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When I woke up, I was in a far better mood than I had been in the past few weeks. My excitement seemed to effect Kuro as well, because he was bubbly as he walked at my side. As per usual, I walked to the kitchen, grabbing a note laying on the countertop.

     Please, PLEASE, take an umbrella, and remember what I said about coming home before the thunder. By the way, I've given you some yen to pay for the errands (I wouldn't expect you to pay for them, after all). I also gave a bit extra, so if you want to, stop by a coffee shop or something, my treat. :)


I chuckled and grabbed the wad of cash, shoving it into my pocket. "Are you leaving right away?" Kuro hopped up onto counter, cleaning his paws.

I glanced at the clock, "I guess I should grab something to eat before I go."

"That'd probably be best, what all do you have to do?"

I wracked my brain and remembered my list of duties, I checked them off on my fingers, "get Yukio's and my uniform's from the dry cleaner, go to the grocery store, stop by the bank to deposit a check from Sam-"

"Why'd he give you guys a check?"

"He said it was an early Christmas present," I saw him give me a surprised look, "yeah, I know, I thought it was weird, too. To be frank, I think he just felt bad about everything."

"I don't blame him," my furry friend replied, his eyes growing sad before perking up. "Is there anything else?"

"No, that's it, but I have to walk around town, so it'll take awhile."

"Oh, well, have fun!"

I laughed, "it'll definitely be a lot more fun than doing nothing here all day."


Once I had eaten, I grabbed an umbrella and made my way out of the dorm. The cool air hit my skin and I'd never been so happy to be outside. It was overcast, and one could easily tell that it would be one hell of a storm tonight.

Happily, I headed toward the gates, the empty campus soothing my small bundle of anxiety. I didn't know how I would've reacted if someone approached me. Once past the gates, I headed toward the bank, seeing as how it was the closest. I took in the fresh air greedily, passing strangers on the street and feeling like a normal citizen. These people had no idea what was happening in my life, and they didn't care. I couldn't ask for anything else.

The lady at the bank seemed bored, not saying much when I asked to deposit in the bank account. I honestly didn't blame her, it was a gloomy Thursday, but that didn't get my spirits down. I called my thanks as I exited the building, mentally ticking it off my checklist. The dry cleaners was the next, but I didn't have any idea when our clothes would be done.

I strolled through the streets, listening to the chatter of the world around me. I flinched when a water drop hit my face, and I wiped away the moisture with my fingers. I turned my eyes upward, and another few drops landed on my cheeks and nose. It was starting to rain already, yikes. I opened the umbrella I had been carrying and sheltered myself from the falling water. I hummed softly to myself, reading the building signs and enjoying my time out in the world.

I waited by a crosswalk, watching for the pedestrian sign to light up, but I heard someone run up to me. "Hey!" I looked over to see a girl, maybe a little older than I, "would you mind sharing your umbrella, only across the street?" She smiled hopefully, "I just got my hair done for my friends baby shower, and it'd suck if it got ruined."

I laughed and allowed her under to brim, "I've never of anyone getting their hair done for a baby shower."

She chuckled, "I'm high maintenance, alright?"

"Well, at least you can admit it."

The pedestrian light flickered on and we both moved over the crosswalk. "So, are you from around here?"

"Eh, kinda, I lived down in Southern Cross up until two years ago."

She hummed, "I heard that place has been getting more and more dangerous as the years pass."

I gave her a puzzled look, "it wasn't like that when I was younger... we'll, never mind, maybe you're right."

She thanked me once we crossed the road and went on her own way. It was nice to talk to someone new, I missed casual conversation, actually, I almost needed it. I entered the dry cleaners and said my name, "oh, sorry, sir," the man said politely, "could you come back in a few hours? We've been running behind, I'm terribly sorry for the inconvenience."

I glanced at the wall clock, a few hours? That'd be pushing it close. "I'll try, but the weather is supposed to get nasty."

"Oh, I understand, sir, if push comes to shove, you can always come back tomorrow." I nodded and thanked him, but sighed when I got outside. Well, I guess I'll have to go to the store, then pick up the dry cleaning.

