Chapter 26 - The End is Nigh...

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It all ends here... Everyone has been summoned to a clearing in the forest. The teachers have had enough...


Abigail was reading 'Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban' in the library and had forgotten about being summoned.


Shelby and Charlotte had heard about the thing but before they went Shelby wanted to tell Charlotte something.

"So uhm... Charlotte? I knew you since third grade and I always admired your bouncy personality and fun attitude and confidence, which some of it, I lacked. I always feel better when I'm around you wanted to say that I really like you. Like, love you."


E.P.R was... Decommissioned in the corner, Valkyrie was very concerned, Calypso and Fern also looked nervous and Cameron was close to the action. All the teachers had sort of... Contained... Principal Celeste so they could try and defeat her. Circe was looking extremely pissed off while bandaging a nervous Ivy. Renée wrung her fingers and Alexa buzzed anxiously. Charlotte and Shelby walked over, holding hands.

Charlotte waved,"I've got a girlfriend now!"

Shelby blushed,"Charlotte! Not the time."

"I love that for you two an all, but it's serious time." Cameron stated.

"Cassiopeia Celeste, we have you surrounded. Leave peacefully and reinforcements will not be called, we'll leave you. If you do not, drastic measures may need to be taken." Mr Boyle stated.

"That's what I was telling Charlotte!" Shelby protested to Cameron.

"I'll never surrender! Go forth you two, you know what to do!" Principal Celeste commanded.

Abigail, having finally remembered the summoning, rushed over,"What did I miss..?"

There was a quiet fluttering of wings, Ryland cursed and Cloud froze. Hades was prepared for the final battle, ready to duel Cameron and had a secret trick to kill Alessandra. Alessandra stood there, waiting for the teachers orders.

That's when they heard it,"Everyone, go!"

Hades charged, immediately going for Cameron. Cameron glared at Hades, charging as well. Alessandra looked at the mystery traitor with a raised eyebrow. They were completely shadowed over. Luna was figetting, she knew exactly who her mother was working with but was trying to hide. Ryland threw a bomb from the tree and Cloud climbed up, deciding to hide out there. The mystery traitor put their hands on their hips. Cameron had ducked behind a tree to take a breath. This was exhausting. Note to self, take breaks when your in god form. Alessandra sighed, finally joining the fight. She immediately uppercut Hades, who in turn tried and failed to dropkick her. Cameron then rejoined, attempting tackle Hades. Dodged, only to get bitch slapped by Alessandra.

"Ha!" Cameron pointed.

"What the fuck is this-" Hades tried to let out.

"It's doomsday motherfucker!" Alessandra hissed.

Cameron took the chance to swing his sword at Hades, hoping to hit him. The slash landed as a perfect streak across the wither's back, blood spilling out of it.

"This is where you DIE!" Alessandra roared, launching her axe.

Hades fell to the floor. He saw the axe coming but couldn't intervene. He threw wn ender pearl and escaped, on the brink of death.

"Shit, where'd he go?" Cameron turned and looked around.

Hades barely managed to drink a regen potion and eat a gapple. He slowly got up as the gapple returned his energy. This time he had a plan. That's when Cameron spotted him and pointed him out to Alessandra. Alessandra nodded and sprinted towards him. Hades ender pearlescent behind her and dealt a fatal blow with her weakness. A wooden sword.

"No!" Cameron yelled, speeding over to them.

Alessandra turned around, muttering a "fuck you," before ender pearling away.

Hades chuckled, turning to Cameron.

"That's right, fight me."

"Oh dear Cameron, you think your fighting Hades? No, no, no. You are now fighting the wither in him!" A deeper and muster voice said.

"Ah, my mistake." Cameron nodded, grasping his sword tightly.

The Wither summoned three eith skeletons before charging at Cameron, his power rivaling Cameron's.

"Fuck-" Cameron tried his best to fight them off, it definitely wasn't easy without a shield.

