Chapter 24

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Niall's POV

"Who are we?" I burst out.

"I'm Liam."

"I'm Louis."

"I'm Zayn."

"I'm Harry."

"I'm Niall."

"And we're One Direction!" we chorused.

"And I'm Ed Sheeran," he said.

"I know who you all are," she said, motioning to Ed and the other four lads.

"But, I don't know you," she said.

"You know them, but you don't know me?" I asked, hurt.

"Sorry, but yeah, I don't," she answered.

"Ni, mate, can I see you for a second?" Liam peered in the door. When did he leave?

"What's up, Li?" I asked once the door closed.

"Phoenix got hit by a semi truck, and apparently the driver was drunk," Liam told me.

My jaw dropped on shock. When was Phoenix hit? It was only like noon. And why was the driver of a semi truck drunk?

"Yeah, from what the nurse said, it seemed like she was hit at one time but all over, like she got flattened on the grill of the truck," Liam added.

"Yeah, and she hit the ground really hard, and there might be some brain damage," a nurse came up behind Liam to finish explaining.

"But, if she's got amnesia, wouldn't she have forgotten about us? Why am I the only one she lost memories about?"

"I don't know, mate, but everyone's probably waiting on us. Let's go back in," Liam said.


Phoenix's POV

There was a bit of awkward silence when Liam and that blond kid left the room.

"So, how are you feeling?" Harry asked.

"I'm alright. Apparently I was right in between the truck's wheels. so while the truck ran me over, the wheels never touched me, which the doctor said was a miracle. Had the wheels touched me, then I would've been in critical condition," I answered.

"So, the truck only knocked you over?" Zayn asked.

"Yep," I nodded.

"So, before this whole drama, we had this thing going where we were writing a song or two for your album, and we kinda need to do some recording soon," Ed brought up.

"Yes, I've been thinking about how long I would be here and when I would be able to go in and record. I've had a ton of ideas before I met you lads, so I wrote my ideas down in my journal. Would you hand me the journal? There are melodies and harmonies written for it too," I answered.

Ed handed me my journal and I began to flip through it, getting flashbacks of all the emotions I felt when writing these songs, including the songs that I had written right after Luke and I had broken up.


"Luke, what did I do to cause you to stop loving me? And now that I've caught you with this other girl, when did you stop loving me?" I pleaded with Luke. He was my first and so far my only boyfriend.

"You're no good anymore! You're all goody-goody and sheltered and so naive!" he yelled at me.

"Oh, so you only dated me to get in my pants?" I shouted back at him.

"Yes! And when you wouldn't let me, I went and found another girl," he said defiantly.

"You suck, you son of a b****! I was faithful to you, and I never allowed myself to look at anyone else but you, and then you go behind my back and cheat on me? I'm not just some toy that you can f*** when you want to! Why, Luke? Why did you do this to me?" I sobbed. He was using me, and I was too dumb to realize it until just now.

"It doesn't matter now, because we're done. I'm breaking up with you," he said calmly, as if nothing was wrong. Talk about a disposition switch.

My heart literally broke when he said that to me, and I had to have some comeback, so I made one up.

"Fine. Well, I'm breaking up with you too," I said cockily, trying to keep my lip from quivering as I stalked out of the room, head held high.

******End Flashback******

I could still remember the day I wrote these lyrics.

When did you stop loving me

You let me down so perfectly

and you walked away so easily

baby, tell me, when did you stop loving me

Tell me, when did you give up on us

did I love too much or not enough

and is there someone else you're thinking of

and when did you give up on us

What do I do

with the mess you made of me

with all that I lose

I think you owe me one thing

Ya know, I don't need your reasons

or your sympathy

boy, just tell me, when did you stop loving me

Tell me, when did you start drifting away

and have you loved me less

with every single day

If you were over me, boy, tell me,

why did you stay

When did you start drifting away

What do I do

with the mess you made of me

with all that I lose

I think you owe me one thing

Ya know, I don't need your reasons

or your sympathy

boy, just tell me, when did you stop loving me

I just wanna know

When did you stop loving me

Is this really how you want it to end

with the like of love

and the lost of a friend

Now I'm scared of loving anybody else again

is this how you want it to end

In hindsight, I realized I shouldn't have broken up with Luke that way, but I was upset that he had cheated on me.

