Chapter 1

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It was early in the morning as two kids got up from their bunk beds

Zander " good morning universe!"

(imagine with green and black glasses)

Kasai “what’s so good about morning?”

Zander " cause it's the start of a new day"

Kasai “that’s the problem. It’s too early.”

Zander "not my fault I'm the one who's a morning person"

Kasai “yeah, you wake up at 9 or 10 sometimes and you call yourself a morning person.”

Zander "so"

Kasai “nothing, let’s go eat breakfast. Besides, it’s Andy’s birthday today. What did we get him?”

Zander "I'm giving him one of my action figures" 

Kasai “we are giving him.”

Zander "hmm I don't know"

Kasai “you owe me for getting that ugly girl to leave you alone and beating up your bullies.”

Zander " hey I tried to tell her to leave me alone!"

Kasai “I still helped you so you owe me till death which is never so you owe me forever.”

Zander " hmph"  they hear their mother call them

Slenda " boys breakfast is ready!" Kasai was already on the table eating while Zander walked to the kitchen

Zander "hi mommy, hi daddy" Zander sees his parents in the kitchen

The brothers parents were very tall, wearing suits and apparently no face, these two are slender man and slender woman aka slender and slender was reading a newspaper

Kasai (mouthful) “oh, hi mom and dad.” He continued eating as everyone sighs

Slenda " don't talk with your mouth full young man"

Kasai (mouthful) “Huh, did you say something?” He said confused

Slender " you know he doesn't have manners dear" he turns the page of the newspaper

Slenda “he just needs a girl to show him some manners and love.”

Zander “no. Boys rule and girls drool.”

Kasai (mouthful) " yeah!"

Slender “you say that now but you wait till you two hit puberty.”

Slenda "but for now you two are going to be cute and adorable"

Kasai " ugh mom, you know I hate being called cute"

Zander “I don’t.”

Slenda "that's right baby" she pets Zander's head

Kasai “well I’m finished. Come on Zander, Andy is probably waiting for us.”

Zander "yep let's go" they leave the table and go to Andy's apartment and see him making a big bowl of cereal.

Kasai “hey leave some for me.” He grabs the cereal box as he shakes it over his mouth as the cereal fall on his mouth and he starts chewing

Andy" didn't you eat breakfast? "

Zander “yeah but you know Kasai, you offer him food and he’ll never say no. I say his stomach is a black hole. But they’re food he won’t eat.”

Kasai (mouthful)" yeah, but Andy you put too much milk in that bowl you'll spill over the floor "

Andy “want to drink some of it?”

Kasai (mouthful) " duh " he grabs the bowl and drinks the milk.

Zander “so where’s your mom?”

Andy " she's sleeping"

Kasai “hey want to watch cartoons until she wakes up and realizes that she forgot your birthday and then makes an excuse and leaves?”

Andy "sure"  the three sit down as they start watching cartoon

Zander " I love SpongeBob"

Kasai “who lives in a pineapple under the sea?!”

Zander and Andy "SpongeBob SquarePants!" then a commercial for good guy dolls shows up.

Kasai “I hate those dolls.”

Andy " those are so cool"

Kasai “look at the face. You think that face looks cool?”

Zander and Andy "yes"

Kasai “you two were dropped on the head right?”

Zander " why are you so mean?!"

Kasai “why do you like creepy dolls?”

Zander and Andy "they're not creepy" Kasai sighs as Karen comes out of her room with a tired look as she pours herself some coffee

Zander "hi aunt Karen"

Karen “hello Zander and Kasai. What are you doing here so early.”

Kasai “it’s 12 of the afternoon.”

Karen "oh God I'm late" she runs off as the three boys sigh

Kasai “told ya.”

Zander "happy birthday Andy"

Andy “yay.” He said sadly

Zander “Hey, how about Kasai makes you a cake?”

Andy "do you two know how to bake?"

Kasai “you don’t eat a lot without knowing how to cook.”

Zander '' let's start baking "

Kasai “how about we do half chocolate and half vanilla or we can make a combination of both.”

Zander" let's make the combo" they smiles as they starts mixing everything up

Kasai " there we go" Karen enters the room

Karen “I’m back. Sorry sweetie I wasn’t able to buy a cake.”

Andy "it's OK, Kasai and Zander are making a cake"

Karen “you two didn't burned down the kitchen yet have you right?”

Zander " no we didn't"

Karen “good. Well I’ll give you your present later Andy.”

