Horror Love Story Last Part

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Let's start it...

Shu, Valt and Free search the whole forest but still didn't found you.

Free : Now where should we search for her ? She is not in the forest.

Valt : Yeah! But don't worry Shu...we will find her.

Shu : Guys after my sister's death you two was the one who console me, take care of me and love me like your own brother and I am very thankful to you but what If that bastard do something to her ? I won't forgive myself If something happen to my Y/n...she is my world and everything.

Valt : Please don't blame yourself Shu.

Shu : But it's my fault...how can I be so careless about my love ?

Free : But for now we should think where would be Y/n.

Valt : But where he took her ?

Shu : I know where he took Y/n...come with me.

He started walking and they both followed him and they reached somewhere where everything was dark.

Valt : Shu...why are we here ? Why everything is dark here ?

Free : It's Phi's dark world.

Shu : It's the dark world where he lives.

Valt : Oh!

Soon they come in front of a huge but dark castle.

Valt : So, now we have to go inside his castle to search for Y/n ?

Shu : Yes...

They all went inside the castle and looked around.

Valt : Where he have put Y/n ?

Free : I don't know what you say Shu ?

Shu : I think we should check every room.

Free : Okay then let's check separately.

They all went to search separate areas of the castle and search for you in every room.

Shu : Where are you love ?

He saw a room was locked while the other rooms are unlocked.

Shu : This room is locked means Y/n is inside this room.

He use his power and broke the locker and open the door and went inside.

Shu : Y/n!!!

You was standing near the window while staring outside with a blank face and looked at him when you heard his voice.

Shu : My love...

He ran towards you and was about to hug you but you backed off making him confused.

Y/n : Why are you here ?

You said coldly.

Shu : What do you mean love ? I am here to take you with me.

Y/n : So, that you can kill me ?

His eyes widened.

Shu : Why would I kill you love ? Don't you trust me ?

Y/n : You are talking about trust ? I give you my everything, care, love, trust, heart, soul and even body but you just---

Shu : Will you tell me what that bastard told you ?

You looked away.

Y/n : That you are pretending to love me and will kill me when you get the chance.

Shu : Just because he told you this you are keeping distance from me ? Okay then let me clear everything today...yes I wanted to kill you.

You looked at him while your eyes filled with tears.

Shu : But I have a reason to kill you and also I am not a normal human because I am a human with powers but I didn't get it from birth but I gain it when I went to America for my business and met a person who taught me this all.

Your eyes widened in shock.

Shu : Everything was going well but then one day Sora called me and told me about her relationship and I was having a fear that something is wrong that's why I told her to be careful and the next day I got to know about her death and that person told me my sister's killer is not a human.

Y/n : What ? He is not a human ?

Shu : Yes...do you remember that night when you were returning home by passing a forest and saw something horrible ?

Y/n : How can I forgot that horrible scene.

Shu : That was Phi, he use innocent girls for his desires then killed them and I wanted to kill him but I can't because my powers are less then his and that person told me I can easily kill him If I gain more powers by killing someone pure hearted person who is you love...I didn't realise when I fall in love with you and I wanted to ignore my feelings but after knowing about your parents behaviour I felt urge to give you love.

You looked down with teary eyes.

Shu : Phi also killed Mr.Sasaki.

You looked at him with wide eyes.

Y/n : W-What ?

Shu : Whatever you saw wasn't your dream and I used my powers so, that you can't see the lake and also I don't work in any forest department I lie to you and when I go out I actually went out to meet my friends and whenever I wasn't at home one of my friend always stay in the house with you without your knowing...Phi always have an dirty eye on you that's why I let you stay with me.

Tears started to fell from your eyes.

Y/n : W-Why this is happening with us ? Why we have to cry for each other ?

You sob and he cupped your face.

Shu : Everything will be fine love but why did you come with him ? I told you not to go out in my absence then why ?