Alessandra struggled without potions, slowly bleeding out. Ironic how all her life she's been taking blood and now the ground is taking it from her. The Wither launched tons of skulls, blowing up the school grounds.

"Allie!" Calypso cried, running to her side.

"This just... is not ideal," She chuckled, blood oozing from her mouth. Hades laughed maniacally in the background.

"l-its fine, I... I can fix this!" Calypso began desperately rummaging through his bag

"Calypso, calm down. Just breath, in and out," Alessandra gave a weak smile.

"Why don't you have any healing potions?" He muttered, now checking her bag.

"Because I didn't know that this was a death school, Alessandra shrugged.

Calypso covered his face with his hands, trying not to cry.

"Don't cry Calypso... It will be fine. Well, for the rest of you at least," Alessandra smiled, taking out an end crystal she stole from Hades, kamikaze written all over her face.

"Allie... Y-you-" Calypso bit his lip.

"The wither will die. And that," She spit out blood, and stood up,"Is that,"

Calypso nodded solemnly. If this is what she wanted... So be it. Alessandra gave him one last hug before charging towards her demise.

Ryland gasped. "But... Why?"

Jay shrugged,"Let's say stolkholm syndrome and call it a day."

Calypso looked down, trying to calm himself down as Valkyrie flew over and shielded him from the chaos.

Hades turned around with his wooden sword,"Come to face your demise vampire?"

"Not only mine... THE CIRCLE OF KARMA HAS COME TO KILL US BOTH BITCH!" Alessandra placed the End Crystal down, blowing herself into ashes, and Hades no where to be found.

Cameron had shielded himself with his wings before bending down. In the rubble was... A wither skull. Charlotte aimed an arrow at the Principal and let it fly. It landed in her wing, temporarily immobilizing her as the teachers began chanting. Ryland angrily threw a bomb at Jay, but she simply dodged, raising her eyebrows as there was an explosion behind her.
Charlotte knocked another arrow and aimed it at her again. This time, she chose one of her poison arrows. When she let it fly, it hit its mark in her other wing. Then, a barrage of hard-cover books rained down on the Principal as Abigail laughed. One by one, the teachers began turning... Grey as the Principal struggled. Charlotte smiled. Then it happened... The Principal was sucked down, down into a dark abyss... The teachers, however, were now at stone.

Charlotte gasped. "What happened?!"

"In order to seal away the Principal, a great sacrifice had to be made." E.P.R informed her.

Jay cursed and drew a sword. Ryland narrowed his eyes and did the same. Charlotte looked, sadly, at her teachers. Jeremiah looked at the scene in horror. They had won, but at what cost? Ryland swung wildly at Jay, who parried and attempted to make a blow to his leg, which he blocked.

"You've got this, Ry!" Valkyrie cheered for him.

Jay kicked Ryland away. They fought for a while, parry, block, dodge, swing, and then Jay jabbed Ryland in the side of the head with the hilt of her sword. He winced and stumbled, leaning against a tree. Jay threw the sword at him, and it barely missed his head, but pinned his shirt to the trunk. Jeremiah had snuck up behind Jay, invisible. He pulled out a knife and hoped he wouldn't miss. Jay noticed a glint on the ground and picked up one of Ryland's bombs, which he'd dropped. She looked at the Inchling, who was struggling to get free. Valkyrie was still by Calypso, debating whether to help Ryland or not. This was his fight... Right? Jay spun the bomb before throwing it at him. Ryland panicked as the particles went up into the air and Jay took a step back. Then, the explosions began, and both of them disappeared in the mess of explosions, fire, and smoke. Cloud gasped.

"Ryland!?" Valkyrie flew over to where she last saw him.

It took about a half hour before the smoke cleared. Ryland was burned and still stuck to the tree but wheezing and alive- But barely. Jay was nowehere to be seen, and Cloud was still in the tree. Valkyrie quickly scooped him up in their hands, sheltering him from any further harm.

"This was a shitty day." Ryland coughed.

"It's all over now... I promise." Valkyrie assured him.

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