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Shadow Monster

Looks something similar to this

No one knows how old it is could be hundreds of thousands or more.
It can't be in the sun without a host.
It likes to scare people and for some reason likes hot dogs.
It can kidnap people and use them to go outside and feeds off their life force.

Narciccia (Ciccy) Adeline

Blue eyes. She's also quite tall.
Age: 15
Group: Not Yet
Knowledge of Shadow Monster: She knows something is there but doesn't know what.
Personality: She's stony and slightly untrusting of others. If and when you gain her trust she will protect you until her dying breath. She can be really sarcastic and unforgiving.
Strengths: She is a skilled fighter and quick thinker. She can also tell when someone is lying.
Weaknesses: She is reluctant to trust others but always helps someone hurt. She also thinks the worst possible outcome.
Dislikes: She doesn't like people to be sad or hurt and hates bullies or being called by her full name.
Fears: Shes afraid of spiders and her mother.
Ability: She can manipulate metal.
Weapon of Choice: A dagger or sword.
Kidnaped or Not: Nope.
Backstory: Her dad took off when she was little and her mother became almost constantly drunk and abusive.

Jack Adeline

Age: 10
Group: He's a lonely potato.
Knowledge of Shadow Monster: he knows
Personality: He's kinda jumpy and nervous. He doesn't talk much but is hell bent on getting home.
Strengths: He's smart for his age and a good hider.
Weaknesses: He is nervous and panics a lot.
Likes: He has this tiny notebook he carries around all the time but never shows anyone.
Dislikes: Nosy and rude people. He also hates being cold.
Fears: Spiders and snakes
Ability: Telepathy. He can talk to people in their brain and can somewhat communicate with the over world.
Weapon of Choice: Bat.
Kidnaped or Not: Kidnaped.
Backstory: See Ciccy's. They're siblings

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