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"What're you doing out of the hospital?" He asks, stepping closer to me. God he's so annoying but at least he cares. If it were anyone else I knew they would have just pushed me back into the hospital to rot and die.

"I don't want to be in there anymore." My voice shakes from the cold. I am defiantly not dressed right for the cold.

"Marinette you need to go back." No I don't.

"I need to be out Adrien. I'll die in there if I do," he purses his lips and just looks at me. "Can I stay with you? It would just be for a few days and-"

"Marinette they don't know what's wrong with you, who knows what the outside will do to you."

"So that's why I need to out here!" I yell. "So please, let me stay with you." I beg, lowering my head. God I feel weak begging him if I can do something.

"Fine," he sighs and starts walking. I walk with him and we get to a big house, him doing something in a pad and the gate in front opening and we walk inside. "Be quiet, my Fathers probably still awake." He coughs into his hand and I cough into mine but he doesn't hear. We walk into this giant room and he throws his jacket on a bed.

"Is this your room?" I walk around it.

"Yeah, it is."

"Its huge," he turned to me. "You have something, here." I point to my neck, a black spot on his.

"So do you." He holds his neck. It's probably a white spot, I get them a lot but I still hold my neck. The air goes deathly silent so I look out the window.

"So, where will I sleep?" I change the subject.

"In my bed," he laughs and I turn to him. "I can sleep on my couch."

"What no. You would have to burn the bedsheets, I couldn't do that to you." He laughs again.

"It's fine, honest. I don't like them anyway," he smiles. "Besides, I sleep on my couch more then anything, and half the time I don't even sleep." He pulls out a pillow and blanket from his bed and under it, making a bed on his couch.

"I don't sleep either." I lie down on his bed, going under the covers and stare up at the wide, high ceiling.

I don't know how much time has passed before he spoke again. "Can I actually sleep in my bed? It's really cold over here."

I bluntly laugh. "Okay." He gets up and into his bed. I turn my back to him and I'm guessing he turns his back to me.

"You okay? You're shaking?" Am I? I hear my teeth chatter and he sits up, I look back at him. "I can hold you, if you want."

"You'll die for all I know."

"I'm told I'm very warm to hug," he laughs. "If you're really that scared to touch anyone, why don't you let someone touch you?"

"I don't want to hurt anyone." I bite my lip.

"Hey," I look up at him. He looks practically angelic like this. He reaches his hand down to my face, hovering his hand over my cheek, our noses inches apart. "I'm going to touch you, okay?"

"W-Wait," I've always known how I wanted to be touched first, and not the way Plagg thinks. I sit up and he sits up too, sitting on the edge of his bed. I put my hand out to him. "I-I wanted the first person to touch me to just, hold my hand."

He laughs. "If it helps no ones touched me either, school made it a precaution with my skin and I never see my Father."

"What about your Mom?" I ask.

"She left because she hated the fact she could never touch her son," he holds his had over mine. "Can I..."

"G-Go ahead." My cheeks grow hot as he puts his hand on mine, our fingers intertwining and my palms already growing sweaty and hot. I pull my hand away and look down at it.

"Not what I was expecting," he laughs. "Can I hold you now that you know I won't die?" I laugh and slowly nod, both of us lying under the streets. He slowly wraps his arm around my waist. "Is this okay?" I nod and I fall asleep for the first time in weeks.

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