chapter 2

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After YN scope out that RDA base he went back into the forest and started exploring and started figuring out a plan of how to get inside the base without being seen since the base is heavily guarded and lots of armed guards and there's no way for him to approach it from the air because he'll be shot down

YN: okay I need to figure out how to get inside that base without being seen so I can get some data from that base no way from approaching from the air I'll be shot down from those turrets I wished Aloy was here

Then YN stomach growled meaning he was hungry

YN: oh I'm hungry should have ate something before I left Meridian well I better hunt for food

YN started hunting for a animal for food he started searching for tracks of a animal so he can track it with his Focus YN then found some tracks he started tracking them for the animal what YN doesn't know that he's being watched by a female Na'vi who's hiding in the trees she sees the human with long red hair and she spys on his him and then she grabbed her bow

The female Na'vi spys on the human and then she ready her arrow for the kill but she was stopped when he sees a seed of the sacred tree landed on her arrow it was a message from Eywa the female Na'vi stopped from killing the human and she followed him

YN continued following the tracks of the animal then he sees some kind of animal that looks like some kind of wolf

YN: I don't know what that is but hopefully It'll make a good meal

YN grabbed his hunter and he ready his arrow he focused on the target and then he let out of his arrow and it hurts the animal but it was still alive YN walks over to the animal

YN: don't worry it'll be quick

YN slabs the animal with his spear and he killed it the female Na'vi watched the human kill the Viperwolf but he didn't kill it properly like a Na'vi hunter would do something was strange about this human because he was acting like a Na'vi


After YN killed the animal he cooked it and ate it and he had a full stomach then he started exploring the forest again since he wanted see more of it because how beautiful it is as YN explored he founds a old building in the middle of the forest

YN: strange why is this in the middle of the forest I better check it out look for any data

YN goes inside the ruined he sees that the place looks abandoned for a while and it actually looked like a what the old ones call a school

YN continued looking around the school to find anything and then he finds some kind of writing on some kind wall

YN: what were they teaching here

YN then noticed holes in the wall from a old world weapon

YN: what happened I better used my Focus

YN Focus to scan for anything data to learned about this place after looking around YN finds a old data drive he scan it and it was a recording log and he listened to it

???: it just happened it just happened I don't understand why it happened they just opened fire on them it happened so fast that I couldn't stopped them but it was too late they killed innocent Na'vi including Sylwannin's the Omatficaya clan stopped coming here ever since they learned what happened now the school has to shut down since it's has no used anymore i don't know what to do

The recording ended and YN finds some old photos of that blue woman from the base and more of them but they look different then her

YN: Na'vi is that their called

???: search thr around

YN heard voices outside and he looked at a window and sees RDA soldiers and AMP machines

YN: shit RDA they're most have followed me

A RDA soldier saw YN in the window

RDA soldier: he's in there

They shot at YN as he takes cover

YN: hold your fire I'm not here to fight

RDA soldier: listen kid come out with your hands up

YN started thinking for a plan of how do get out of here so he got a idea he walks out of the school with his hands

RDA soldier: walk out slowly kid

Inside YN left hand was a smoke bomb

RDA soldier: grabbed him

Before the RDA could grabbed YN he throws the smoke bomb to the ground and smoke was everywhere and they couldn't see him

RDA soldier: what the fuck

RDA soldier 2: where did he go

RDA soldier 3: I don't know I don't see him

AMP soldier: search for him he couldn't have gone far

YN was hiding in the bushes and he scans the AMP suits with his Focus for anything weaknesses

YN: they're weak to every ammo this should be fine

YN grabbed his Sharpshoot Bow with a plasma Arrow he ready it and shot AMP suit soldier

AMP soldier: what the fuck

RDA soldier: what's wrong

AMP soldier: I was hurt with something

YN used his Tripcaster and he started placing electrical trip wires around and the AMP suit soldier noticed that the AMP suit systems were overloading

AMP soldier: oh shit the AMP suit systems are overloa-

The AMP suit exploded from the plasma killing the soldier inside

RDA soldier: oh shit

YN grabbed his Blastsling with a frozen bomb and he shot the second AMP suit and he was frozen

AMP soldier 2: what the fuck I'm frozen

YN grabbed his Spike Thrower and he throws a explosive Spike and it killed the second AMP soldier

Rose soldier 2: I'm leaving

The RDA soldier runs off but he trip on a electrical trip wire and he was electrocuted

RDA soldier 3: oh shit traps watch out for traps

YN ready his arrow of his hunter bow but a RDA soldier saw him and he shot at him

RDA soldier: he's in the bushes

RDA soldier 3: get around him

YN: shit I better run

YN started running as the RDA soldiers shoot at him and then YN gets shoot in the arm he groan in pain but he keeps on running he saw a cliff he stopped because he could use his shieldwing because he got shot but he hears the RDA soldiers coming

YN: screw it

YN jumped off the cliff and he falls in the water but then the current pushing him really fast and then YN hit his head on a tree log and he his vision was blurry YN was push on land his vision was blurry as he was losing consciousness he looked up and he sees Aloy

YN: Aloy

In reality it was the female Na'vi she finds the human and he was bleeding Eywa has something for him she quickly checked on the human and she saw the gunshot wound

YN: Aloy Al-oy A-loy A-loy

The human passed out and he was unconscious the female Na'vi doesn't know what to do but there was a sign from Eywa so she has to bring him back

To be continue

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