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One year ago


"She can't see you anymore," Nathan told Raymond solemnly.

"What?" Raymond exclaimed. "What do you mean she can't see me?" He grew scared at the thought of losing her.

"The accident took away her memory," Nathan explained, his hands on the doorknob of the hospital room, in case Raymond tried anything. "The doctor said she can't come in contact with anyone from that event," he looked sadly at Raymond, "That it might trigger her memory and cause her brain to shut down."

When Nathan heard the news he was devastated, angry and concerned all at the same time.

"Please," Raymond pleaded, loosing the confident ambiance he so desperately tried to hold onto for her. "Please let me just see her one more time."

"No," Nathan said more determined, "You're just gonna make it worse." He muttered the last part bitterly, "You said you were gonna protect her."

Raymond looked shocked at that, the reality of the situation finally weighed down on him. Slowly, as he realized how his actions led to her predicament, he hung his head low in shame.

He failed her.

Looking up at Nathan, his eyes filled with regret, he glanced at the window allowing a peak at the white curtains cloaking the unconscious person at the other side, then he looked back at Nathan. "Just make sure she's safe."

With those final words Raymond turned back, leaving the suffocating smell of blood, urine, faeces, vomit and tears behind.

He parked his car at a far distance, and the walk there was torturing as his brain involuntary thought of their memories.

Once he caught sight of his midnight blue Bugatti Chiron, he paused, his chest tightened at a particular memory.

It played out before his eyes, he could see her messy black curls bounce as she jumped up and down in excitement.

"Oh my days is that a freaking Bugatti Chiron?!" He could basically hear her scream, her cheery voice carrying her enthusiasm. "And it's blue!"

He imagined her fawning over it, pinching herself to check if what she saw was real. He laughed at her. "You like it?"

"Like it?" She turned to him in disbelief. "I freaking love it!" She ran to him, and as she jumped on him he could feel the weight of the memory fade away.

He glanced sadly at the car, knowing he's never going to see that sheer excitement any more, never going to feel her radiant smile and contagious weird laughter.

He didn't much like the car but only kept it cause she loved it. He'd do anything to make her happy.

Dejectedly, he entered his vehicle, his hands shaking as he tried to insert the keys. The confined space only adding to the impounding pressure pumping in his lungs. He tried to even his breathing but every breath felt like a stab to his chest.

He hurriedly got out of the car, the evening breeze calming his nerves. He looked back at the vehicle and upon heavy thinking, he decided to sell it.

She's never going to see it again, he thought to himself.

Sighing, he decided to walk back home, calling Daemon to help him sell his car. After that he scrolled through his messages, and stopped at a particular one.

It was an invite to one of Martin's legendary parties. Raymond hadn't been to one since he met her, seeing no need for getting false happiness from booze and boobs when she provided all the euphoria he could ever need.

But right now what he needed was a distraction.

Calling an Uber, he gave directions to the place, all the while thinking of how drunk and wasted he was going to get. Anything to stop him from imagining her forest green eyes or the way her lips pouted when he called her by her name and not his nickname for her.

Once he arrived he wasted no time on pleasantries and dove for the first bottle at sight, which so happened to be Glen's vodka.

After the usual burning sensation it brought to his tongue, Raymond finally relaxed, already feeling the vodka taking it's much needed effect.

"Hey, my man!" Came Martin's booming voice, he was stout with black curt hair and brown eyes, a bushy moustache on his upper lip. "Long time since I've seen you at one of my parties."

"I've been busy," was all Raymond said, taking another gulp of the vodka. The pain was getting more tolerable.

"You mean taken." Martin wiggled his eyes suggestively. "What was her name again?" His mind pondered in deep thought.


"Debbie," Raymond grunted out. But Martin had already lost interest by then, staggering off while singing the theme song to Dora the explorer.

A girl tapped Raymond's shoulder. "I'm no photographer, but I can picture us together."

"What?" He stared down confusedly at the blue eyed girl.

She looked slightly embarrassed at his reaction, scratching her strawberry blonde hair she chuckled nervously. "Sorry, my friend over there dared me to use a pickup line to seduce you."

Slightly boozed, Raymond laughed at her. "And that's the best you could come up with?"

"No," she chuckled, "I still have some other ones up my sleeve."


"Is your name Google? Because you have everything I've been searching for."

"Ok that one isn't bad," he commended with a look of approval.

She looked nervous again, her hands twirling her hair as she spoke, "Would you like to join us?"

He nodded and she led him to a couch pushed against the wall, making more space for the people dancing. Sitting on that couch were two girls, one thick with a large bust and the other narrower with a noticeable hourglass figure.

