Chapter 13

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Horsepaw stared at the tan colored apprentice. Oh, no, no, NO! She thought wildly. She raced across the Thunderpath, not caring to look for monsters.
Please, StarClan, please tell me he's not dead! Horsepaw gulped as she crouched near his body. He can't be dead! She searched wildly for a way to see that he wasn't dead. As her eyes stopped looking for a sign, she heard the sound of cats meowing and whispering in the wind. Horsepaw looked around, startled. There wasn't any cat around, that she could scent. She turned back to Snakepaw and gasped without sound.

Snakepaw was surrounded with sparkles, and the outline of cats. The cats rubbed against him, and his fur stirred in the wind that wasn't there. The cats were starry, and were transparent. She couldn't recognize any of them, because they had no color, except the blue sparkle outline. She looked at their faces, looking for a sign that she knew them. One cat almost made her cry in pain and agony.
Oh, Redkit. I will always love you. Horsepaw stifled a wail. I will wait for you forever.

Then she heard a gasp. She suddenly felt movement. Horsepaw stared at Snakepaw with wonder. He was alive!

Horsepaw looked at the mysterious cats, but they were gone. She tasted the air, but there was no trace at the cats that saved Snakepaw's life.

"Wha-what did they do?" Snakepaw whispered in wonder. He had a distant look in his eye, like the sparkles of the cats. "I was dead, but then they brought me back to life..." He was talking to himself in wonder. "I can't see where they went, so I'm going to say thank you to you. Thank you, Horsepaw, for saving my life." Surprisingly, Snakepaw smiled slightly at Horsepaw. She saw that one of his front fangs were missing.

Horsepaw started shaking. "You're welcome," She mouthed. She helped him up, and they stumbled across the Thunderpath.

When they made it to the other side, they collapsed on the ground. They started panting, even though they didn't do very much. Monsters rolled by on the Thunderpath, making the ground rumble and vibrate under them.

"W-What happened?" Bounceheart's whisper was barely heard over the roar of monsters. She padded up to them and stroked Snakepaw carefully with her tail, like he wasn't even there. She licked their faces shakily. She laughed a little in disbelief. "Did he get hit by a monster?"

Horsepaw nodded slowly.

Bounceheart laughed again and shook her head.

"Well, I think that was enough excitement for this border patrol! Let's go back to camp. And Snakepaw needs to get checked out by Creamleaf. I bet Stormstar can't wait to hear this!..." she walked towards camp, and faded out of earshot. Then she turned around sharply, and remembered that Snakepaw was injured, and helped Horsepaw support him on the journey back to camp.
"Let all cats who are old enough to catch their own prey, come to the clan rock for a clan meeting!" Stormstar's voice rang in the camp's silence.

Cats flooded out of their dens and soon the centerof camp  was filled with WindClan cats, wondering what the meeting was about.

"As you know, Snakepaw got in an accident involving the Thunderpath." Stormstar began with wonder. "He got struck by on of the awful monsters, instantly dying. But Horsepaw claimes she saw, we think, StarClan cats bringing him back to life. That's the first time we have ever heard of StarClan cats bringing an apprentice back to life." Everyone was silent, except Snakepaw's mother, Sunspots, as she wailed with horror. Her mate, Falconwing, tried to shush her, and lead her to Creamleaf's den.

Stormstar ignored the she-cat, and continued his announcement. "So from now on, watch carefully for any signs of StarClan cats, because they might be telling us a warning, or giving us a prophecy, and also, be careful on the Thunderpath. And lastly, remember to feed the clan as well with the battle training. Keep up the good work, WindClan," And with that, the leader jumped off the Big Rock, and the meeting was dismissed.

Horsepaw turned and padded back to the apprentices' den. She looked at the clouds. I have a pretty long time to train until my final assessments to prove to Stormstar that I can be a warrior. I better train harder and learn more herbs. I can do this! Horsepaw smiled, and went to go train with Creamleaf about herbs, since Birdtail was realeased yesterday evening. She padded off, and didn't realize that Whirlpaw's eyes were gazing at her pelt in wonder.

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