August + Opinions

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The new moon was all about bad timing as Leo opposed Saturn and squared Uranus, which exudes disappointment.

Moon-Mars conjunctions are typically aggressive, but trine Uranus indicates thrill coming from a burst of energetic activity.

Mercury-Mars in Virgo signaled realism and put a stop to unattainable goals, but Moon-Pluto represents destruction that happened in order to reach dreams.

Saturn-Moon with Uranus screams intolerance and outcry, but the Venus trine adds love and harmony into the picture.

Full Moon in Aqua is weird - nothing is happening, but also a lot is. Moon + Jupiter is an increase in bodily functions and pleasures.

Easy signs to guess:

Gemini - Kind of caustic at times, and love to talk shit/gossip about people. They also are extremely mobile.

Pisces - Very artistic/bookworm, compassionate (maybe not at first), escapist, and will show their annoying side if you're close with them.

Capricorn - Dull, deadpan, quiet, mysterious. Also, NOBODY CARES ABOUT YOUR EDUCATION OR YOUR BUSINESS.

Hard signs to guess:

Taurus - This type of Venusian energy is so synonymous with Libra and air signs; they're very sociable and carry themselves with elegance.

Leo - I don't know what it is with them, but most of their intensity and creativity matches with the willful and successful Scorpio energy.

Cancer - When I find out people have heavy Cancer in their charts, I'm usually stunned, which is probably because they don't show their personality early on.

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