Chapter 7

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"Let every cat old enough to catch their own prey, come to the center of camp for a clan meeting!" Stormstar's voice boomed across the camp.

Horsekit yawned. Grindkit was still asleep beside her, trembling. He's probably having another dream about Redkit. She thought. He had those a lot lately. Horsekit felt sorry for him.

Cinderstripe squealed. "It's your apprentice ceremony! You have to look nice; Horsekit, come here!" Grindkit started. He gasped. "Warrior ceremony...?"

"No! Your apprentice ceremony! Come on!" Cinderstripe exclaimed, exclaimed, waking up the remaining queens that were not awake. Grindkit stumbled over. She began to lick him after she finished Horsekit.

My apprentice ceremony? I'm going to get a warrior as my mentor, because Stormstar watched me walk and he looked satisfied. But... will I get a warrior as a mentor?...  She thought nervously. Cinderstripe finished fixing up Grindkit, and the three walked into the center of camp, and crowded around the Big Rock. Her heart was thumping in her chest. It was loud.

"Grindkit and Horsekit please step forward." Stormstar commanded, and the kits feebly stepped forward. "After six moons in the Nursery, Grindkit and Horsekit are ready to become apprentices. They went through a tragic accident that sadly killed their brother, Redkit, who would have been a great warrior." Stormstar cleared his throat. "Now, Grindkit, do you promise to uphold the warrior code for as long as you live?"

Grindkit trembled. "I do,"

"Then, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Grindpaw. Your mentor will be Hawktalon. I know Hawktalon will share all he knows about the warrior code to you." Grindpaw walked up to touch noses with Hawktalon, who looked excited. This was his first apprentice. Grindpaw looked happy.

"Horsekit, do you promise to uphold the warrior code for as long as you live?" Stormstar had a strange look in his eye.

Horsekit took a deep breath. She opened her mouth. Oh no... I can't say 'I do'! She looked around for help and saw Whirlkit in the Nursery entrance, signaling for her to nod. Horsekit turned to Stormstar and nodded once. He smiled.

"Then, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Horsepaw. Your mentor will be Creamleaf. I know that she will share all she knows about healing her clan to you." Stormstar had no expression on his face.

Horsekit gasped. Creamleaf?! I thought I was getting a warrior mentor! No...!
"What?!" Thrushclaw's squeaky voice yelled out. "My daughter is perfectly capable of becoming a warrior! I've heard of other cats becoming warriors even if they have a disability! Why won't you even let her try? Are you scared that she'll make us look weak?"
He'd challenged the leader.

Stormstar glared at Thrushclaw. "I am not scared, but I just don't think she'll have a chance–"

"You don't think she'll have a chance?" Thrushclaw breathed. He was about to blow a fuse. His claws were unsheathed and Horsepaw was scared. "I didn't think you had a chance as leader, but look at you now! You're doing pretty good! It's not fair! And I'm speaking for Horsepaw as well. Horsepaw, do you want to be a warrior or medicine cat? Point your tail at Creamleaf or Frogclaw to tell us." Frogclaw stepped forward near Creamleaf.

Horsepaw sucked in a breath. This was it. She could choose, not anyone else! But which would she choose? A medicine cat helps her clan and is guaranteed to not get injured in battle, but you could never have a mate or kits. On the other paw, a warrior, will get injured in battle but will also help her clan. Also, they could have lots of other friends who knew how to help. Most of all, they could have a family...

Horsepaw took a deep breath, and pointed her tail at Frogclaw.

Stormstar watched her closely. Horsepaw could see the rage in his eyes, but he hid it well by taking a deep breath.

"Well, the kit has spoken. I understand her wishes. But she still is going to be Creamleaf's apprentice. If she can be a medicine cat apprentice and practice being a warrior, she can be a warrior. But she has one moon to practice both ranks. If she passes both of the tests, she can be a warrior. If not... she's a medicine cat forever. Is that a deal?" Stormstar stared at Horsepaw. She nodded quickly. How did things get so dark, so fast?

Stormstar nodded back, and turned away. "She can't do it..." he mumbled to himself. Horsepaw sighed. He was right. She couldn't do it... with that kind of attitude!

Horsepaw locked her jaw. She was determined to show her stubborn leader that she could do both in a full moon.

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