Chapter 4

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The next day, Horsekit awoke, leg throbbing, in the medicine den. Her throat was hurting, but she had herbs on them to ease the pain. She looked at her leg. It was badly scratched. It was ruined.

"Ahh, you're awake!" Creamleaf's voice was heard in Horsekit's head. She turned to see the medicine cat tending to herbs in the corner.

Horsekit opened her mouth to ask what happened, but when she tried to talk, no sound came out. She tried again. Nothing. She began to panic. Horsekit clawed at her throat, ripping off the herbs.

"Woah, woah! Horsekit, it's okay!" Creamleaf soothed, laying her tail on the scared kit. "Horsekit, I'm afraid to tell you this, but–"

"Every cat who is old enough to catch their own prey, please come in the center of camp for a Clan meeting!" Stormstar's booming voice interrupted Creamleaf. Horsekit listened.

"Last night," Began Stormstar sadly, "there was a terrible fight with a fox. Poor Redkit was sadly killed, and Horsekit was wounded, tearing apart one leg, and is now mute. She is..."

Horsekit looked questionably at Creamleaf.

"Oh, that's what I was going to tell you... Mute means, well, you, ugh, you can't talk anymore. Ever. Never again. I'm so sorry, Horsekit..." Creamleaf found it very hard to break the life changing news to the kit. "I also do not think your leg will be salvageable. We have to take it off. You're only going to have three legs soon..."

Horsekit opened her mouth in a wail. But nothing happened. She began to cry, with no sound. Her life was over. How could a mute and three-legged kit become a warrior now?

Creamleaf opened her mouth to say something, but closed it in thought.

Horsekit cried. Silently.

She heard someone enter the medicine den.

"Hello, Horsekit," quivered a shaky voice. Grindkit was coming to visit her!

Horsekit wiped her tears to say hello to her brother, but failed. She looked at her paws. A tear slipped out.

"Hey, it's okay." Grindkit soothed, licking her cheek. "I still love you, no matter what. You'll always be my sister. I also want to thank you for trying to get the mossball back, which cost my brother's life..." Grindkit got a distant look in his eyes. He shook his head. "Anyway, I bet Stormstar will be very proud of a mute warrior!" He smiled at her, then it  faded. "You're still becoming a warrior, right?.."

Horsekit shrugged.

"Oh... well I hope you do, because we could train together!" Grindkit cheered up with a sad smile. "I'm going to help Gorgekit build a moss castle, so I hope you feel better, sis," He turned quickly and sprinted out the medicine den. Always so edgy.

Horsekit weakly smiled, but
Grindkit already left before he saw it.

"Please, eat these."

She turned to see Creamleaf holding a yellow herb out to her. "Windhushers. We medicine cats just figured out what they do: they make you fall asleep and your body goes numb, so we can, ugh, you know, take off your leg."

Horsekit ate them. She instantly knew how they figured it out. From the top of her toes, she couldn't feel a thing. The numbness crept up her body like a cool wind. Soon she couldn't move, or feel, her face. Then, she blacked out.


Horsekit opened her eyes groggily. She groaned silently. Creamleaf was standing above her.

"H-how do you feel?" She asked nervously. Horsekit noticed her claws were stained red. From what? Blood, maybe. Horsekit's blood...

Horsekit blinked slowly.

"Well, um, take a look at your leg..."

She glanced down. She gagged. It was a bloody nub where her leg was supposed to be. Horsekit stared in horror. She could barely breathe; her breath was coming in short, gulping gasps. She cried.

"Okay, so, um, yeah, you're going to have to stay in here for a while, and no walking!" Creamleaf scolded, then turned around to leave the medicine den. "If you still are able to," she muttered quietly, but Horsekit heard.

Cinderstripe appeared in the den and smiled sweetly. Horsekit was prepared for loving and encouragement. What she received was not what she expected.

Cinderstripe's smile turned into a disgusted frown. "Worthless piece of fox-dung. Grindkit's now my favorite, even though he did kill your brother. I wish you were never born. You embarrass me, kit. I come from a line of worthy warriors. And you now broke that. Thanks for nothing." She sharply turned and strutted out, tail high.

Horsekit was shocked.

Okay, so next to Grindkit, that's the second person that didn't love her anymore. Great.

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