Group Lessons

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I don't usually do group lessons, my instructor is strictly one-on-one.

Well, mostly.

It's good to have group lessons now and then so you know how to act when there are other horses in the ring.

It's also super fun, if your not used to it.

I haven't done them since I went to another riding barn—maybe five or six years ago? I dunno. Anywho, some random things I picked up from it,


Okay, so we both ride horses who are older, I was on the 22 year old, she was on the 19(maybe 20 now?) year old. And yeah, there was a *little* competition on my part(I don't know how she felt) to stay ahead. I mean, I'm on the TB! She's on the chunky guy who is technically a pony. Kinda. Lol my ride didn't feel the need to be speedy though. We were passed a few times—or at least, almost passed. Joe, the other horse, used to be a trail horse and either wants to be right on your backside, or right next to you, so passing is difficult. Rhythm is sorta iffy. He's not sure if he wants to be behind or ahead—but he does not want Joe's butt in his face...found that out....

Thankfully the bite wasn't well aimed.


*That awkward moment when the other rider is going slowly, but it isn't a good time to pass.*

Me: *randomly works on lateral movements* *moves wonderfully* WHY CANT I DO THIS WHEN IM ACTUALLY SUPPOSED TO???

(It's probably because we fixed my stirrups that week, but who knows XD)

*when your horse stops right as the other horse is passing. Causing him to stop*

Me: Go.

Other rider: Go.

Rhyth: Yo Joe, let's hold out on them.

Joe: Works for me. *falls asleep*

Both riders: ....

*when neither horse will let the other pass*

Bother riders: *look at each-other* ......RACE TIME!!!!



*at a walk.*

Rhyth: Oh shoot me now......

Joe: *stares at instructor* Are

Bother riders: NOPE! *continue to awkwardly race at walk*


So yeah, that was about our time last lesson! Tell me some of the things you do at group lessons!

~ Jake Vader.

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