Yah. Just, Nope.

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(Just so yah know, this isn't directed at any of my close friends, they don't do this)

Hey all. I'm sorta steamed, so keep your distance.
If your horse people, you've all had that moment; talking about horses, people don't care. They just don't. Like, COMMON! I listen to all your stuff about like clothes, and shopping, and girlfriends and boyfriends, all that stuff, and other people do too. But one word about horses, and it's like the plague.
Like, take cars. You talk about them, people listen. You talk about horses, it screeches to a halt. FOR GOODNESS SAKES! WE HAVE BEEN USEING HORSES FOR THOUSANDS OF YEARS, AND CARS BEARLY A HUNDRED!
I mean, just mention a second-cousin-twice-removed got some old jalopy-lemon, people listen. Tell people Valegro has the world record for dressage, they give you the 'your-crazy-I-don't-care-I'm-not-listening' look.
Just because cars were invented doesn't mean horses ceased to exist! But now people have like all these phobias of horses, and avoid them.
A hundred or so years ago,
In a desert,
With just a horse,
And one bottle of water,
You gonna have horse phobia?
Yah, nope.

And people seem to think riding is just a little girl spot. Uhmm, HEEELLLOOOO??!! Do you think those world class jumpers and dressage riders who are like old guys look like little girls to you??!! You think riding is a girls sport??!! Is girly??!! Look back in time, you'll find another answer.
Then you got those crackpots who think riding is the easiest thing in the world. Suuuure, they've never personally tried it, but it's easy, so they say.
You might think it's easy, you fast talker, but jump on, straddle that 1200+ pound animal between your legs, and you'll sing another song.
Wait, check that;
You'll scream it.
Then, you got the people who say it's not a sport, and there is no work involved, that the horse does all the work.
Pardon me, wait till I stop laughing.

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