Those Fire Red Eyes - 5

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There once was a little girl who ran and ran so far… There once was a little girl who got stuck in tar…  This little girl is Amy and her story is so true, this little girl is Amy and she’s always looking for you.  It really doesn’t matter how far she went because the distance she would travel would never put a dent.

Ringing, loud and proud.  My eyes peel open.  The sun is just coming up on the horizon.  I feel so refreshed and free, the sleep was great.  I really needed it.  I lean over my bed and see my backpack right against one of the legs.  I’ll need to get ready for school, but before I do I remember something very important. 

I reach my hand over to one of the stands for the bed and pull off a small sticky note that has been re-taped to the bedpost many times now.  It’s a simple note from a simple boyfriend, ‘You will always be mine my sweet valentine. –Tom’ I let out a half smile and notice a tear on my cheek. Tom died just over a year ago now. 

I remember him holding my arm when it happened, when the truck came out of nowhere and hit him.  He was hit so hard his arm detached but the fingers remained locked tight on my arm.  It took two paramedics an hour to pry the dead fingers off me.  It was like he was trying to hold on tight to me, even in death.  It was like he would never let go.

I was supposed to lose my virginity that night, all we had to do was cross the street, all we had to do was make it to his house.  I blinked the tear away.  There was no point in crying over his cute rhymes.  He always did love to rhyme.

I get out of bed and walk to the bathroom.  There is one more rhyme stuck to the mirror, something I read over and over every time I get ready for school, ‘One step, two step, three step, four.  Five step, six step, seven step, more.  There once was a little girl who ran and ran so far. There once was a little girl who got stuck in tar.  She struggled and struggled but still got shot; she smuggled and smuggled but still got caught.  It seemed no matter how far she went; her distance couldn’t put a dent. There once was a little girl who ran and ran so far… There once was a little girl who got stuck in tar…  …Seven step, six step, five step, four.  …Three step, two step, one step… whore.’ I was supposed to get laid that night.  I was supposed to lose my virginity that night.  I was supposed to be his forever, but he was taken away from me far too soon. All because of me… All because of me…

After finishing my daily routine I walk out of my house and onto the dirt road.  As I reached the dirt I turned to look at the window of the place right in front of me.  In that window is the same face with the same eyes, always there always watching.  It’s those fire red eyes staring out into space, never wavering never moving. 

I gulp in air.  I hate passing this house, I hate walking by.  I turn towards town.  Today he won’t get to me, today he won’t catch me.  Today’s the day I will be free.  Today’s the day I’ll finally be me.

…I pushed

“You’ll be my little whore forevermore…………”

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