"Are you ok?" Ed asked me gingerly.

"Oh, yeah. I just had a flashback to when my boyfriend and I broke up.

"Wait, you had a boyfriend before Niall?" Harry demanded almost brazenly.

At that moment, Niall and Liam walked in, and I shut my mouth before either of them could see that we were talking.

I quickly created a group message for the five of us and texted it.

Yes, I did, and I'll tell you later, I said.

Don't forget, I leave in a couple days, and I wanna hear this, Ed replied.

"What's going on?" Niall asked. All the other lads were suddenly on their phones, reading the group message that Niall and Liam weren't a part of.

"I'm letting Simon know that I'm in the hospital, and asking him how he wants to handle that, since I'm supposed to finish recording songs soon," I said, quickly switching to the messages between me and Simon and typing out a quick text to him. That got me off the hook, which I guess is what Niall wanted to know, since he didn't ask about the others.


"Mate, do you know when Phoenix will be released?" Harry asked a couple hours later.

"No, but I can go ask her doc. She should know," Liam replied.

As if on cue, my doctor walked in the room.

"Phoenix! How are you feeling?" she asked.

"I'm alright. A little shaken up, but I'm alright," I answered.

"That's wonderful to hear," the doctor praised.

"Um, excuse me, I don't mean to intrude, but when will Phoenix be discharged?" the blond kid, Niall I think his name was, asked.

"At this point, we want to keep her overnight, just to see how she's doing," the doctor replied.

I saw the other lads nod at this.

"Well, I'm off to go finish my rounds. I'll see you tomorrow!" she said before walking out the door, leaving us alone.

"So, what's up?" I asked, trying to break the awkward silence.

"Well, Niall's been missing you real bad," Louis chimed, making who I assumed was Niall blush.

"Hey, I just remembered that I left something at home, and it's really heavy, so I need Ed, Zayn, and Louis to come with me," Liam said. Was he trying to hint at something?

"Alright, mate. We'll stay here," Harry said.


"So, you really don't remember who I am?" Niall asked after the door had shut.

"I'm really sorry, but I don't. Who are you?" I said.

"I guess I'll do the introduction," Harry relented with a sigh after Niall gave him a puppy dog face.

"Phoenix, this is Niall. He is your boyfriend. Niall, this is Phoenix. She is your girlfriend," Harry said.

"Wait, I have a boyfriend?" I asked. This whole thing was confusing me.

"Yes. Now, I'm going to get something, so I'll be right back," Harry said, leaving me and Niall alone.

"So," I began to say.

"Phoenix, I miss you so much. What do you remember before the truck hit you?" he asked, almost pleaded with me.

"Well, it was 6:30 in the morning, and I went for a run. While I was running, I guess a truck was coming my way, and I tried to swerve, but the truck still hit me," I said.

"And you didn't tell me?" he sounded hurt.

"I didn't want to wake you and the other lads," I said softly.

"But you didn't leave a note," he said.

"I thought I would be back before you woke up. I didn't try to get run over," I argued, my voice rising slightly.

"It's ok. It's not your fault. I understand. But, why am I the only one you forgot? Why didn't you forget the other lads?" he asked.

"I'm not sure," I answered softly, turning to pull the covers up. It was still early, but I was tired and I didn't want to talk anymore.

Niall didn't say another word to me, but I knew he was there watching over me because I heard him tapping away on his phone.


Hey guys!!!!

New chapter!!!

More to come!!!





Love you, Hopefuls!!!

Lizzy-Luci :)

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