Beginning of a New Day

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(Note this is the same chapter I did before it got deleted but I also added a couple of new sentences in this chapter and no this is not copyright)

It is a bright sunny morning where a bit of sunlight dimmed through the window.
Den opened his eyes and stretched as he got up and puts his element gauntlets and his coat on when all of a sudden he heard a crash upstairs which woke up Mila and Daxter.
Mila: Huh!? What was that?
Den: Don't know. I'm gonna go check.
"Hey I'm coming with you." Daxter said as he got onto Den's shoulder.
Den and Daxter left the room while Mila gets up and heads for the kitchen.
Den and Daxter went upstairs to see what made the crash noise which just so happens to be Po who landed on the hard wooden floor.
"Uh... Are you okay Po?" Den asked as he helps Po up.
Po: Oh yeah I'm fine.
Den: So I'm guessing you were dreaming about Kung Fu right?
Po: Yep. wait hold on... how did you-?
Den: You told us yesterday that you dream about Kung Fu every night.
Po: Oh that makes sense.
"Anyway, we'll be waiting for you downstairs." Den said as he and Daxter head downstairs.
Po gets up and starts imitating his Furious Five action figure moves as he walks over to them.
Po: Monkey! Mantis! Crane! Viper! Tigress!
He then makes a roaring sound who then looks at his neighbor who was staring at him while watering the plants.
Po then plays it cool and quickly ducks away out of sight.
"Po! Let's go! You'll be late for work!" His dad yelled from downstairs
Po: Coming!
Meanwhile downstairs, Den, Mila and Daxter were sitting at a table waiting for Po to come down from upstairs when Ping came into the room.
Den: Good morning Mr.Ping.
Ping: Ah. Good morning Rich, did you and your friends sleep well?
Den: Yep we sure did.
Ping: Good. By the way does any of you know how to make noodles?
Mila: I think I made noodles before.
Ping: Excellent! Would you mind helping me make them?
Mila: Sure thing.
Just then they saw Po who had fallen over the stairs. Den gets up from his chair and helps Po up while Mila helps Mr. Ping make the noodles.
Po: Sorry dad.
Ping: Sorry doesn't make the noodles. So what were you doing up there? With all that noise?
Po: Oh nothing. I was just having a crazy dream that's all.
Ping: And what were you dreaming about?
Po: What was I dreaming about..? Well uh... I was dreaming about...
"aren't you going to tell hm Po?" Den asked
Po: Noodles?
"Oh you can't be serious..." Daxter said in annoyance.
"Noodles? you were dreaming about noodles?" Ping asked as he stopped chopping.
Po: Uh... yeah, what else would I be dreaming about?
"You were dreaming about Kung fu." Den muttered as he took out his music player after he puts on his headphones.
Den starts listening to Don't Lose Your Way.
Po hands the noodle bowl to the customer but realizes that there was a throwing star in the bowl.
"Careful that soup is... sharp" Po said as he warned the customer.
"Oh happy day! My son's finally having a noodle dream!" Ping said happily as he hugged Po he then left the room to get something.
Daxter: Seriously!? Noodles was the dream you can come up with!?
Po: Hey, I couldn't tell my dad that I was dreaming about Kung Fu.
Po then sees Den with a strange device so he goes over to him to see what he's doing.
Po: What's that you got there Rich?
"Oh it's just my music player. It allows me to listen my favorite songs. I downloaded a few songs on here." Den explained as he took off his headphones
Po: I never seen that before. Do you think I could try it?
"Maybe." Den said as he smiled while putting his headphones back on.
Ping came back with an apron as he wrapped it around Po's waist.
"You don't know how long I've been waiting for this moment." Ping said happily.
Ping: Now how are the noodles coming along Mila?
Mila: Doing good so far.
Ping came over to where Mila is and looked at the noodles as they where freshly cooked.
Ping: Perfect, they are ready to be served. As for Po, this is a sign!
Den sighed as he looked down at the table as he took out his Hoshidan good luck charm his mother made him before she died, that was when Daxter came over to him.
"Hey you doing okay Rich?" Daxter asked
Den puts away his good luck charm.
Den: Yeah I'm fine, it's just that, I'm just worried about how these civilians here are going to treat us since we're guests in this world.
Daxter: Don't worry Rich, I'm pretty sure they'll accept us as one of their own.
Den: I hope so.
Just then Daxter saw a pig family at the table, one of them was the same pig that Den saved from the bandits yesterday.
Daxter: Hey Rich look!
Den looked at the pig family at the table.
Den: Hey isn't that the same pig I saved yesterday?
Daxter: Uh-huh.
Den: I knew he looked familiar!
Daxter: Well why don't you go meet him?
Den: I'll try.
Den was about to get up and walk toward the pig family until Po asked him something.
Po: hey uh Rich? Could you give me a hand?
Den looked at Po and noticed he was struggling because he had a lot of bowls in his hands.
"Gladly." Den replied as he took some of the bowls Po had in his hands.
Ping: So you'll be helping Po with serving the noodles?
Den: Yep.
Ping: Good and remember, service with a smile.
("This is going to be a long day") Den thought to himself.

Meanwhile at the Jade palace, and old red panda that goes by the name of Shifu was seen playing the flute when noticed that the bushes and trees begin to rustle.
Just then 5 shadowy figures appear from hiding and attacked Shifu which he reacted by blocking their attacks
Shifu: Well done my students... if you were trying to disappoint me.
He then points to his students with his flute.
Shifu: Tigress, you need more ferocity, monkey, greater speed, Crane, height, Viper subtlety, Mantis-
???: Master Shifu!?
Just then Shifu was then interrupted by a goose named Zeng as Shifu points to him.
Zeng: It'a Master Oogway, he wants to have a word with you.
Shifu walks down the hallway as he meets with Oogway was meditating.
"Master Oogway, you summoned me. Is something the matter?" Shifu asked as he bowed.
"Why must there be a something wrong to want to see my old friend. Oogway replied as he slowly came down.
Shifu: so there is nothing wrong?
Oogway: Well I don't say that.
Oogway then starts blowing out the candles one by one.
Impatient, Shifu uses his Kung Fu skills to blow out all of the candles.
Shifu: You were saying?
Oogway: I have a vision that Tai lung will return
"But-But that's impossible! He's in prison!" Shifu said in shock.
He then turns to Zeng
Shifu: Zheng go to Chorh-Gom prison and tell the, to double the guards double the weapons, double everything!
"Y-yes Master Shifu" said the startled goose as he flew off.
Oogway: One often meets his destiny, not the road he takes to avoid it.
"W-we have to do something. We can't just let Tai Lung march on the valley to get his revenge, He'll-- He'll." Shifu said as he rushes to Oogway.
Oogway: But I do sense something bright, it seems that your second student Mila has also returned
Shifu: What!? Oogway, you do realize that it's been five years since she disappeared, it could be possible that she could be dead!
"She is alive and well." Oogway said as he shook his head.
Shifu: Then there is still hope for us.
Oogway: but your mind is lime water my friend. When it is agitated, it becomes difficult to see. But if you allow it to settle, the answer becomes clear.
Oogway then touches the water with his staff and the water reveals the reflection of an ancient Chinese dragon scroll.
Oogway: The Dragon scroll, it is time.
"But who? Who is worthy to be trusted with the secret to the limitless power to become the dragon warrior?" Shifu asked as Oogway said...

"I don't know"

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