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My parents walk into my room as we finish up Camp Rock 2, Adrien knowing all the words in that movie too. I'm starting to guess he knows every movie quote by heart. I sit up and smile at them as they walk in, Plagg sitting up on the couch and letting them sit, but they just stand, glaring at Plagg, who's hair is now dry and unkept and then Adrien who shrinks in his chair.

"Marinette, how are you?" They ask as they smile at me. They haven't taken off their jacket. This is just a pit stop before they go somewhere else. If I haven't mentioned this, they're famous bakers who own a fantastic bakery, or so I've been told. They get a lot of money there. They spend more money on traveling then they do on me. And it's clear that they just came back from a trip seeing as they both have tan lines.

"Good." I lean back in my bed.

"How was your Christmas?" Tom asks. I don't call them Mom and Dad. They're just people who reproduced to make me.

"Great." You can hear the sarcasm in my voice.

"How are your treatments?" Sabine asks and I roll my eyes.

"Like you really care," I scoff and Plagg glares at me. Like he would care how I treat my parents. If I could only leave Paris. But I'd have to leave this hospital first. "How was your trip? The Bahamas I'm guessing?" They gulp and I scoff as they lean back on my bed, digging my head into the pillow. Plagg stands up and they look at him.

"I'm sorry about how she's acting. She's been moody lately from not getting enough sleep. I'm sure she'll be fine in a couple days when you visit again."

Sabine and Tom nod. "Well this was just a quick stop," they make it sound like its a bad thing that they have to see me. They don't have to see me but they still do. "We were going to give your Christmas present." Sabine smiles and I shrug as she hands me a small box. I open and diamond earrings are sitting in the bedding. I scoff as I close the box and put it on the side table, falling to the ground because I put it on the edge by accident.

"You do know I don't have my ears pierced right?" Sabine glares at Tom. "And I'm not allowed to wear jewelry anyway."

"Well, it's the thought that counts right," Adrien nervously laughs and I roll my eyes. "I-I'm Adrien. I volunteered to spend the day with Marinette."

"Okay," Tom smiles, hearing him mumble something under his breath. Something questioning why anyone would want to spend time with me. "Well we have to go. Bye Sweetheart."

"Yeah yeah bye."

"We love you." I don't say it back. How can I say it if I don't mean it?

-+Three Months Later+-

The early spring night air tingles my skin. Adrien hasn't visited in a couple days and his teacher says it's because he's on a modeling trip in America. I wish I could go there. I want to leave Paris, this hospital. I want to travel the world. My parents haven't visited again. Plagg unbolted the window for me to actually breath fresh air and not stuffy hospital air. It feels nice. He left to go get something to eat in the cafeteria and left me sitting on the couch in my room. I sigh as the lights of the city reflect on the window. I can see the Eiffel Tower in the distance. I wish I could just, stand on the top of the tower. Maybe if I ask Tikki if I could go, she would let me.

"Marinette?" Speak of the devil. "Who opened the window?"


"Why are you awake?" She asks, sitting next to me as I keep my gaze out the window.

"Can't sleep." I don't sleep.

"Have you tried to sleep?" I nod and she sighs. I always try. "The city's beautiful at night."

"Like I would know," I scoff. "All I want is to leave this place but can I? No. I'll kill everyone," I sigh as I look at the Eiffel Tower. "All I want is to be able to stand on the top deck of the Eiffel Tower and stare out onto the city I barely know."

Tikki sighs. "I'm sorry Marinette but I can't do that," she closes the window and I bit my lip. "Why don't you try to get some sleep, okay?" I nod slowly as I crawl back into my bed and lie down in it. I stare up at the ceiling as she leaves, Plagg walking back in and sleeping on the couch.

Why can't I just leave?

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