Chapter 4 - Audition Drama

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"Achilles ..... blah blah yak yak .... Styx....yada yada blah....war..." 

Ughhhhhhhh. Usually I loved this class with the magic and myths and fun, and Mr. Quincy was explaining some popular myths. But my mind was fixed on the auditions! They were right after school in the cafeteria, and Barb and I are going straight there! I really really really hoped Barb would get the part, even if it's just one music video.

"Ok class! Class is almost over so make sure to choose a myth by tomorrow!" Mr. Quincy announced, concluding.



I still have to get through 5 more classes.


At PE Locker Rooms...

"I don't know what I'm gonna do Smidge!" I said, changing into my gym clothes. "This is a disaster!"

"Well, you could just back out," she suggested, fixing her hair bow.

"No way!" I exclaimed. I straightened my headband. "That's too embarrassing."

"Don't look at me, I have no idea," Smidge shrugged. I sighed, dropping my head into my hands. 

Smidge and I headed into the gym, ready for whatever Mr. Trollex had for us today. I really like him, he's really fun! And I'm always up for a challenge! But today, I was felling way out of sorts.

"WHAT UP CLASS?!" Mr. Trollex hollered, juggling a couple balls.

"HELLO MR. TROLLEX!" The class replied lively.

"So today," he started, building suspense. "We're!!"

"YEAHHHHHH!!" the boys hollered, giving high-fives. Most of the girls were enthusiastic, but some rolled their eyes. 

The scramble for teams began

"Wait wait wait," Mr. Trollex waved his hands. "I'm picking team captains.






What? Wait, I didn't want to be captain! But there was no arguing against Mr. Trollex, most kids hate to disappoint him. With an internal groan, I made my way to the middle of the gym.

A little later...

"Poppy!" Smidge exclaimed, passing the ball. I caught it and dribbled around the opposing team toward the hoop. 

"Ha!" Creek snatched the ball from me, and dribbled it away. Normally I would have been staring into nothing, probably swooning, but today I was not having it.

"Hey!" I exclaimed, running after him. A pink haired girl (Sprout, I think) ran around me, holding her hands open for a pass. But Creek ignored her, focused on the target. I stopped, and ran the other way, behind Creek. I reached for the ball, but he turned and pushed the ball toward my head.

"WHOA!" I slipped, falling.

"POPPY!!" I heard a voice shriek.

That's the last thing I heard till everything went black.


I slowly opened my eyes, blinking, and bright lights blinded me. I squinted, looking around. Was I at a hospital? But...BUT THE AUDITIONS! I HAD TO SUPPORT BARB!

"Poppy, honey?" A female voice asked. I turned my head to face Mrs. Essence, the school nurse. Oh, I was at the office!

"What happened? I asked, sitting up.

"Oh just a little basketball accident. You're fine, just have a small bruise on your cheek," she said, handing me an ice pack.

"Poppy! You're ok!" Barb grinned, coming in.

"Oh hey," I said smiling. "Wait...are the auditions over?" I asked, dreading the answer.

"Thank rockness no!" Barb smirked. "We can still make it if we hurry!"

"Mrs. Essence? Can I go now?" I asked. She nodded.

"Just be careful around that bruise!" She called as Barb and I rushed out the door.

"We're about 20 minutes late," Barb wheezed, stopping at the cafeteria door. I swung them open.

The boy band was sitting in the middle, facing the stage. There was no line, meaning the auditions were nearly over! There was only the two girls on the stage, singing along to the music. They had a beautiful duet, it honestly was really good! I recognized one as Jolly, and her friend had blond hair dyed blue.

"Ok so I guess we just wait in line here?" Barb whispered. The music stopped, and so did the girls.

"Nice singing!" D complimented.

"Mhm," the beanie boy agreed.

"Meh," Branch shrugged. He wasn't wearing thick layers, and I could actually see him.

Why is he so rude? What's his problem?

"You guys are late, and only one person at a time," Branch raised an eyebrow.

"We know we're late," Barb laughed. "And only I'm auditioning. Poppy doesn't want to."

Branch eyed me in his chair, and shrugged. "Just hurry up."

While Barb was singing her song along to the music, my mind wandered off into the dilemma I was in. I still didn't know how to cope with it!

"Okay that's enough!" D said loudly, signaling the music to cut. "Pretty darn good!"

"Yup," said the beanie boy.

Branch said nothing. Barb walked off the stage as the boys huddled up, talking.

"I think I did good! Riff actually looked through his beanie!"

"Riff?" I asked.

"The one with the beanie," replied Barb. She grabbed her backpack and rushed out the door, waving behind her. "Be right back!"

I began to follow her out, but tripped on a couple wires.

"Whoa!" I yelped. A speaker came crashing down behind me, knocking down a light stand! "Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry!" I exclaimed, bending down.

"Seriously? Just leave it!" Branch rolled his sky-blue eyes. No wonder girls thought he was cute, you could get lost in those eyes!

Wait what?

"Gosh I really didn't-

"Yeah right. Just like you didn't show up late on purpose to grab our attention," he said, not glancing up.

Something in me just...snapped. That's how he wants to play it?

"Just so you know, I didn't plan to get hurt so I'd be late to get here with Barb. And I also didn't drop that hot cocoa on you on purpose! You think you're such hot stuff, and you can talk however you please, but here's the deal: You may have millions of fans who are crazy for you, but I'm not one of them!!" I pointed a finger right at him.

Then it dawned on me what I just did. I just told of a celebrity in front of his friends and other people! I stepped back, my face heating up. I stole a glance at Branch. 

He actually, genuinely looked at me, surprised. I couldn't tell if he was mad or not.

"Um, just uh..." I stuttered. "Barbra was great, right? She really deserves the part. Please don't let this affect your decision! Okay have a good day!"

I rushed out the door with my backpack before anyone could say anything.

A/N Oooooh Drama Drama! Sorry for not updating, but I will keep at both my books for right now. Juggling. So I'll update the Rio/Trolls book next


Peace out!

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