Y/n : In the morning when I wake up I didn't saw you in the room and I went downstairs to see you in the living room but I didn't knew that was not you cause he was looking like you, he took me out with him and took me somewhere with him then he come back to his real self but he didn't tell me his name that's why I thought he was someone else I didn't knew that was Phi and he told me that you pretend to love me and will kill me...I took me to his castle and told me that I am safe here but I didn't knew he was Phi.

Shu : He want us to be apart but I won't let that happen but now we should left from here as soon as possible.

He wipe your tears and held your hand tightly.

Shu : Don't leave my hand...hold it tightly.

You nodded and you both went out of the room and started walking towards the exit gate but heard someone's scream.

Y/n : Who was that ? It sounds like someone is in pain.

Shu : He was Valt...they both need my help.

You both followed the voice and come in a throne room just to see Valt and Free fighting with Phi but they both are tired and badly injured.

Shu : Valt...Free...

He was about to go but you stop him.

Y/n : Do you think you can win against him ? He is more powerful and your friends are already injured they can't fight anymore then how can you fight with him alone ? You'll get hurt.

Shu : Then what should I do now ?

Y/n : I can't see you in pain Shu but you have a more better option...I am here right in front of you.

You looked down.

Shu : What do you mean ?

Y/n : You know very well what I am trying to say...we don't have any other option so, please k-kill me and gain more powers.

Shu : Yeah I should kill you, I should kill the person for whom I come here, for whom I put my life in danger, for the person who is the reason of my happiness...If I kill you then do you think I'll be able to live ? If you were at my place then would you killed me ?

You shook your head while sobbing.

Shu : You can't kill me because you love me then how can you expect me to kill you ?

Y/n : S-Shu please...If you killed me then you can kill him.

Shu : No...I will find another option than killing you.

You looked at him.

Y/n : There is no other option Shu...please kill me and take the revenge of your sister's death.

Shu : I am not doing it for revenge...I can't kill you love I can't live without you.

Y/n : Shu...try to understand---

Shu : You try to understand Y/n...If I killed you then I won't able to live in this world anymore.

Y/n : Shu...he ruin your sister's life and god knows how many innocent souls he have killed, he have to die or he will destroy many lives...I'll always love you If I am not with you so, please for me, for your sister's justice, for those innocent girls he have killed...please kill me Shu.

Shu : Y-Y/n...I can't do this.

Y/n : Don't back off Shu...we don't have much time as your friends are already injured badly and they can't fight anymore.

He sighed and took a deep breathe.

Shu : I love you more than my life, more than anything in this world love and I'll always love you whole heartly.

He closed his eyes and a sharp knife come in his hand and he opened his eyes but his hand was trembling thinking he have a kill his own love by his hand.

He gave you a long kiss on your forehead and bring his trembling hand close to you and closed his eyes while taking a deep breathe he stab the knife on your chest who fall in his arms while blood was coming out of your chest.

Shu : I-I am s-sorry love...

He opened his eyes and his heart ached seeing you like this in his arms and immediately hugged you tightly and started crying his heart out.

Y/n : I-I l-love you t-too Shu.

You closed your eyes and soon your body started disappearing in the air and he felt so much powers in his body and he raised his hand up and a weapon come in his hand.

Shu : Today is your last day Phi Kuromi!!!

His eyes glow up in anger.

Phi : So, you finally come here but sadly you killed your own love by your hand just like I killed Sora with my own hands.

Shu's blood boiled in anger and a dark aura was visible around him.

Shu : You don't know what I am going to do...it's your end and I am your death so, be ready to go to the hell.

Phi : Do you think you can kill me ? It's not easy to kill Phi Kuromi.

Shu : You are going to die, you ruined many lives but I won't let you ruined anyone's life anymore...just to kill you I sacrifice my love and I won't let this chance gone away.

He ran towards him and stab his weapon on Phi's chest who screamed in pain and his body started burning.

Phi : N-No...I-I can't d-die...it's i-impossible.

Soon he disappeared while screaming in pain but Shu's pain was unbearable.

Shu : Love...I killed him...I finally killed him.

He closed his eyes and let the tears fell from his eyes.

Shu : Sora...your brother finally succeeded to give you justice...I love you sister...I love you Y/n.







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