Chapter 46

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The journey to find Frill was defiantly not easy. Especially when they had to jump on fences. It was very hard for Horsemoon with only three legs.

"C'mon, Horsemoon!" Encouraged Amos at the top of the fence. Creamleaf was also with him.

Horsemoon bunched her muscles and sprang. She soared through the air but fell short. She slammed into the side of the fence and fell to the ground. She felt ashamed when she heard Amos and Creamleaf's snorts of laughter.

"Sorry!" Creamleaf called down. "It was just so funny!" She giggled a little, then shushed herself. "Try again,"

Horsemoon crouched and vowed that this time she would make it. She launched herself and fell short again. When she was falling towards the ground, she felt teeth dig into her pelt. Creamleaf and Amos were hauling her up, and soon was standing up on the fence.

"Thanks," She mouthed, wobbling.

"No problem!" Amos and Creamleaf said in unison. They looked at each other and smiled.

Horsemoon grinned sweetly. There were many reasons why they'd never be a thing. First off, Amos was as young as Horsemoon and Creamleaf was old. Secondly, Creamleaf was a medicine cat. But their friendship could remain.

"Okay," Amos said over his shoulder to Horsemoon. "We have to walk through this scary place called an alley. It sometimes has dogs, so we need to be careful."

Horsemoon swallowed. Dogs?

They padded along silently. Soon they came across a very dark path in front of them with very tall sides that were black and gray. The ground felt hard and cold and the sun didn't reach inside the scary place.

Horsemoon looked around, jumping at every slight movement. She suddenly felt something brush her tail, and she yelped in surprise. She turned quickly and saw a little mouse scrambling into a brown square thing on near the side of the 'alley' as Amos called it. Horsemoon gulped and spun back to face Amos and Creamleaf's backsides. She held her tail high in the air.

"We're getting close!" Amos called back over his shoulder. Creamleaf purred and Horsemoon felt relieved.

They padded out of the 'alley', and Horsemoon was glad that she could see the sun. It was dark and cold in there, and she didn't like it one bit. Being out in the open was a WindClan cat's thing.

Horsemoon caught up to Creamleaf and Amos, who was in a hushed conversation.

"But why do you want to st-" Amos was whispering. He saw Horsemoon and straightened up, smiling. "Hi, Horsemoon, " he greeted her. He nudged Creamleaf with his forepaw and she stood up straight as well.

"What was that about?" Horsemoon mouthed.

She knew that Amos and Creamleaf saw it, but they pretended to not see her lips move.
"Well," Amos changed the subject. "Horsemoon, how did you lose your leg and become mute? Or were you born that way?"

Horsemoon felt uncomfortable about the subject, so she let Creamleaf explain. The whole time, Horsemoon grimaced and Amos nodded in understanding. When Creamleaf finished, Horsemoon was almost in tears. But she held them back, not wanting to look weak to Amos.

Amos looked at Horsemoon, sympathy brimming his yellow eyes. "I'm sorry," He meowed. He was speaking the truth.

Horsemoon nodded. If she could speak, the knot in her throat would prevent her from talking. But she couldn't talk anyway.

Horsemoon padded in silence this time, Amos and Creamleaf whispering in hushed voices. It was okay that she wasn't being talked to; she preferred the silence to dwell on her thoughts.

They walked along the side of the Thunderpath, pelts ruffled as monsters streamed by them. One time a monster splashed in a puddle, causing the dirty water to spray all over the traveling cats. Horsemoon and Creamleaf hated the water, but Amos didn't seem to mind.

"This happens a lot," He'd mewed.

Horsemoon and Creamleaf had rolled their eyes.

Soon they approached a huge mound of hard, brightly colored pieces of bigger objects, their shiny coats gleaming when the sun hit them.

"What's that?" Creamleaf asked Amos.

Amos cleared his throat. "This is the junkyard. It's where dead monsters go." Seeing the medicine cat's' worried faces, he added, "Don't worry; they're not going to hurt you,"

They padded cautiously on the mound, with Horsemoon tripping on the monsters. The junkyard was stinky, and smelly. Horsemoon knew it was because of the rotting monster carcasses.

"Here we are!" Amos announced, using his tail to motion to a huge pile of monster pieces. It was extremely large, and had weird smells radiating off of it. With a jolt, Horsemoon realized that it was cat smells. Did cats live in dead monsters?!

"They live in there." Amos explained, pointing with his forepaw at the immense mound. "We just have to get in there. And that's tricky because you have to earn your way in."

Horsemoon and Creamleaf looked at each other. Creamleaf opened her mouth to ask a question when a cat raced out of the mound. His green eyes were wide as he panted in front of them.

"Help!" He cried. "A cat has hurt it's leg and can't move! We need help! He's going to die!"

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