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I watch the snow fall outside as I wait for my nurses to switch but soon it's morning and Plagg is still sitting on the couch watching his TV Shows that are sort of appropriate but they curse and crack dirty jokes. He smiles at me as he sits up and crosses his leg across his thigh then pushes himself off the couch and walks to the door. "You wouldn't mind if I left for a few to get a cup of coffee? Would you?" I shake my head and he leaves.

I sigh as a nurse peaks her head through the door. She's one of those nurses who wouldn't get other nurses in trouble. She looks around the room then smiles at me, clearly looking for Plagg. "Is Plagg your nurse?" I nod. "Can you give him something from me?"

"Sure." I roll my eyes and she hands me an envelope then leaves. Plagg walks in and I hand him the envelope and he lifts a brow as he opens it.

His eyes scan the paper, a slight blush appearing on his cheeks. "Who gave you this?"

"A nurse. She had blonde hair," he nods and put the envelope under his jacket. I lean on my knees as he continues to watch TV. I get my breakfast, pancakes with strawberries. I munch on it then Plagg throws away the trash. "Is Plagg a nickname?"

"Nope. My parents were going to name me Plague since my Mom got pregnant while in college in her first year so she couldn't finish and I caused them to go into financial debt for a long time. They spelt Plague wrong so yeah." I nod and he continues to watch his show. He didn't seem bothered by it.

At noon a nurse comes walking around, one for food that I already ordered and one for something else. He walks in and I read his name tag since he most likely going to be the only good looking guy in this hospital, but Plagg is pretty good looking. His name is Jon. "Hi I'm Jon and the hospital is starting a new program where anyone who volunteers can spend the day with someone in the hospital." He explains. All I heard. A random person coming and trying to speak with me all day when I don't want to do anything but kill myself from being in this hospital for thirteen years.

I look at Plagg. I don't know what my eyes are saying to him but I think he got the wrong message. "She'll do it but I think she should get someone her age."

"Well we do have a class that is going to come in every Tuesday and Thursday for the rest of the school year, so I'll sign her up with one of those kids." Jon smiled and left. I glared at Plagg, a smirk plastered on his face as he turned back to the TV. I look at it as two cars crashed into each other on the screen. How can he watch this.

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