Chapter One

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Feng kicked his feet up on the table and sipped his drink. The front of the bar was empty, no one coming in or out. He sighed and tapped the heel of his sandal against the tabletop. When were the idiots coming?


An older man, few hairs on his head gray and trembling, shuffled through the entrance. He clasped his hands behind his back and made his way to a table within earshot of Feng. The man quickly glanced to either side before falling onto a stool, and Feng hid his smile with his cup. This old geezer was her great informant, the one she risked herself every day for? She was more idiotic than he thought.

But then a woman stepped through the entrance into the bar. Her hair was short and brushed her shoulders, and the way she tilted her head didn't match with the peasant robes she wore. She glided to the table the old man was sitting in and gracefully sank down onto the wooden stool.

"Hello, Miquel. Do you have anything for me today?" she asked the man. Even though her face was hidden and without her usual makeup, she still attracted a few glances.

"Y-yes, Princess Eryka," the man stammered, and his head fell in a quick bow.

Feng's smile grew wider, so he downed the rest of his drink. Quit acting like a careless buffoon and focus, he chided himself.

Eryka's forehead creased, but her grin was easy as she pushed Miquel back up. "Not here, mi servicile," she said. "I may be your princess, but I'm not supposed to be right now."

Miquel's eyes brightened at being called her help. "Of course, my grace, of course. I just forget myself from time to time. Are you here for the usual?"

Eryka daintily crossed her legs. She was definitely attracting stares now. "Yes, the three Guilds," she said.

"Well," Miquel began, "the Assassin's Guild is... stirring up something." He leaned in closer and quieted his voice to a whisper. "No one's sure what, but we all feel the unease. They're planning something, so it might not be the safest to continue this conversation—"

"Stop acting like I can't defend myself." The princess's voice was pure steel. "Now, do your men have any clue what the guild is up to?"

Miquel gulped and leaned back, his eyes never leaving the woman in front of him. "No, but we think they're planning a murder. They're acting the way they usually do before they kill someone of meaning. They go quiet, the mystery midnight murders stopping completely. I hope you can use those weapons of yours, my grace."

Eryka's hand drifted to the arm of her robe before she slammed it back down on the table. Miquel flinched, but she said, "Well, tell me more. Anything from the other guilds?"

"N-no, my grace. The Thief Guild is quiet, as usual, and the Knight Guild has a bit of news, but I'm sure it's none of great importance. They just kicked out a member, a girl who disguised herself as a boy."

"Incredible," Eryka murmured. "The nerve of that girl. They didn't execute her?"

"No, she was only there for a couple of years, only kept in the newcomer part of the academy. She still had a year or two left of study before she could even touch a weapon," Miquel assured her. "Not to mention the fact that she's a girl, and that would raise some very unwanted attention."

"Indeed." Eryka stood up and tossed a silver coin on the table. "Thank you again, Miquel. You're a very helpful informant."

The old man puffed his chest out proudly. "Of course, Princess! But, for an old timer's sake, will you please watch out and take care of yourself?"

Eryka glanced right at Feng before answering with a wicked smile, "I have an eye in the back of my head, Miquel. I always watch out."

With that, she weaved through the tables and ducked out the gap in the walls that served as an entrance.

Feng tossed a couple of copper coins on the table before he headed out after her. He only made it a few steps in the sand, eyes locked on the girl with the short brown hair, when a muscled guy shoved him over. "Watch it, sandpine, I got business here!" he snarled. Feng rubbed his shoulder as the man trudged over to a skinnier guy.

"Vito, we have matters to attend to," Muscle grumbled.

The skinny man turned around and stared up into Muscle's eyes. "Well, Coin, your gal said that to me yesterday. What a coincidence," he said with a smirk.

Coin's fists clenched, and he swung at Vito. He ducked, took out a small seax blade, and slashed at Coin's ribs. The muscled man yelled at the gash in his skin and ran after Vito, who jumped out of the way of his fists.

Feng glanced around for Eryka. His heart raced when he couldn't find her tanned skin and curly hair, but after a few moments he spotted her making her way to the front of the crowd. "Look out!" she screamed, but when he looked the fight was already closing around him.

"Get out of the way! Do you want to die?" a woman called out.

Coin swung at Vito, but it hit Feng in the cheek instead. He cursed silently while keeping up the pace of the fight, always staying inside the circle the two men were making. All he needed was an opening, an opening...

He was about to take out his hooks when Vito finally noticed him.

"A foreigner! Have you been dealing with this scum?" Vito accused Coin. He glanced at Feng, confused, but when his eyes found his pale skin and blue eyes his lips twisted in disgust.

"You aren't the only one stealing our women," Coin growled.

Vito grinned and lunged at him. Feng tried to twist away, but his seax still caught him in the arm. He whooped victoriously, but Feng swung out his kusarigama and hooked it into Vito's skin. He bounced back and dug his foot into the sand while he threw his second hook into Vito's leg. The skinny man yelled with his eyes wide open and he crumpled to the ground. Feng yanked, and both of his blades spun back into his hands.

Coin lumbered over to try to get to him, but suddenly the sounds of metal clanging made him freeze. Knights hustled into the square and pointed their saber tooth blades at Coin and Vito. "Get away from him, gentlemen," a knight ordered, "or things get ugly."

Immediately, Vito tried to hide his seax, but two knights caught him and Coin by the arms. "No, you're coming with us," one said, and they marched through the crowd and towards the palace, the two men dragged along like tree branches.

Feng winced as his arm stung. He clutched his robes and once more sought Eryka in the crowds of people. Then she was there, by his side. What was she doing?

"Here, let me help. Your arm looks pretty bad," she told him with a humorless smile on her face. "I can take you to the palace. I know someone there who can help you."

