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I glare into him but he keeps his smile. "Hi I'm Adrien." He smiles bigger as he slowly walks into the room. He's wearing a black stripped shirt, white over shirt, blue jeans and orange tennis shoes with a heavy winter coat over it all. His smiles stays as he waits for me to say my name.

"Marinette, but you know that."

"Yeah," he nervously laughs as he takes of his jacket and places it on the chair Ashy would be in. He sits down in it and smiles at me. "I have a few games we could play but I'd rather get to know you."

I hear Plagg snicker and I roll my eyes. "Well what do you want to know?"

"Anything and everything." His smile is like sunshine. Real sunshine where when it touches your skin you already feel happier. But it's not like I would know.

"I like pink, lived in this hospital my whole life. Not really a lot to know about me." I shrug my shoulders.

"Well what's your favorite food?"

"I don't have one. All the food here sucks."

"Favorite book?" Shoulders, up, then, down. "Movie?" Up, down go the shoulders. "Hobbies?"

"I've been in this hospital my whole life what do you think?" He shrugs his shoulders and Plagg glares at me, clearing his way of saying to be nicer. "What about you?"

"I model for my Fathers fashion line," he smiles. "But I don't really consider it a hobby, more like a job I had no choice to do."

"Sounds hard?" I study him and he softly smiles. When he smiles the corner of his lips go up a little and wrinkle a little bit. There's a freckle in the right corner of his mouth.

"Oh it is. I have to pose and wait like a minute until I can move again," Adrien exaggerates and I laugh more. "You never smile do you?"

"How can you tell?" I laugh.

"By the amount your lips move up when you laugh," he laughs lightly. "I have a couple games with me that we could play if you'd rather that." He's annoying, but it's kinda cute. Like his cat nose or his green eyes that are intimidating but soft.

"Why not." He smiles and pulls out games form his jacket. I can't help but smile a little at his smile.

-+Two Hours Later+-

Adrien smiles as he walks back into my room after he ate his lunch with his class. I had mine with Plagg, him eating half of my food which I didn't mind. He says hospital food tastes way better then what Tikki makes. I bit my lip as Adrien shuffles the desk of cards and hands me six and we start to play Go Fish.

"Got any six's?" He asks. I have a nine, three, a Jack, an Ace, a four and a six. I hand him the six. "Got any Queens?"

"Go fish," he pulls out a card. "Got any nines?" He hands me a nine. "A Jack?" He hands me a jack. "A four?"

"Go fish," he studies his cards. "Got any twos?"

"Go fish," I sigh. Soon the game ends with him winning and he puts away the cards. "You don't care that I could kill you do you?"

"Why would you kill me?" He lifts a brow.

"Apparently I'm contagious." I cross my arms.

"Well with a bad attitude like that I can see," he laughs. "Try thinking on the brighter side of things. What's one nice thing you can say about this room?"

"Good view." I cross my arms.

"About the food?" He crosses his legs on the chair, leaning on the armrest.

"Not cheap." I shrug my shoulders.

"About your nurse?" I snort.

"He's like the only fun person here."

"Why thank you Mari." Plagg laughs and I glare at him.

"Don't call me Mari." I glare at him and look at Adrien who's keeping his smile up.

"Nicknames are ways to keep you happy. You can give me one and I can give you one. It's better then a bland name like Adrien and a long name like Marinette." He chuckles and I roll my eyes. I don't think it's that long.

"If we're giving each other nicknames then you're Kitty," Plagg snorts and Adrien lifts a brow. "Your nose. It's like a kittens."

"Oh," he wiggles his nose then looks at his lap. I see gears turning. He looks up at me and smiles. "What do you think I should call you?"

"Why not Princess," Plagg laughs. "She feels a need to rule over everything."

"No I don't!" I yell and Adrien smiles.

"Princess," he laughs. "It's fitting for you. Stuck somewhere and looking for someone or something to get her out." This kid could not get on my nerves faster then he just did. I'm not a princess. I'm a fucking queen.

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