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The she-cat's gray fur rippled in the chilly night wind. She bowed her head, gently placing the bundle on the ground.

Hurry up! She thought. It's too cold for us!

All of a sudden, the bushes rustled behind her. She turned, half with hope, and half with fear.

"I'm here," a voice whispered. A tom. He padded up to her and nuzzled the she-cat's muzzle.

"Good." She mumbled. "It's too cold for her. She needs warmth. Did you find a cat to take her?"

The tom nodded. "I did. WindClan will take care of her." He reached for the bundle of fur, and it squeaked in protest. The she-cat's heart broke as she heard the pitiful meow, and she knew that she'd never hear it again.

"Are you sure there's no other way?" She asked, pleading. She wanted to stay with the kit forever.

The tom shook his head. "Neither of us will join each other's clan. And we can't abandon our clans, we're too loyal. I'm sorry."

The she-cat hung her head in sadness. "At least let me tell her goodbye."

The tom nodded. "Hurry now. It's almost sunrise, and we need to get back to our clans."

She stepped to the kit and nuzzled her tiny muzzle. She made a noise, like a rumbling purr, and once again, the she-cat's heart broke. 

"Take care, little Horsekit." The she-cat croaked. "I'll always love you, even if others don't. Stay true to the warrior code, your clan, and mostly, yourself. I know WindClan will take care of you, even if my clan won't. I hope we will meet again, not in battle, but in friendship." She licked her tiny head. "Take care, my daughter."

Horsekit squeaked and her little paws fumbled for her mother's face. They made contact, and the she-cat giggled. "My little fighter."

She stepped back, and the tom twined his tail with hers. "I love you, my darling."

The she-cat felt tears fall down her face. "I will always love you, Thrushclaw." She licked him once more, and then she started out of the clearing and back into the darkness of night.


Who is that? At this time of night? Creamleaf thought. She saw a shadow come into the camp entrance with something in its mouth. Oh. Thrushclaw. She confirmed by the tom's scent. What does he have in his mouth?

Thrushclaw padded into the Nursery. Creamleaf crept behind, her cream pelt threatening to give her away. She hid behind the Nursery wall and listened to Thrushclaw.

"This is her. Thanks for taking her, Cinderstripe. No one must ever know who her real mother is." Thrushclaw said in a hushed voice, putting the bundle down by the nursing queen. Her kits had come early that morning; Creamleaf had helped with the birth.

Creamleaf stifled a gasp. Whose kit is that?

Cinderstripe nodded. "You're welcome. Everyone will think that I had another kit. It's perfect." She looked at the kit, who had found her way to Cinderstripe's belly, and suckled with the other two kits.

"Thank you." Thrushclaw meowed. "I'm glad you can accept that I love you and her both equally. I've fathered two litters, but this one will always be the one in my life. No one will ever know that Horsekit is half-clan."

Creamleaf turned and ran away silently. A half-clan kit? She wondered. What else could Thrushclaw be hiding? Her eyes widened, then narrowed. I must never tell anyone what I've found out tonight. It will always remain a secret.

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