Chapter 24 - Scheming

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In Horizon View Academy, all was quiet. No one was stirring, not even a mouse- Oh, who the f*ck am I kidding? Everyone's probably stirring, especially the mice. Though... The staffroom door has been locked and the teachers are all... Just sort of posted outside it... Strange.


Alessandra stayed in the chair, no matter how much she wanted to leave and bounce around outside.

Calypso was curled up on the bed, cuddling a pillow.

'He looks so cute while he's sleeping. Ugh, what am thinking? Not the time Allie!' She shook her head.


Cloud was sitting in their room, listening to relaxing music while E.PR was questioning their existence in it's room.


Jay was reading a tiny book on tiny people in her room. Circe was in phantom form and invisible. She had her bow in her satchel, along with band-aids and- a frog? She had decided this school was very sus, and she needed to get to the bottom of it.

"Hello-" Jeremiah who was an actual Phantom waved, completely able to see her.

"Go away." She whispered.

"Uh right, but ok. I was going to ask if you needed help with your stealth mission because that's kinda my whole thing." Jeremiah spoke quietly.

Circe sighed,"Fine."

"Yooooo! Right, quiet, sorry. So what are you doing oh so stealthily? And you realise people can see a flying frog when they look at you, right?"

"Ah, crap, forgot about my satchel- Wait... When did a frog get in there?!"


Ryland was asleep and Shelby was sat in her room. Charlotte was telling her about the second duel and how she almost killed someone on accident.


"I have committed over 76 different war crimes, am wanted in 32 different countries and territories, and I kill armies for a living, yet I couldn't even scratch a vampire? Like what the fuck is this?" Hades hissed.

"Maybe you've lost your touch." Principal Celeste shrugged.

"No... There is no way."

"You sure?"

"Well, not anymore!" He groaned.

"There is a possibility that she is merely better at combat than you."

"That- Huh?"

"I'll be the first to say, you aren't the best." Principal Celeste shrugged,"There is and will surely be someone more skilled."

"I completely understand that, but they are a fucking CHILD. There is no way someone of the same age of me has reached my caliber of strength! In fact, I would go as far as to say they could KILL you as well!" Hades ranted.

"She might." Principal Celeste shrugged.

Hades sighed,"Moving on, have you noticed something about the teachers? They seem... off,"

"Of course they're 'off", have you seen Valeska?" She checked her watch, "I think she's transformed by now."

Principal Celeste shrugged and walked out, leaving Hades alone in her office.


Jay then spotted the faint glow of a lantern outside her room. Curious, she followed it out into the main room. The glow was slight, but it was there. Jay could see it was coming from outside the dorm.

"Hmm." Jay fluttered after, her curiosity growing.

The light lead her down a dimly light corridor, one she hadn't been before. Jay cautiously followed, suddenly aware that this was a stupid idea but was too interested to turn back. The lantern light lead them to a large oak door and... Voices could be faintly heard from inside.

Jay squinted and muttered under her breath,"Well, Yolo,"

Then, feeling it was the smart thing to do, perched in the crack between the door and the floor.

"This is ridiculous, can you believe any of this?" Principal Celeste was pacing,"They're all fools."

Jay narrowed her eyes.

"I mean, come on. He is overconfident in his abilities and worry that he's going to fail me." She continued.

Jay stepped back, preparing to fly the other way, but the slight motion ruffled her wings and made a soft sound.

"Hang on, who is that?" Principal Celeste turned sharply towards the door.

Jay held her breath.

"What is this? A little Mothling?" Principal Celeste approached her.

"No." Jay chirped,"I am just a regular moth."

"Is that so?" Principal Celeste raised a brow, picking her up by her collar.

Jay cursed and kicked at the principle's arm,"Lemme go!"

Principal Celeste chuckled,"How about no?"

"You are a very bad principle!" Jay declared,"In more ways than one!"

"And what are you going to do about it, huh?" She raised a brow.

Jay bit her thumb.

"Ouch." Principal Celeste pouted before throwing Jay into... A net? A sticky... Net.

Jay cursed and struggled.

"Have fun~" Principal Celeste hummed, walking out and closing the door behind her.

"Fuck you!" Jay shouted after her.

That's when Jay heard very light footsteps... Was it even feet? Jay cursed again and shallowed her breathing, closing her eyes.

"What's this?" A female voice inquired, her red eyes appearing in the dark.

Jay held her breath, her heart racing.

"A Mothling, hm?" She tilted her head as the dim lantern flicked on.

"No." Jay whispered.

"How cute!" It was revealed to be an Arachnid.

"Idunwanany." Jay said quickly.

"Eat da moth." She whispered.

"No eat da moth. Please." Jay mumbled.

"Eat da moth." She smiled.

"No." Jay insisted.

"Just a little nibble?"

"No, thank you " Jay shook her head,"I will make you art if you do not eat me."


"Yes." Jay spoke quickly.

"Okay, I won't eat you." The Arachnid told her.


"We can't... We can't let her out." Mr Boyle rapidly shook his head.

"W-what do you think we're trying to do, Ronan!?" Mr Tobias snapped, holding the door shut.

"Goddamnit, of all the cursed she chose this one?" Mrs Midas muttered.

"Is there really no cure, Aurelia?" Mr Felidae asked her, holding the door as well.

"No, her magic is far to strong for me to even hope of curing. Especially since she's stolen half of mine." She sighed.

"I'll kill her!" Mr Boyle groaned.

"Ronan, you need to s-stay calm. Remember what happened to K-" Miss Morton began.

"Of course I fucking remember!" Mr Boyle yelled.

Miss Morton flinched,"S-sorry.."

Mr Boyle winced and sighed,"Sorry, Maria. I didn't mean to shout at you."

"It's alright." Miss Morton assured him.

"I know that you're stressed Ronan but you shouldn't lash out at us." Mrs Midas shook her head.

There was crash from behind the door and more screeching, mixed in with... Crying.

"I hate this.." Mr Tobias covered his ears.

"Shh, calm down." Mr Felidae rubbed his back,"We'll fix this."

Then... It went quiet.

"Lizzy..?" Mr Boyle unlocked the door, gently pushing it open.

"R-ronan?" She slowly looked up at him.

Miss Valeska was curled into the corner. She looked mostly like herself but she had two large claws for hands and many feathers were scattered around her. The staff room was completely wrecked though.

"I-I tried to stop it, I promise.." Miss Valeska rubbed her tear-filled eyes with her sleeve.

"I know, Hun. I know." Mr Boyle sat beside her.

Miss Valeska buried her face in his shoulder, her slender frame was wracked with sobs as the other teachers walked in. Mr Felidae was hugging Mr Tobias who was also crying and Miss Morton rushed over to Miss Valeska with some honey to make her feel better but Mrs Midas... She was noticeably angry.

"This has gone too far." She muttered, cleaning her fists,"Cassiopeia... You. Will. Pay..."

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