Chapter 33

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Horsepaw cried as her clan cheered. As they died down, Stormstar spoke. "As it is tradition," he announced, "Creamleaf would make her a medicine cat down at the Moonstone. But, since we are all here, she'll will do it here tonight." He stepped back to let the cream pelted medicine cat take his place next to Horsepaw.

She smiled at Creamleaf, who looked in awe. "I, Creamleaf, medicine cat of WindClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. She has trained hard to understand the ways of a medicine cat, and with your help she will serve her Clan for many moons.

"Horsepaw," She turned to her apprentice. "do you promise to uphold the ways of a medicine cat, to stand apart from rivalry between Clan and Clan and to protect all cats equally, even at the cost of your life?"

Horsepaw's eyes gleamed, and smiled with pride. This was what she'd worked for her whole life. It wasn't as good as a warrior, but at least she wouldn't be an apprentice anymore. She'd have a name! And it wasn't easy either. "I do," she mouthed steadily, in wonder.

Creamleaf nodded in approval. "Then by the powers of StarClan I give you your new name as a medicine cat. Horsepaw, from this moment you will be known as Horsemoon. StarClan honors your determination and perseverance and we welcome you as a full medicine cat of WindClan."

Horsemoon rested her muzzle on the medicine cat's shoulder. She could barely stop herself from yowling in excitement. She turned back to her clan, who was smiling. Their approval was radiating off of them in waves. They looked... hopeful.

Then, they erupted in chants. "Horsemoon! Horsemoon! Horsemoon!" Every cat said in unison. Horsemoon soaked it all in. She raised her head to to the stars. "Thank you," She mouthed in deep gratitude. Then she looked back at her clan, who was still celebrating.


Horsemoon yawned. She awoke in the medicine cat's den, next to Creamleaf. It was weird, having to share a den with Creamleaf. Horsemoon missed Whirlpaw's soft, warm pelt at night. She shook her head, and stretched.

Horsemoon accidentally bumped Creamleaf with her tail. She suppressed a gasp, not trying to wake her mentor. Creamleaf blinked wearily and lifted her head. "Yes, Horsemoon?" She asked with a yawn.

Horsemoon smiled at her mentor. "Um, you weren't awake as early as you usually are, so I decided to wake you," she moved her lips as no sound came out.

Creamleaf chuckled, got up, and stretched. "You forget I'm old." She padded stiffly over to the herb store and went inside it.

Horsemoon followed her. "What are we doing today?" She questioned mutely.

Taking old herbs out of the store, Creamleaf cleared her throat. "Well, we need more herbs, especially horsetail and marigold." Horsemoon heard rustling and bustling of herbs and Creamleaf's backside.

A wail split the camp.

Creamleaf and Horsemoon staggered out the medicine den and into the clearing.

Cats were clustered around the Nursery. Then, Cinderstripe pelted out of it, and through the crowd of cats. She stopped in front of the medicine cat's. "Honeypelt's kits are coming!" She panted.

Horsemoon and Creamleaf nodded at each other. They pushed through the cats and into the Nursery, which reeked of fear-scent. Applekit and Splotchkit were huddled with wide eyes in the corner with Eagleeye.

Honeypelt was panting in her nest, and Cherrymoon was stroking her ears with her tail-tip. "It's going to be okay," She soothed. When she saw the medicine cats, she smiled and turned back to the queen. "Creamleaf is here with Horsemoon. You're going to be fine."

Honeypelt didn't say anything, but her eyes were glazed with pain.

Creamleaf crouched next to Honeypelt. She felt her rippling belly, and nodded in understanding. She turned to her apprentice.

"Horsemoon," she instructed. "Go find a sturdy stick for her to bite on."

Horsemoon fled out the den. She raced out of camp, and began to bite on sticks. She felt a pang of grief in her heart as she remembers the last birth she helped with. Whiteheart's had gone wrong.

She picked a sturdy stick, and hurried back into the Nursery. She looked at Creamleaf when she gave the stick to the struggling queen. She took a deep breath and began to help.

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