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Beautiful chapter aesthetics of the party scene by prettyimbecile <33


Everything was beginning to blend together, I don't know how it happened but I was mixed in with the sweat of the crowd, dancing with a stranger in the middle of the room.

"You've got some moves firecracker." I remembered that nickname from somewhere and turned to see Daemon, the person I'd been grinding on for the past few minutes.

"What are you doing here?" I asked shocked, standing rigid as everyone else moved around us.

"Am I not allowed to party?" He brought his purple cup to his lips, clearly a bit tipsy but that wasn't even what I noticed. The corner of his eyes were a bit red, a glazed look on his features as he gave me a carefree smile.

"Are you high right now?" It was supposed to come out high pitched and shocked but for some reason I felt relaxed, laughing at myself for asking the obvious.

"I could say the same about you." He laughed along with me, gripping my waist as we danced to the beat of hardcore music.

Time passed and I suddenly felt hot and in need of fresh air. "Hey, do you know where outside is?" I asked who I thought was Daemon, but when I turned around I was met face to face with Dagger.

Dagger the pervert.

"When did you get here?" I grunted out, still not liking him from our last encounter. I tried looking over his shoulder for Daemon but he was nowhere to be found.

"Daemon said I should watch over you while he gets more alcohol," he stated, about to touch me but I slapped his hand away.

"I don't need a babysitter."

Suddenly craving some more brownies, I left Dagger in pursuit, my eyes scanning the environment for the kitchen.

Once found, I headed in that direction, glad to be rid of the sticky bodies constantly touching mine from time to time. Where was Michie?

I hadn't seen her since she dragged Martin out of the kitchen. I wonder what that was about.

My thoughts were distracted by the sight of those delicious brownies and I helped myself to two more. Weed brownies. Cool!

Downing it with some more punch, I finally decided to look for Michie. Tracing the direction she went in, I found myself in a long hallway, empty of any life form.

There were doors stitched to the log walls, a total of five with two at each side and one at the end of the hall.

I went to the first door and pressed my ear. Silence. This happened till I got to the third door. I heard some grunting coming from the other side and the delight that emanated within me didn't let me think twice before I opened the door.

I was met with a girl on her knees, head bobbing up and down as the boy tugged at her hair, face an epitome of desire.

"Ew!" My hands quickly tried to block my eyes from what I just saw. They both turned to me wide eyed.

"Get out!" he screamed, trying desperately to cover his member while the girl reached out for the pillow on the bed and chucked it at me.

"He said get out you dirty pervert!"

I quickly closed the door before the pillow made impact.

"Seems like you just met the horniest couple in town," came a sweet voice behind me. I turned to face Michie, still trying to process what happened in there.

Did I just watch amateur porn? I don't know what sparked in me but I started laughing. I laughed so hard my knees gave out beneath me and I fell to the floor, still laughing.

"Only you will laugh at such a horrific sight." She shook her head, a smile playing on her lips.

As though just recognizing her I stood up and tried to put on my best serious face. "Where have you been Missy?"

That's when I took a closer inspection. Her dress was rumpled as though it had just been cascaded on the floor. Her red lipstick smeared to the side of her cheek and her braided hair was scattered in a careless manner.

I brought my hands to my lips shocked, my eyes as wide as saucers. "Did you snag a snack?"


"Well in this case you'd be the snack." I further explained, walking circles around her.

She looked at me confusedly. "I don't understand what you're saying."

"Laid Michie." I looked at her slightly red corneas. Was everyone high? "Did you get laid?"

Her entire expression changed and suddenly she couldn't meet my eyes. "No," she rushed out, her cheeks blotched with embarrassment. "Why would you think that?"

"You totally did!" I scanned the room and saw that the door at the end of the hall was slightly ajar. "And the lucky lad is probably in there!"

Not waiting for her response I dashed to the room door, her screams that I should stop going through one ear and coming out the other.

Opening the door fully I was met with a boy who looked as equally ruffled as Michie, his copper hair disheveled.



"Debbie?" I pointed at myself, tone still held with uneasiness.

