A wild consumer😶

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Cool breeze in the early morning accelerated my bodily activation to fit into a new routine of work.
"Ha yes." It's my first day working in high school Bradleys situated in one of the most cosy villages in the country. The house which I pays rent right now is really serene and peaceful because there were only two three houses and a forest nearby with large uprooted trees penetrating sunlight.

Btw the surrounding feels like heaven at day time but at night it's too much quiet and those shouts and cries of the wild creatures inside the forest made me want flee from this place. My neighbours were spooky and weird at times aff😶.

"Emily can't you find anywhere else except this place?"

One day one of my neighbours Smittney asked from me and then I was like why did she ask such a question? Then I slowly asked her the reason.

"Emily this place is not safe."

I raised my brows awkwardly.

"Idk whether you'll believe it or not but....." She couldn't complete her sentence as her mother called her into the house.

"I'll tell you later." she ran back into the house. Since Smittney told me such a thing I felt things going unusual in my mind and they were all confusing. I was too busy marking the test papers of my students. Aaaah teachers can relate the effort that they have to put into when examining all those tiny, worn out letters. I put on my specs and carried on marking them.

"Oh terrible. Poor child. What? Did the same mistake here as well aff"

These are certain words which I mutter to myself whenever I go through their test papers LOL. 😅
I pulled off my glasses and smoothed between my eyes like an old woman and walked to the living room in order to watch the TV. Signal errors were frequent around this area so I had to tolerate them. A sudden power cut occurred and everything was dark. Aff I am too scared of the dark even though I am 25 years old. I switched on the light of my torch and crept into my room. A few seconds passed and I heard the sound of the worn out hinges of the window clinking open.

"What the heck? Didn't I close the window?" I wondered. A strong wind blew in by making my hair dishevelled. It was too cold. So I quickly closed the windows. At once I felt as if someone was standing close to me. I looked back in a hurry but no one was there it was only my imagination. This power cut was a long one. All the time I could hear the mysterious sound created by the wind passing through the forest.

It's already a week since I moved to this place. My mom was too concerned about me so she phoned me during the power cut

Mom:"A power cut? Dear be careful and check whether all the doors are closed?"

Me: "Yeah yeah I checked them. Don't worry."

Mom:"You silly girl how many times I've told you to apply for teaching in a nearby school. Look now you have to go through all these"

I laughed and jumped onto my bed and took the beer kept beside my bed.

Me:Ok OK mom. I feel alright. I like the new school. I always wanted to teach in a far away school right.

Then I felt something cool touching my soles. I quickly bent down in an eerie.


Me:"Mom I'll give a call to you later. The signal strength is not much good."

I ended the conversation and kept the phone. I hid under the covers and remained still but I questioned myself for doing so like a child. I felt something strange but I couldn't relate.
Heavy rain was pouring outside by rousing the stench of the hardened soil. Soon I fell asleep.

The next morning I woke up but I felt too tired. Why do I feel like this. I washed my face and walked into the shower and let the streams of water rush through my warm body. There I noticed a small scratch on my arm.
Ha! I closely observed it.

"Maybe a nail or something might have scraped my arm at school." I disregarded it and hurried myself out of the bathroom.

Now I began to hate nights. I always feel as if something is being pressured on my body. I closed my eyes tightly and whole body was going numb and paralysed. I can't move or shout.

One day when I was in the shower a twinge came across me as water trickled over my back.
I took a look in the mirror and I felt horrified by seeing scratches all over my upper body.

"NO NO. What's happening to me?"

They were too painful and those wounds were fresh. Last night I felt something extreme but it was a nightmare. Now I was actually flabbergasted. I didn't know what's wrong with me. However, I hated spending nights in this weird village. I wanted to run back to the place where I belong to. I kept everything to myself.

Screeches of the owl were too high pitched. I Cornered myself in my room and tears rolled down as I went on treating my wounds. They were painful.
Finally I made up my mind to tell about this to Smittney because she was the only one whom I sensed to be friendly in this preposterous atmosphere.

"Emily this is what I wanted to tell you. I am warning you. Leave this house as soon as possible."

That was her reply but still part of my confusion was remaining for she wasn't able to explain the reason but however I thought that I'd leave this place soon because I felt sick each and everyday. Even the scratches got spread all over my body and I felt the same way every night. Body was stiffed and pressed onto the bed firmly. One night I went on struggling with my own self and managed to part my eyelids. I screamed and pushed myself away as soon as I saw a dark figure standing beside my bed by leaning closer to me. It was distorted and dull.

It was approaching me. My whole body was drenched with perspiration. My legs carried on my weight. Twigs and stones scraped my feet and soaked my feet with blood. I couldn't even feel my lungs opening up to suck in breath. I didn't stop. For my horror I tripped and fell on the gravel path. I was about to stand up but my body was too stiff. I felt an awful breath on my face with a bone chilling coldness passing through my veins it was staring into my soul and I tightened the grip onto the ground by digging my slender fingers down the sand. I lost control over my body and everything grew faint and dark under my eye lids.

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