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"Good. Six would murder us in two seconds if we killed her," Nine said with a heavy sigh as they entered the next car.

Four turned to him with one hand on his hip. It was difficult to have conversations with the masks on, but they had to wear them on missions. Revealing their identities was something only other operatives or people about to die got to see. "He wouldn't kill you. You're his best friend."

"Not if I killed her."

"Whatever," Four muttered, scanning the gruesome scene before them. "He doesn't even know she's here."

Nine was staring at him with a hard look. "And it's gonna stay that way. Got it?"

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." The other waved him off as his eyes landed on the body of a small child amongst the other dead bodies.

Nine followed his gaze, finally noticing the number of individuals who had been cut down. Blood soaked the carpet and chairs. It was splattered on the windows. It was everywhere. He was used to this sort of thing, of course, but even after all those years, his heart still ached when witnessing the death of innocents.

"Jesus..." No other words seemed to make sense. This mission was strictly to take out one person. Yet here was a car filled with dead people who were not their target. "Did Five do this?"

Four shook his head immediately. "Five could never kill this many people and sleep at night. I'd put my money on Ten."

"Well, whoever did it went overboard. We're only trying to get money—not kill everyone we possibly can. We need to find out who did this and keep an eye on them."

"Yeah," he agreed, still staring down at the ended lives. "And hope Six puts them in their place."

Nine sighed heavily, as he found he was doing a lot those days. "Come on." He began walking back the way they came, but a voice that was neither of theirs stopped them both in their tracks.

"Victoria is on board?" Six's voice was soft and surprised as it flowed from Four's radio. Four pulled it out of his pocket, only then realizing that he left it on for every operative to hear what they were saying. His eyes widened as he and Nine exchanged a worried look. "If any of you find her," their leader continued. "Bring her to me alive. If you fail to do so, I will slaughter each and every one of you in the most painful and slow way possible. Is that understood?"

A collective "Yes, sir" echoed from the radio before Four shut it off. Nine checked his own radio before smacking him on the back of the head.

"Nice going, dumbass! Now we have to find her in addition to taking the old man."

"Sorry," Four mumbled, rubbing the back of his head before following him out.

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