"Raiden!" he said eagerly, obviously drunk out of his mind.

Someone raced through the door, tripped and landed head first on the floor. "Michie?" we said together.

That's when I felt everything suddenly slow down, all my senses immediately heightened.

"Woah." The words came out really sluggish, and I could feel the weight of them traveling along the room. Suddenly, standing was a bit difficult as the ground seemed to be moving higher and higher.

"What's up with her?" His words dragged on and I could see the slow movements of his mouth as he formed them.

"Weed brownies," Michie said, sitting up properly with half her cleavage pouring out of her dress. It didn't go unnoticed by Raiden, who looked at her greedily as though she was the last fry in the packet.

My body felt like it'd been lifted off the ground, and one thought kept clouding my mind. Well, more like one person. But I tried to deal with the situation at hand.

"You two," I pointed at both of them, "slept together?"

Raiden chuckled. "I wish." He looked back at Michie, flustered uncomfortable Michie. She kept shifting on the bed, trying to adjust her red dress that just didn't want to stay still.

Eventually, Raiden took off his jacket and draped it around her bare shoulders. Cute.

"So why do you two look like you just went on a rollercoaster?" I slurred out, it was definitely getting harder to concentrate.

His mouth was moving to form his answer, but for some reason the sound wasn't reaching my ears. "Hold that thought I'll be right back." I brought my hand to silence him, needing some water to cool this brownie effect.

The journey back to the kitchen was confusing, I kept on stumbling on thin air and the walls attacked me every five seconds. "Ow!" I yelled after I collided with a wall yet again, but this time I decided to retaliate and punched it back harder.

"Ow!" it yelled back. Serves you right - wait, walls don't talk. I felt like I was losing my mind.

"Why did you punch that wall?" The voice came behind me, the same voice that yelled when I punched the wall. That makes more sense. "I felt that."

I turned to him. "You can't feel the pain of walls," I berated, now leaning on the wall I had just punched.

"That's where you're wrong Debbie." He came closer to me, the familiar smell of his Valentino cologne piercing my nose buds. "If I do this." He punched the wall right beside my ear, the action jolting me into his chest. "You would feel that."

I looked into his green eyes, they were hard set and clear. Then I looked at his cheek, the slightly red mark from when I slapped him now faded.

He wrapped his left hand around my waist while his other was still palmed against the wall. I felt so comfortable in that position, my mind still woozy as I nuzzled my head into the crook of his neck.

"I missed you." The words escaped my lips before I could think about it, and immediately it was out I regretted saying that.

I felt him stiffen. "I missed you too." He finally relaxed, holding me tighter in his arms before he let go. "Let's get some water in your system."

I followed him inside the kitchen, the platter of brownies now gone, only crystal particles remained. He lifted me and placed me on the kitchen counter before going to the fridge to retrieve a bottle of water.

"So," he started, sliding in between my legs as he handed me the bottle. "Slap anymore boys while you were avoiding me?" It came out playfully, but I could sense the slight anger in his voice when he said 'avoiding'.

"I was not-" He gave me a look that made me shut up immediately. I decided to change tactic. "My slaps are only reserved for boys that try to kiss me." Nice one, I praised, giving myself an imaginary pat on the back.

"But we had a deal." His eyes softened with understanding and his grip on my lap loosened.

"Don't think of it as a slap then." I held his jaw tenderly, my hands sliding to his cheek. "Think of it as a very harsh kiss on the cheek."

He frowned, now holding my hands. Unknowingly, I had put us in a very compromising position, with him between my legs and me leaning in to hold his face.

His eyes really were captivating, at this proximity I could see the green clearly, with tints of red hiding inside his irises. It truly was a peculiar sight, like a forest partially lit aflame.

Something sparked in my brain and before I knew it I uttered a word from a secluded part of my mind, a word that managed to seep through the door caging my memories, a word he registered so easily.



Ammolite? What could that mean?

How did you enjoy this chapter? Let me know in the comments ;)

I'd definitely kill for some weed brownies right now, school is so stressful.

Don't forget to press that star button ;p

Read, vote, comment and enjoy!!!

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