chapter 4

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For two days YN been staying with this tribe call the Omatikaya and he's been staying to learn their ways of their culture it's been a little difficult for him even though he's good with a bow but it's been really difficult of learning a whole new language while staying at the Omatikaya tribe YN been telling the people here stories about his adventures and some see him as great mighty warrior

So tonight YN is at the Omatikaya tribe home tree after doing some target practice which he did very easily and he was shaping a Na'vi knife that was given to him as a gift then he noticed something he sees Neytiri and other Na'vi coming back and he saw another Na'vi but he was wearing old world clothes he went closer as Neytiri approach her father Eytukan

Neytiri: (Na'vi) father i see you

Eytukan approach the unknown Na'vi as YN was by Neytiri and he looks at the unknown Na'vi

Eytukan: (Na'vi) this creature why do you bring him here

Neytiri: (Na'vi) I was going to kill him but there was a sigh from Eywa

That's a another thing YN has learned is the Na'vi goddess call Eywa

Eytukan: (Na'vi) I have said no dreamwalker will come here

???: what he's saying

Eytukan: (Na'vi) his alien smell fills my nose

Some Na'vi laugh as YN made a small chuckled but stop himself

???: hey what's he saying

Neytiri: my father is deciding whether to kill you

???: your father it's nice to meet you sir

He goes for a handshake and the people of the Omatikaya tribe stop him from approaching Eytukan then YN saw Neytiri mother Mo'at

Mo'at: (Na'vi) step back I will look at this alien

Neytiri: that is mother she is Tsahik the one who interprets the will of Eywa

???: who's eywa

Mo'at examine him by touching his hair and his tail

Mo'at: what are you called

Jake: Jake Sully

Mo'at used a needle and poke him with it and she lick the blood

Mo'at: why did you come to us

Jake: I came to learn

Mo'at: we have tried to trech other sky people it is hard to fill a cup which is already full

Jake: well my cup is empty trust me just asked Dr Augustine I'm mo scientist

Mo'at: what are you

Jake: I was a marine a uh warrior of the jarhead clan

Tsu'Tey: (Na'vi) a warrior i could kill him easily

Eytukan stopped him from approaching Jake

Eytukan: (Na'vi) this is the first warrior dreamwalker we have seen we need tobleaen more about him

Mo'at: (Na'vi) my daughter you will teach him our way to speak and walk as we do

Neytiri (Na'vi) why me that's not fair I'm teaching YN already why

Mo'at: it is decided

Neytiri growls

Mo'at: mt daughter will teach you our ways learn well Jakesully then we will see if your insanity can be cured


After that it was the tribe dinner Neytiri and Jake arrived as he was wearing one of their clothes as YN was siting down the fire

Jake: good evening

Everyone looked at him as it was a little awkward

Jake: please don't get up

Jake pass through the people as he accidentally step on someone tail

Jake: sorry

Jake sit by YN

Jake: hey are you doing

YN: uhhh good

Jake: so what's your name


Jake: nice to meet you YN

YN: same for you Jake

After the dinner event everyone was calling it a night Neytiri shows Jake where he'll be sleeping and YN went to his sleeping as he lays down then falls asleep

To be continue

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