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"I'm so happy to hear that!" The therapist, Mx Wood said. "How do your siblings react?"

"Yesterday, we had a celebratory party," Luther answered, looking down as he smiled. "Vanya and Allison planned the whole thing out, but Allison had to leave early. We cut cake, drank a reasonable amount of champagne, we danced the night away. I'll be getting her today."

"Congratulations!" Mx Wood smiled. "I agree, you definitely have changed since you first saw me."

"I hope you good luck, Luther," Mx Wood said, nodding their head. "Should I schedule your next meeting, let the stress of fatherhood out? I'm a parent of two myself, it's not an easy feat."


"I'm scheduling it to next week, is that ok with you?" Mx Wood asked. Luther nodded and Mx Wood pressed a couple of numbers on their telephone. Luther's legs won't stay still as the thought of being a father dawned upon him more and more, even if he's 'fourteen years too late', as Diego put it once, it's never too late for him. Allison had Claire at 25, there's no such thing as 'too late'.

"Again, congratulations, Luther," Luther stood up as Mx Wood opened their arms for a hug, Luther accepting it. The two people shared a hug before pulling apart. "I'll see you again next week, alright?"

"Thank you, Mx Wood," Luther said as he escorted himself out, leaving the building. Luther left to see Diego's car waiting for him outside, and Luther went in the very back, seeing Diego, Allison, and Five in front of him, beside him a baby carrier.

"Ready to pick up your daughter?" Diego asked as soon as Luther closed the door.

"You have no idea," Luther answered, grinning wildly. Diego chuckled as he started the car.

"Remember, Luther," Allison signed. "Parenting is not all sunshine and roses, there's going to be bumps along the way."

"I know, Allison," Luther nodded. "The therapist told me such, I'll meet them again next week."

"Finally, you'll really be a father," Five held their twin's hand, rubbing circles. "You've always wanted this, and finally it came true."

"Finally-" Luther nodded, his stomach turning in a mix of excitement and nervousness.

"What's wrong, Lu?" Five asked, noting their twin's fallen expression. "Are you regretting it?"

"No, I'll never regret it-" Luther shook his head. "Just, I mean I know I should always expect hardships in the future, but what if I can't handle it? What if I become like Dad?"

"No," Diego interrupted, causing Luther to look up to him. "You won't be like Dad. Besides, if you turn even slightly similar to Dad, I'll beat your arse on her name. I only didn't beat Allison's arse because I didn't hear it when it happened."

"I'm with Diego here," Allison signed. "I'll beat you if you ever even slightly turn to be like Dad."

"WHAT THEY MEAN-" Five cuts, amusingly chuckling. "You'll never be like Dad. You've prepared for this for years. You waited until Mx Wood gives you the green light, you've worked on finding the right adoption agency and the right biological parents, you're always there for the medical checkups and you've signed up for parenting classes. You'll be a great father."

"Hopefully-" Luther nodded. "I'm really nervous."

"I can relate. When I'm given the chance to see Claire again, I was a nervous mess in the car," Allison signed. "But you'll be fine. I'll help you, parent to parent. I'll give you some tips. You've been doing great with babysitting Claire."

"Thanks, Allison," Luther smiled. Diego stopped at a building with a pink Little Angel Orphanage sign over it. Luther opened the back door.

"Luther-" Five called. Luther turned to face them, raising his brow. "Good luck."

"Thanks, Five," Luther said as he mounted off the car, staring at the building, carrying the carrier. Fuck it, he'll just straight enter the building. Luther opened the door, walking to the counter.

"Hello, Mr Hargreeves," the receptionist greeted.

"Hello, so when can I pick up my daughter?" Luther asked. The receptionist nodded as they took out three sheets of papers.

"Sign here-" they handed Luther a pen, pointing at the space next to the signed space of the baby's biological parent. Luther signed there, the one behind it, and the one behind it. "That'll be it, Mr Hargreeves. Please follow me."

Luther can barely contain his excitement as he followed the receptionist into the building, entering a room full of cribs filled with sleeping babies. The receptionist moved to the pink crib with a white baby, a little tuft of blonde on top of her hair as she's staring at him with her big blue eyes. The receptionist lifts the baby, handing her to Luther. Luther held the tiny baby in his arms, barely containing his grin.

"Hello, honey," Luther greeted the baby in his arms, touching her little hands. "I'm your dad, Luther." The receptionist puts up Luther's baby carrier, and Luther puts the baby inside.

"Will that be all, Mr Hargreeves?" The receptionist asked. Luther nodded, his eyes never leaving his newest daughter. "Good luck, Mr Hargreeves."

"Thank you," With that, Luther left the orphanage, cooing at the baby. Luther opened the back door to Diego's car, putting the baby first before him.

"Is that her?" Five asked, cooing as they looked the back. Allison looked back too, barely containing her grin. A brand new baby!

"Yeah-" Luther nodded, his eyes back at staring his daughter. "This is your niece."

"Welcome to the Hargreeves family-" Diego chuckled as he started the car, driving off. Luther kept touching his daughter's cheeks, letting her hold his forefinger. The baby made some noises, in which Luther grinned more as he strikes the baby softly.

"You'll be fine," Luther promised, his finger held by the little fat hand. "You'll be fine."

"We're here," Diego declared, turning off the car.

Ever since they renovated the manor, it no longer feels gloomy, lonely, and depressing; instead it turns bright, friendly, and lively. Luther and Five live in the manor full-time together, Luther finding a job as an astronomer and Five finding a job as a time and frequency scientist. Luther opened the back door, entering the manor with the carrier. As soon as Luther enters, there's a huge soft green banner that reads Welcome Home! over the ceiling of the manor. There is Grace, Vanya, and Klaus, all three waiting in the living room. Vanya turned her head as soon as she heard the door open, seeing Luther with the baby.

"Welcome home, Katrina Luisa Hargreeves!"

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