Thankfully, the trek to the grocery mart was short, but the rain grew harsher and the wind picked up. Hopefully, I'll be able to get done before the weather becomes unbearable. I shoved my basket full of fruits and veggies, stopping by the deli and picking up some meat, particularly salmon. I knew how much Yukio loved it as nigiri or sashimi, but I wasn't a fan of raw fish, bleh.

As expected, I picked up a few extras, but how could I not? Everyone loves cookies, and I had extra to spend, so why not? The cashier greeted me happily and scanned my items. I paid her what was due and left the store, realizing just how bad the whether was about to be.


I dropped off the groceries at the dormitory and made my way back to the dry cleaners. I wasn't used to so much exertion, and my body was begging for a rest.

"I'm sorry, sir, we are working hard, but your clothes aren't ready yet," I huffed and he apologized again, "we can reduce the price of your service if you wish, but if possible, you may want to return tomorrow for your garments."

"Alright," I sighed, thanking him and walking out of the store again. As I passed the buildings, I noticed a small coffee shop, Yukio did say I could grab a little something for myself, right? My body ached terribly so, as well, I could spare the time to sit down. I read the sign, and when it stated their abundance of matcha green tea, I felt my stomach rumble. "It wouldn't hurt I guess."

I entered the shop and closed my umbrella, there was a TV on in the background, and a news woman was talking about recent events. I paid no mind to it and walked up to the register, the barista looked at me dully as I ordered. She sighed and gave me a number, turning on her heels to make my drink. I looked around the small shop, noticing the utter lack of customers. It was about to rain heavily, I don't know why I had to keep reminding myself of that fact.

The girl placed my tea on the counter and I thanked her, walking over to sit at a table. Pulling out my phone, I checked the time. It was quarter to five, so I couldn't spend too much time here. I listened dully to the woman on the TV:

"A high increase in economic majors are astounding professors at colleges near Tokyo."

Ah, this is why I hate the news, I didn't care about this kind of stuff. Yukio loved the news, however, he'd watch the entire hours worth then discuss everything with Dad. I never understood the need to know about nonessential trivia such as 'economics major on the rise.'

"Thanks Yui, as for our weather, most of you are experiencing a tough storm, or will be within the next hour. Winds are to be moving at roughly thirty-five kilometers an hour and thunder is persistent throughout the country. It is advised that everyone stay indoors and away from windows until tomorrow morning. "

Yikes, I guess Yukio wasn't kidding around. I sipped on my tea quietly, savoring the taste. I'd have to go soon, or else it would really get bad. I checked my phone; shit, 4:59. I was supposed to be back at the academy by five. Sighing, I got to my feet, picking up my empty cup and walking to the trash bin.

"News has spread about the sudden rise of crimes in True Cross's southern most district." I paused, the woman on the street had mentioned something about that, too. I swallowed hard, taking a few last sips of my drink. "Recent reports have stated the increase of drug related fights, and violence in the small town. One case in particular has townsfolk worried. We sent Seiko on the story." My eyes flickered to the tv, watching as a woman stood with a young man. "Thank you, Yui, it has recently come to our attention that Southern Cross has been harboring a secret for what could possibly be years. After the sudden arrest of young priest, Naito Ryo-"

I nearly spat out what was left of my tea, my stomach twisting. I never would've thought that they'd put something like this on the news.

"-The people of the church are shocked. Reportedly, Naito has been accused of sexually assaulting a minor, and rumors have it that it wasn't a one time thing. Sir, how do you feel about this?" She turned to the young man, who seemed outraged. "Thank you, I am, and so are many others, livid about this accusation. To think that one of the very people ww thought we could trust would do something like that," he shook his head, "its despicable."

My heart pounded against my chest, god, I hated just hearing about it.

"Thank you, sir, reports show that Naito's court hearing didn't turn out to be unanimous. A split decision caused the trial to be delayed and the former priest has posted bond, so until his next hearing, he is free to roam the streets. How do you feel abou-"

I couldn't hear anything after that. He was free? Roaming the streets? My eyes darted out the window, the heavy rainfall blocking my view. Could he be looking for me? Oh god, was he going to find me, kill me? My chest tightened and I acted purely on instinct.

I ran.

I shoved open the café doors and out into the pouring rain. I darted toward the academy, pulling my phone out and hitting speed dial.

Yukio, please pick up, please pick up!


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