, or else there'll be no future for Luther Hargreeves and the little kid.

Luther remembers the three chemicals he brought, which are cyanogen chloride, ethyldichlorasine, and sarin. Cyanogen chloride is a blood agent to prevent oxygen from reaching cells, ethyldichlorasine is a choking agent to trigger fluids to build up in the lungs, and sarin is a nerve agent to affect the transmission of impulses through the nervous system, the deadliest compound between the three.

"You little shit," Luther spat.

"Huh? What'd you say?" One of them said. Luther can see that everyone is too distracted with what he said to pay attention to his hands, good.

Luther grabbed two bottles from his pocket and immediately smashed them to the burning electrical outlet, immediately fleeing from the scene. The cyanogen chloride corrodes the door and reaches the electrical outlet, along with ethyldichlorasine making it explode, releasing some gas. Luther had a hand on his face, trying to keep the gas out of his face. He pressed the little button he always carries in his pocket, a distress signal to the Academy. Hopefully, his dad will save him.

The hot air choked him, the hot air burning against his flesh. He can see his skin changing colour from the usual cream-colour to alarmingly red everywhere. The air covers him more, the alarm blaring in his ears, and the emergency stairs are very close, now. No, Luther has no power to go on any longer as he dropped limp, his body against the door to the emergency stairs. He just hopes that somehow, both he and the baby will survive this.

Grace arrived at the building, flying up to the seventh floor. She flew in the building by breaking the glass, looking around. She can see that it's a total mess, she looked around for her son. There he is, laid down against a door. Grace took out an oxygen mask connected to the tank in her back, placing it on Luther, before lifting his body with ease, flying immediately out the room. She looked down her son with sadness in her eyes, hopefully, he will survive this.

As soon as she arrived at the manor, she placed him on the hospital bed Reginald placed there, Reginald waiting nearby, wearing a surgical gown. Reginald and Grace pushed him to the infirmary, where Luther's breathing went raspier as time goes on, before stopping. Reginald wore his medical gloves, getting a clear look at Luther.

"Get the defibrillator!" Reginald ordered. Pogo grabs two metal plates, going to the machine to turn on the voltage. Reginald placed them on his chest, shocking him, but he doesn't breathe. "Again!" Reginald did it again, but the result is the same, Luther didn't breathe. Reginald stopped, staring at his dying son.

"Get me the serum," Reginald commanded and Grace ran around, finding the serum before giving them back to Reginald.

"Sir, are you sure?" Grace asked, handing Reginald the serum. "What about the baby?"

"Either way, it's dead. There's no chance of survival," Reginald answered, taking the serum from her hands. "It's just a matter of 'will Number One join or not'."

Grace closed her eyes as she hears the needle jab in Luther's body, Luther's body reacting to the serum as his tendons grew bigger, his skin grew hairier. Even when the only son who stayed for his cause, who is constantly tortured with his doings is dying, Reginald wouldn't call him by his name. Reginald doesn't seem to care as he pulled out the serum, putting it on the medical table.

"We need to vacuum the foetus out," Reginald said as Pogo and Grace pulled open Luther's legs, holding them apart so that they don't close. Reginald enters a speculum in his vagina. As soon as he entered the speculum successfully, he used an instrument to hold the cervix. He entered a cannula in, turning on the suction as soon as it's securely inside.

"Grace, stay here and accompany Number One," Reginald ordered as soon as he's done with the things he needed to do, taking off the surgical gloves and placing it on the table.

"Will he be able to conceive again, Sir?"

"No, I've performed a complete hysterectomy on him," Reginald answered quickly. "It's up to you to perform vaginoplasty on him or not, I don't care."

With that, he left without casting another look at his mutated son nor the dead foetus he forced his dying son to create a few weeks ago.

"Master Luther's heart will break when he hears what we've done to him," Pogo said to Grace, looking at Luther with pity in his eyes as Luther's tendons grow bigger, more hair covering his skin. "Be there for him."

"I will." After glancing one last pitiful look at Luther, Pogo left the infirmary, leaving Grace alone with Luther.

Grace held Luther's growing shoulders softly as if telling him that she's here to accompany him. With his temper, she's sure that she'll find his room completely thrashed more often, find him hanging himself more often, he's going to destroy himself. Grace made it in her mental list to ask Reginald if she can bring him to therapy, he's going to need all the help he can get.

Grace stood up, heading for the tube the vacuum was connected to. As Luther is still unconscious, Grace took out the tube and using a pair of tweezers, she took a tissue sample from the dead foetus. She hid the tube down, testing it as she poured the tissue sample out the plastic plate she provided, looking at the DNA displayed in front of her. From the result, she can conclude that the baby would be positive for Tay-Sachs disease and that the sex is female. Tay-Sachs from who, Luther or Reginald?

Grace prints again the USG results from a few days ago, writing her findings on the back paper.

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