Feng jerked away, but Eryka only clucked her tongue. "I won't bite. I didn't do anything more than those guys, at least."

No! This wasn't part of the plan! Feng gritted his teeth as Eryka wove him through the village paths. How could he get her alone? "My grace, I need to rest. I don't feel too good. Can we stop over there?" he asked as he pointed to a secluded alley.

"No, you need to see a medic. I can take care of you, my strong," Eryka answered.

Feng blinked a few times, taken aback. It was common etiquette to refer to ladies as "my grace," but women only called men "my strong" if they earn either their love or undying respect. It wasn't something to be taken lightly. So why was the princess of Altos just throwing it around?

"What's your name anyway, my strong?" she asked him softly as they continued down the main path.

"Aloisio," he said. "And yours?"

A smile flitted across her face. "Eydis." Feng rolled his eyes. Of course she would pick the goddess that helped the hero Aloisio on his journey.

"So, Eydis," he said when the palace came into sight. "How do you have connections to the palace?"

"I stayed there a couple of times when I needed to. I made some friends along the way," Eryka lied easily. Anyone else probably would've thought she was telling the truth, but Feng heard the slight pause before she spoke, and the flat way she said it when her words were usually all full of ups and downs.

He nodded. "I see." Even to himself he didn't sound convincing.

They walked for about ten minutes before they reached the winding trail that led to the palace. They trudged through and slowed to a stop at the deep lake that surrounded the outside.

"We don't want to be here. I have a quicker, safer way. You don't look too good," she added when her eyes settled on his wound.

"I can hold my own. Just show me the way, Eydis," Feng said.

They headed around the perimeter before reaching a rickety little bridge. The planks wobbled and bounced of their own accord, and there was a gap in the wall that was filled in with a different colored stone than the rest of the palace.

"Here. This is used if anyone needs to make a quick errand," Eryka explained.

Or a secret getaway, Feng added silently. Eryka took a hesitant step on the bridge, and he held his breath as she quickly stepped across. She tapped out something on the stone as he tested a foot on the wooden planks. How ironic it would be if he fell and drowned while Eryka survived. The guild would be furious.

He made it safely across, though, and Eryka pushed the stones out of the way. "Here we go," she said, and they hurried through the sparsely-lit passage. Feng's heart raced at how deep into enemy territory he was. What if he got caught? The king and queen would execute him immediately, not to mention torturing information about the guild from him first—

Stop worrying. You'll go through with this mission and kill Eryka, even if you'll die doing it, Feng ordered himself. It didn't take long to get to the hospital part of the palace. It was a quick walk from the secret hallway. The princess chanced a peek inside before ushering Feng in.

"Lautaro, this man's hurt," she called into the room. Tables and stools were scattered haphazardly, with tools and pages of notes lying on counters. Feng shuddered at the sharp smells of medicine and smoke from sterilizing the instruments.

His heart beat even faster when a curly-haired medic poked his head out from behind a curtain. "My grace, how may I help you?" He hurried out and surveyed Feng with squinted eyes. "Of course. Your arm's hurt. I think I can help with that." He grinned, but it quickly faded when he made eye contact with Eryka. She blushed and ducked her head, and Feng resisted the urge to snort. Even this fool medic knew how dangerous it was for the princess.

"Really, Medic, I'm fine," he insisted, but Lautaro shook his head and went to get some bandages.

"No, sir, you need help. This lady has wisely brought you here so you won't pass out in the palace halls, which is a good move on her part." Lautaro never called Eryka by a specific name. He thought he was so clever, but Feng was always a step ahead of everyone else.

Feng took a seat on the stool and kept his mouth shut while the medic patched up his arm. "Well, maybe I'll see you soon, Aloisio," Eryka said, and she hugged Lautaro before leaving.

A corner of his mouth lifted. "Maybe you will, Eydis."

As soon as Eryka left, Lautaro muttered, "How do you know her? Eydis, I mean."

Maybe I should make up a story about how we're such intimate lovers. It would make him squirm, he pondered. Lautaro's muscles were coiled, as if preparing for a fight, and his eyes were narrowed like he was trying to nitpick Feng from the inside out. Yes, it would make him squirm like a caught animal.

"Relax, Medic. We just met today. She saved me from a sticky situation," he explained. The last thing he needed was one of the most-needed people watching his every move.

"Yeah, well, you better keep your distance. I don't care if you're a foreigner or not, she deserves someone who can take care of her, not the other way around." Feng rolled his eyes at his stern tone. Lautaro was acting like a dad who caught someone's kid trying to sneak his daughter off somewhere. "Anyway, you're all patched up. Just try not to be at the sharp end of the sword next time, eh?" He slapped him on the back a little too hard and left the room.

Feng stood and surveyed the area. He reached out and was about to open a drawer when a timid girl's voice called out, "E-excuse me, sir, but I'm supposed to take you to the guest rooms. Eydis herself told me to."

Of course Eryka would still be a pain in his side, even when she wasn't with him. Feng sighed and strolled out of the room without even looking at the servant.

"All right," he sighed and pushed a hand through his long, tangled, black hair. She bowed her head and proceeded down the halls until they reached his room. In the palace, they allowed just anyone to come in and stay in their guest rooms until they left. No one really believed that assassins could get past the knights to the royalty. Feng grimaced as he threw open the door. How surprised Eryka would be when he slit her throat and left her body in her bed, curled up as if she were asleep.

"Thank you," he dismissed the servant. He closed the door and sagged against it, eyes falling shut. Master Veron would pull his hair out if he knew Feng was this close to the princess and didn't even touch her. Well, you'll get your victory soon enough. Your best killer will make the Assassin's Guild finally recognized and respected.

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