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"I still can't believe you put drugs in my coffee," Wilson huffed. He hadn't accepted anything offered to him from House since then- not like House had offered him anything, though.

"You didn't admit you were on happy pills," House countered as if that was a perfectly rational explanation.

"That's my personal life!! Not to mention you made me make a fool of myself in front of a patient!" Wilson raised his voice though he wasn't quite yelling. Since they were walking in the hospital a few heads were turned but they ignored this.

"It was a single patient, relax. You won't lose your career," House scoffed.

"Do you not care that- uugh, nevermind," Wilson put a hand to his head in frustration at the inability to talk any sense into House.

"Good. Then leave me alone so I can work," House approached his office and walked inside, leaving his friend outside. Wilson sighed and turned to leave before suddenly turning back around and storming inside House's office, feeling angry.

"You know what- you can't just give me drugs, make me embarrass myself, AND make me go through that shitty withdrawal just to satisfy your curiosity, not to mention you could've killed me and you don't even care!!" Wilson shouted, not even seeming to notice or care that Cameron and Chase were witnessing all of this.

"What's... going on?" Cameron asked with concern and curiosity, choosing her words carefully.

"I just gave Wilson some speed," House casually explained.

"You gave him drugs?! House, what were you thinking?!" Chase gaped a bit at his boss's seemingly endless stream of madness.

"He wouldn't admit-"

"That's personal, House!" Wilson cut him off, surprisingly silencing House. He looked over at Wilson for a second before turning back to Cameron and Chase.

"He's on antidepressants," House spoke quickly before Wilson could cut him off again, seeming to smirk a tiny bit.

"What?!" Cameron and Chase exclaimed at the same time.

"I- no I'm not!" Wilson shook his head, but his lying was terrible.

"Save the lying for me, you're worse than a five year old at it," House tapped his cane on the ground a bit habitually and impatiently.

"Why would you need antidepressants?" Cameron asked gently, ignoring House's comment.

"It's...- that's personal, okay? More importantly..." Wilson slowly turned to House, "Why did you tell them?!"

"Oops," House smiled mockingly for a brief moment before starting to leave the room.

"Where are you going?" Chase demanded.

"Our patient has an MRI," House irritatingly informed them of his apparent destination before leaving the room, eventually accompanied by Chase and Cameron. Cameron gave Wilson a sympathetic gaze and then turned her back once more, leaving to get the MRI done.

Word count: 456

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