"These are my best friends Koko," she pointed to the thick one with dark brown eyes and a puffy black afro. "And Nicole," she pointed to the thin one with golden red hair and dull green eyes. The girl hardened her gaze as she assessed him, seeing through his drunk exterior and noticing the deep pain he tried to hide.

"I'm Michie by the way."

Hours later and Raymond was in one of Martin's guest room, his eyes clouded with lust as he stared at Michie in nothing but her baby pink underwear.

"You really sure you want to do this?" he questioned once more. She grabbed a condom from the bedroom drawer and staggered towards him.

"I've never been more sure of anything in my life," she slurred out, clearly drunk.

Minutes passed and Raymond was passed out on the comfortable plush king sized bed. Michie on the other hand was still aflamed, not believing she lost her V-card to this hot piece of meat laying beside her. Although it was uncomfortable, it was the best time of her freaking life.

Michie lightly played with his curls as she whispered sweetly into his ears, "You're mine."

The next day came like a sledgehammer to Raymond as he awoke with a massive headache, trying to recall what happened the night before.

The naked girl clinging to him gave him a sharp reminder.

He did it again. He let her down again. What's wrong with me, he thought.

Gathering his things, he was about to leave but halted at the slight groan coming from Michie as she twisted in her position.

After much thought, he scribbled his number quickly on a piece of paper he found in one of the drawers with a ballpoint pen. Along with that was a message reading: 'I had a great time last night ;)'

It wasn't necessarily a lie, but it wasn't true either. Last night had been the greatest mistake of his life. Well, second actually. The first being why his girlfriend was laying unconscious on a hospital bed.

Ex girlfriend, he reminded himself.

Going to the bathroom, Raymond opened the overhead cabinets and retrieved two Advil pills. After filling the glass cup beside the sink with water, he downed it swallowing one pill, then refilled the cup placing it on the side drawer beside the bed for Michie.

He left the house, calling an Uber to take him to the one place he could call home. One person more like.

Arriving back at dreaded hospital he made a quick zoom to the entrance, one thought on his mind.

He had to see her.

"What's your name?" the nurse questioned, sneakily checking out his biceps.

"Raymond Collins," he replied briskly, his patience already running thin. "I'm here to see Deborah Adabel."

Upon hearing his urgent tone she skimmed through her database before calling out room 69.

He made his way to the room and knocked slightly on the door, as though she might open it from her unconscious state.

Opening it tentatively, he stepped in. His eyes roamed the dim room until they stopped on her.

Her olive skin was pale and her messy hair was scattered on the pillow. Her eyelids hid her sparkling green eyes and she had a small smile on her face. Even in this state she still looked beautiful.

He scooted one of the plastic chairs towards her and sat down, grabbing her hands. They felt cold so he blew on them a little, trying to add heat to them.

Clearing his throat he spoke softly, "I'm sorry for not being there when you needed me. I should've been there for you. I live each day with regret knowing that you're in this condition and it's my fault. You may never get your memory back and it pains me that I caused that." It was getting harder for him to speak and his words were starting to choke up. "I need you. You pulled me out of a dark place and helped me get better. I don't want to think of a world without you in it. I can't think of a world without you in."

A tear fell from his eyelid. "You're my whole freaking world Debbie."

That's when he felt it. A slight tug. He looked down at his hands to see she had intertwined hers in his.

"Debbie?" he called out, his voice hopeful.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Nathan had banged the door open, surprised to see Raymond there. He had just come for a daily check-up on his sister.

Raymond stood up, wiping the tear from his eye. "I just wanted to see her one last time."

Nathan sighed massaging his temple. "You need to forget about her," he said tiredly, "Move on man."

Nodding, Raymond left the room, a smile still radiating his face as he thought of her hands holding his.

His phone ringed and he took it out, perplexed at the unknown number. Bringing the phone to his ears, he answered the call.

"Hey, is this Raymond?" A girly voice asked from the other end.

"Yes," he replied.

He heard her sigh contently, happy that she had not been given a fake number. "It's Michie. I was wondering if you'd like to hang out later."

He was about to politely decline when Nathan's words came to his mind.

Move on.

"Sure," he replied. After they arranged the time he hung up. He felt like he owed her at least that after everything that happened last night.

Turning back to the hospital door he sent a silent prayer to Debbie.

We will meet again, he promised her, and I will make you fall for me a second time.


Another update for my lovely readers.

I'm thinking of doing more flashbacks like this, to further explain the story. What do you guys think?

Yes, to answer your question. Debbie has a memory problem. I just wanted to make that clear in this chapter.

Read, vote, comment and enjoy!!!

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