Chapter 37

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A day had passed since Honeypelt came in the medicine den, and Creamleaf and Horsemoon has suspicions about Breezekit. Creamleaf was sent to watch Breezekit closely to see if he was special in any way.

Horsemoon was getting a thorn out of Dustpaw's paw when Whirlpaw appeared in the medicine den. Dustpaw left, and thanks Horsemoon for removing the thorn.

Whirlpaw's gaze was even when he said, "I wish we could still do it."

Horsemoon tilted her head in question.

"We can't be mates anymore."

Horsemoon's heart dropped to the ground. This was the first time that she'd thought about that. Now that she was a medicine cat, it was against the warrior code.

Whirlpaw sighed. "I'm sorry. But I think I'm going to be Gorgepaw's mate, but that can wait until we're warriors. She's so nice, and funny, and she's so good at hunting! I'm not, so we joke about that, and..."

He broke off as he saw Horsemoon hurt expression. Horsemoon was lucky that he didn't see her broken heart.

"I-I've got to go train now," Whirlpaw began, backing away awkwardly, and then turning around and racing out of the den. Gorgepaw joined him as they ran out of camp together.

Horsemoon sank to the ground. She covered her head with her paw, to try to hide the tears that were falling. She remembered the day that he'd asked her to be his mate when they were warriors... She'd hesitated, but she knew that one day that she would say yes. But now, that would never happen. Just because she failed an assessment!

Eventually, she fell into a troubled sleep. Horsemoon knew that she was dreaming because of the place that she was in. It was starry, and no clan territory had a pond to swim in with light blue water.

The bushes moved behind her. She spun around and narrowed her eyes. A cat padded into the open, and it's starry brown and white pelt was strikingly familiar to Horsmoon. She almost cried out in agony when she saw her.

"Hello, Horsemoon," Whiteheart meowed happily. She nuzzled Horsemoon's muzzle and she purred.

"Whiteheart!" Horsemoon cried happily, and purred back.

Horsemoon suddenly halted. What was that noise? When she was speaking, she heard a weird, delicate noise.

Wait... it was her voice. She was talking! Horsemoon opened her mouth and said, "I can talk!" Her voice was velvety, and silky. She wished that Creamleaf could hear it. And all of her clanmates.

She danced around Whiteheart, who purred and laughed. Finally, Whiteheart mewed, "Okay. I'm here to talk to you. So stop playing like a kit!" She giggled.

Horsemoon stopped, and sat down excitedly. "Is it a prophecy?" She asked. She still couldn't get used to her voice!

Whiteheart shook her head, and her yellow eyes locked with Horsemoon's weird purple ones. "No, but someone is here to see you."

"Redkit?" Horsemoon questioned eagerly.

"No, me," A cat said at the edge of the pond on the other side. Horsemoon swiveled her head to see a heart wrenching pelt.

"Hazeclaw wants to talk with you." Whiteheart's voice interrupted her thoughts. "About his death."

Horsemoon swallowed nervously. "O-Okay," she agreed.

At that time, Hazeclaw arrived at where the she-cats were talking. "Yes. It's important." He turned to look at Whiteheart. "And private."

Whiteheart dipped her head respectfully, and padded away through the bushes. Horsemoon longed to call her back, but she knew that when a cat said it's private, it was. So she resisted.

Hazeclaw motioned to Horsemoon. He padded to the pond's edge, and waved his paw over the water. Horsemoon watched in awe as he created a scene of cats in front of her. She saw a cat with a black pelt standing next to a cat which Horsemoon recognized as Shrewpelt. She had two kits suckling at her belly.

Horsemoon was watching as the scene changed, and she saw Shrewpelt standing beside the kits, who were padding up to a cliff edge , which was ThunderClan's rock to announce meetings. She saw Lightningstar saying words, and the kits were beaming. Then the cats in the clearing erupted in cheering. Shrewpelt was smiling hugely as she watched the kits.

Then it changed again. Horsemoon saw a lightening bolt strike a cat. She cringed as the cat fell on her side. Horsemoon sneaked a look at Hazeclaw, who was expressionless. Then, the two kits who were in the last scenes, raced up to the cat. They cried as the cat died beside them.

Then the scene went away, and the water went back to normal. Horsemoon turned to Hazeclaw, who was padding back to sit down. Horsemoon followed.

"Those were my kits. And my mate." He meowed, looking at the horizon. The sun was going down. "That was their lives. Twirlkit and Tumblekit were sitting with their mother, Shrewpelt in the first scene. And then they were becoming apprentices." He took a deep breath. "Then, they were warriors as they watched Shrewpelt die."

Horsemoon gasped. "How do you know all of this?"

"Because I'm in StarClan now, and I can see these things." Hazeclaw answered. Then he looked at Horsemoon. "Every day I wish to go back into ThunderClan so I can watch my kits grow up, but I know that this was my destiny. And I'm fine with that because I can watch them from up here. But I want you to know something."

Horsemoon was miserable. "What?" She rasped.

"I want you to know that you do not have to feel guilty anymore for my death. It wasn't your fault. And I forgive you, and thank you for trying." Hazeclaw answered, watching Horsemoon closely.

Horsemoon smiled, and then the world went black as the dream was done.

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