Dear Sister

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Warning : This chapter includes certain disturbing content that some may find triggering

Everything seems to be dark and unsettling. A young woman was standing near the doorway holding a knife soaked with blood. She grinned but her mouth was too wide so it was not easy for her to grin. She looked like that Japanese urban legend, the slit mouthed woman but this woman was not probably evolving from the so called paranormal forms.

She descended through the stairs by closing the door tightly. A young figure exhaustedly lying on the ground with stripped off jeans and naked upper body covered up with blisters and wild scratches.

Blood trickled down his handsome face and the stink of his own battered flesh qualmed him. He still couldn't figure out the things going on. He felt as if his own body was teared down by the strong claws of a tiger. Is this a nightmare? He thought. That enchanting young woman whom he met in the woods was a beast

"Why did I become so foolish to fall into a trap of a woman like her? Is she a psycho or a monster? What did she do to me?Why did I obey her like a fool? What's wrong with her face?"

Endless thoughts surrendered him. He wanted to free himself but he was too feeble. The door was tightly closed.

Mark was an enthusiastic photographer who captures the beauty of the environment. Thus, he was lured to her home while he was on his job in the woods. He never thought that she was such a monstrous woman because she appeared to be such an enchanting woman with a veil over her face. He could slightly remember what happened after she removed the veil off. A loud scream and that horrible face bulging up and reaching towards him.

The door was slang open this mysterious woman came in with a needle.

"You mad woman. What do you want from me? What the hell do you want. Let me go?"

she didn't speak a word.

His aggressive breath fell onto her face.
At once she burst out into a frantic laugh. It echoed through the small compartment and he could feel a needle sinking deep through his wounds. He screamed and attempted to remove her hands away but she was stronger than him now. The woman huffed wrathfuly and tied his hands with the use of a rope. She began to scrape his abdomen. It was painful. He felt as if the whole world was spinning. His inner flesh gushed out by exposing an oily pink crust.
Mark screamed and bit his lips. He cursed her for thousand times.
Mark eerily looked down as she loosened the rope.

The next thing which she was about to do made him terrfied.

"No no stop this. Don't... Hell No.."

She pulled out a knife from her pocket and placed it in the corner of his mouth. Her slit face tilted with a weird ambition.
This woman was attempting to make his face the same like hers.
The pain was too awful as he could feel the flesh in his face gradually being parted. Lips widened and blood oozing out.

"Dum, tum..."

A loud noise was heard. She quickly threw away the knife and walked out of the room.
His eyes filled with tears of anger and pain.


Mark wanted to shout out. His mouth has been halfly cut. He helplessly stared at the window.  Jasmine trees were bending towards the tightened window. They seems to mock the young man for jumping into the fire  because of his inborn lust.

Night was too long and he almost gave up his hopes to survive. He wanted to run back as fast as he can but he couldn't. He was stucked in an unexpected trauma in the hands of a psychotic woman. The liquid which flows passing his veins while she was injecting a syringe consumed his strength.

He finally fell asleep amidst the thrusting pain but his sleep didn't last long. She came inside and dragged him along the floor. His own blood painted the floor and directed the path. He moaned and it became a huge pleasure for her lunacy to see him suffer.

Candle lights were resplendent. A little girl's corpse  surrounded by those dazzling candles. Her corpse was pallid and her  face was lacerated just like this woman's face.

She hastened towards the weak young man and gripped his inky black hair from her slender fingers and began to slide a blade through his lips. Mark twisted in pain.

A faint voice came out from the little girl's corpse.

"D... Darla. P.. P.. Please Stop it.. S.. Sister.  Don't kill anyone. "

Mark slowly raised his head as she loosened her grip. She slung him to a corner.
"Holy shit!!!! Did she just speak? How can a corpse speak?"
"Is this woman her sister?"
Mark became extremely frightened. Perspiration soaked his whole body. He panted rabidly and chocked due to the numbness in his throat. Everything seems to be absolutely disturbing and creepy

Darla quickly ran towards the corpse of the little girl and caressed the corpse frantically. She kissed  and fondled the little girl's corpse. Mark couldn't understand what was going on but he watched this freaking scenery.

"This can't be real"

Not even a single muscle of the corpse was moving but a voice came out of the corpse. This woman has totally forgotten her prey. There lies and untold story hidden within those woman's eyes.

"Erica... Erica..."

Mark heard this mysterious woman's voice for the first time. Her voice was broken into impotent cries. She shook the corpse madly and screamed. This was the chance for Mark to escape while her attention lies on the corpse but his body rejected to accept his attempt.
Somehow he got up with the help of the wall and placed his palm on the side of his abdomen so that it would stop bleeding.

Stitches in those woman's mouth gradually became loosened.

The whole surrounding was hushed and she was insensate. Cracks appeared on her body with a heavy grunt.
She lies beside the little girl's corpse unconscious. She was dead.
Mark was traumatised. However, he thanked God for saving him but still he had to get out of this horror.

Mark limped and walked across the corridor. The whole house was inscrutable. He used his whole strength to break the padlock. Mark pulled all the drawers inside the room to search for the key but he ended up finding a diary. Mark dragged it but he knew that he had no time to spend on reading in such a crucial moment but he turned the pages and went through them quickly.

Diary of Darla.


My sister Erica is my life. I'd never forgive the one's who raped and distorted my sisters face. I love her and I'll protect her. I have no any other motive. Today I cut my face so that she'll understand how much I love her. I am her guardian but I feel ashamed because I failed to protect her. I would destroy every man mercilessly.


I lost the light in my life. I lost my soul, I lost  everything. Today she left me in this world all alone. I recorded her last words.

""D... Darla. P.. P.. Please Stop it.. S.. Sister. Don't kill anyone."

She wanted me to stop killing Derek. My third victim. I always killed my victims in front of her thinking that it'll bring a huge pleasure to her but my darling was too innocent. She died few hours after Derek. I couldn't bear the grief. I can't dispose my life so I preserved her and kept her with me. I fixed a recorder on her corpse. Unfortunately it didn't work when I wanted to listen to it but I hope that it will work soon. My dear Erica, why did you give me such a huge pain my sister. You meant to be my whole world. I was not only a sister to you but also a mother. Come to me once again. I need you my sister, I love you. "

Everything was clear to him now. Darla turned into a psycho because of the ruthless death of her sister Erica. The voice recorder which has been fixed into the corpse finally worked when she was about to kill Mark. It was a miracle. At a point Erica had saved Mark's life. 
After all Mark couldn't hate Darla but he sympathised her. She was still lying on the floor, her hands tucked around the little girl's corpse but he didn't notice a little face eying at him beside the stingy grey walls.

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Sorry for late updates because I am a bit busy these days with my course.
Guys don't forget to drop your votes and comments if you feel interested in this story.
Thank you very much. 😊❤️

                                 - Tharu -

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