Andy "ok"  A while later Zander pulls out the cake and puts icing on it

Zander "voila"

Karen “it’s looks delicious.”

Kasai “mine!” He jumps towards the cake and Zander moves it away as Kasai hits his head with the counter

Zander " we spent hours making this and it's for Andy"

Karen “is he ok?”

Zander "he's always been hard headed auntie"

Kasai “I’m a.o.k.” He gives them a thumbs up as blood flooded down his face and gushed out of his wound

Karen "hold still" she grabs a rag and wipes the blood off

Kasai “what are you worried about my wounds will just heal in some sec-“ Zander hits him in the chest

Zander “in some weeks.”

Karen " ok but be careful next time"

Zander “he will.”

Kasai “I won’t.”

Zander "well this cake isn't going to eat itself, and Kasai remember Andy gets the first slice"

Kasai “yeah yeah.” Zander sets the cake on the table as the four sit down

Karen "let me get the candles and Kasai don't eat the cake"

Kasai “I have my hands tied already.” He raised his hands as they were tied by Zander

Karen "thank you Zander" she goes to a drawer and grabs 6 candles and sticks them in the cake and grabs a lighter and lights the candles as they sing happy birthday

Karen “make your wish Andy.” Andy thinks then blows out the candles.

Zander “now for gifts.”

Andy "yay!"

Kasai “Zander and I got this action figure for you.” the brothers take out a box.

Andy “Kasai forgot again?”

Zander "yes"

Kasai “shut it!”

Karen “you’ll like my present Andy.” She pulls out a box

Zander "it's big"

Karen “go on, open it.” Andy opens it to find a good guy doll

Andy and Zander " wow!"

Kasai “just kill me now.”

Karen " you'll be fine, and Maggie will be here soon"

Kasai “is she the babysitter that cooks horrible?”

Karen "yes my horrible cook friend, I'm working late tonight so she'll be watching Andy"

Kasai “three boys alone with a bad cook and a creepy doll. What could go wrong?”

Zander, Karen and Andy"aren't you ever happy?"

Kasai “when I’m eating.” the three sigh.

Maggie “Karen, I’m here for the job.”

Karen" great and you don't mind watching Zander and Kasai right? "

Maggie “don’t worry, they’re nice kids.”

Kasai “as long as you’re not cooking I’m ok.”

Zander" please don't cook aunt Maggie "

Maggie “my cooking is not that bad.”

Zander, Andy and Kasai" yes it is"

Maggie “hmph!” She looks away

Karen “have fun.” She leaves

Zander "we will"

Andy “let’s go to my room and play with the doll.”

Zander "ok" they went to Andy’s room as they open the box while Kasai was drinking a juice box

Doll" hi my name is Chucky and I'm your friend to the end, hidey ho ha ha ha"

Kasai “or until you start rotting away since some of your parts are made of plastic and if we get you wet you’ll rust also.”

Zander " why can't you ever say nice things?"

Kasai “because I’m realistic. I say what I know and what I see.”

Zander "which is nothing"

Kasai “I know this doll won’t last forever and I definitely think he’s creepy.”

Zander "that's what you think, I think he's cool"

Chucky “thank you kid, that idiot over there doesn’t know what he’s saying. He was probably dropped on the head and became a retard.”

Kasai " hey!, wait they're not supposed to say stuff like that"

Andy “maybe he’s a special model. I like it.”

Zander "me too"

Kasai "I don't"

Chucky “tuff luck kid.” He chuckled as Kasai glared at him


The three kids were asleep as Chucky was watching the news of a serial killer found dead in a toy store

Chucky ' where the fuck is Eddie hiding'

Kasai “huh? Someone must have left the tv on.” He turns it off as he walks back to the room he was sleeping in

Chucky "damn kid" he uses the remote and turns the TV back on.

Chucky “I need to find a way to get rid of that kid before he reveals who I truly am.” He looks around as he sees a hammer

Chucky "perfect" he starts walking as he sees a shadow as he thinks it’s Kasai

Chucky 'shit' he swings the hammer as it hits the shadow in the head and drag it to the window as he shoves it out as the body falls to the pavement

Chucky "damn it was that bitch"

Kasai “Maggie, are you the one watching the tv? Oh, she must have fallen asleep or something.” He turns it off again and falls asleep with the other two boys

Chucky " that kid needs to die"

End of chapter

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